Just a kinda quick post...
School sucks. I practically slept the whole day (literally) and I'm stuck on something... Is school just too boring or too easy? I'm guessing both, but I'm not sure yet. If someday I find the answer, I'll let you know....
Anyways, my uncle, aunt, cousin, family (lol) are going to sleep here again, so I'm sleeping in my bro's room. Means I'm using his pc, and he almost didn't let me take a look at myO... So I won't be able to visit your sites. Sorry! I'll probably do it tomorrow, though, but I'm not sure. I'm dying of boredom but I actually have stuff to do during the week... Impressive huh?
Hey! People! It's so good to be back! Ok, that's not what I was going to say. ^^'
Does anybody know how to get the links to songs? I don't want the clip, just the song... Thanks ^^
Now for the pictures!
lol Isn't this cute?! ^^ Poor Scorpio...
I love Hana-chan! And she looks so good in this pic!
Well, ja ne!