Olá! (in Portuguese)
How's everybody? I recovered from whatever I had before... I'm still not eating that much, but now I think that's just cuz I don't do anything much to actually get hungry. ^^
Today I did nothing much. I saw a movie and visited the new Wal-Mart lol Yeah, they opened one right in front of my house... it's cool, I guess. Nothing too different from other "big stores" here in Brazil.
Well... I tried to visit most of your sites today, but I couldn't finish before it was a "new day" (it changes at 1am) so... If I haven't visited your site, you know why... Sorry ^^'
Here's a piccy! Enjoy! Later!
Oh yeah! Btw... The guy from the other pic is Kira, from Angel Sanctuary! I knew I saw him before... I just love that guy ^^
Thanks to Blaized for discovering! Later!