Hey guys!
guess what? Internet is on and going on my pc. Finally! Now I can do whatever I want without having to check the time every 5 min cuz I have only 10 to be on the pc... -.-' sad, sad.
Anyway, nothing much is happening at school. Or life, either! I was pretty deppressed these days, but everything is all right now.
Do pray, though, for my cousin. Remember she had this serious disease? I don't think I talked about that... Well, it's some type of cancer (if I'm not wrong) and she's goig through surgery sometime in the beggining of next month... I'd tell you more details, but that would require lots of translation, especially of medical terms, and I really have no idea where to find that stuff ^^' Anyway, just please wish her the best of luck and pray it will go all right. I mean... for you to have an idea, even the amount of water she drinks can mean death. I'm serious.
Well, here's a random picture I like ^^ See ya!