Konnichi-wa! ^^
My Japanese classes stopped. Now there's nothing until school starts again, in August... *sighs* But it was fun. ^^ I learned the first part of Hiragana ^^ Bring it on! Me knows it! XD
So, well, my family (grandparents, oldie aunt, and a cousin) is here because of my grad. I just found out my parent's side of the family just arrived at another aunt's house... It may seem as a lot of people, but it's actually not. And definitely not compared to my whole family (which I don't even know... btw...) I swear, my grandma (dad's side) had this huge b-day party whith kinda 500 people... Who was not part of the family? 2%. Or less... lol ^^"
Ok, I gtg. Unfortunately, I won't be able to visit your sites today... Or yes. Donno, but probably not. Gomen!!
Well, here's a freaky pic ^^ lol Have fun! (and try not to have nightmares...) Later!