Aaaahhhh!!! Gomen nasai! Sorry! Desculpa! Je suis desolee! Perdon!
I came back, and then disappeared. Why do I always keep doing that?! It's as if all the time I have is to make a "monthly update" or something... which is horrible! School took up all of my free time. Is this life as a Junior? Oy... Does it get any worse in Senior year? I so want to go back to Kindergarden or Pre, when all you had to do all day was play and sing songs and not worry about responsibility... Sux, man! I mean, now even my weekends are crowded T_T
*sigh* I was gonna tell you this was the "bad news" and I had "good news" but there is no such thing at the moment. Israelis and lebanese are dying in the Middle-East; criminals here are once more attacking buses, banks, and government institutions; I have tons of homework... I guess good news would be that I'm still alive and well. Kind of tired, but my health's fine...
I miss spending hours in myO, looking at everybody's drawings, commenting, sending PMs...
Bah! Too depressing! I'll try to write something a better in the weekend or something. Or even get you people another one of my drawings or something, if I can finish it... Kind of hard, though.
How is everyone? You guys doing all right? Health okay? Peace okay? Sleep okay? Family okay?
~Hum... I still need to finish watching FMA... Gotta leave that for vacations now ^^'~
I guess that's all. ^^'
Ja ne~ =P