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Wandering at this moment through time...
Member Since
Real Name
Yuri aka Meka
Anime Fan Since
HHHmmmm good question don't rember
Favorite Anime
The Slayers,AngelSanctuary, Juvenile Orion, FMA,Cowboy Bepop, etc ^.^
live in Japan,go to Otakon,
Drawing,writing,reading,poetry, get on myo yea
Makeing my freinds laugh being a good laugh!!
| Yuri AngelofDeath
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Hey ppl,
i got new bg i have been really busy so i will put up my story later and thats y i havent commented on people onsites so i shall try ok deal with me k. ^_^ but i have to go cya

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Hey i have a new freind her name is AngelicDemon82 to so go and visit her ok well got go cya.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Yes i have a new theme!
hey what's upp, ive been busy with prom and aslo the libary has been closed for a while so that's why i haven't updated. I shall give my readers of my fan ficiton your story tommorrow anyway i got new look on my bg so hope you like it and today question of the day : what's yor favorite video game?
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
What's up ppl, today is was great not doing anything but chilling, that's it trying lok for a new bg but question of the day is what should be my new Background that best suit me?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Iam back i am sorry i didn't updat for a past week just, been with Rin synooske. He sick right now so thats y he hasnt updated. I was sick to but, am ok now. So Spring has started yeah i am so happy. Right now i am working on the drawings for the fan fiction its going be great ill post them soon. God, i am tired today so got to go question of the day is :IF YOPU HAD THE POWER TO BE IN ANY ANIME WHICH ONE WOULD YOU CHOOSE?
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Who would Love you A Vamppire Demon, or a Fallen Angel
Chapter 7
The werewolf looks at the group and smiles. A tall young man comes form behind the werewolf and looks at Rin. "Damn it let her go!" Rin yells. The Werewolf squezzes Yuri even harder make her scerm and lose her breath. "Riles, Lets go!", Rin says quickly and runs straight toward the werewolf. Riles vainshes and appears behind the oddly tall man "Damn you what does she have do with Shugo", he says as he points his sword towar the man neck. Merianna disappears and appear in front of the werewolf "Fire Sanctuary" She points ha finger and Fire bals hit the Werewolf form all direction making him drop Yuri. Yuri rools across the floor, Rin looks and stops and runs toward Yuri. Trio hold Yuri "Is she ok Trio?, Rin asks yelling. He hold Yuri and see that she badly wounded, and then he kisses her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT RIN!!!!", Trio says. Rin realizes what he did let go "It's not my fault i Am an the Angel Of Lust."Rin says with a concerned look. Merianna Flys behind the werewolf and he grabs her by the hair, holding her tight crushing her. Riles looks up "Merianna!" Shugo turns around and stabs Riles int the arm. "I was aiming for the Hear!", he smirks and diasppears "Lets go" he yells the werewolf looks and runs out. Droping Merrianna. She lay on the floor looking dazed she looks and "Riles" she yells. She runs over to him and sees him leanig againts the wall holding his arm "I am ok."he smiles. Rin what about Yuri? Riles asks. "She will have to be in bed for a while she's badly wounded she needs her rest," Trio says for Rin as he picks her up and takes her upstairs. Merianna looks "What does he wand with Yuri?" shes says softly. "I don't know and i would want to now", he looks at Merianna and stands up.Merianna looks as Riles as he walks upstairs.She looks down and thinks.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Hey I am back.......
Sorruy i havent beeen posting lately i just been with Rin alot. The libary was closed yesterday and i know you people are eager to know the next chapter of the story I am writing. My weekiend was great i had alot fun hanging out with rin. I warn you don see the ring 2 it's a pieace of crap. But, anyway here's a poem of the 2 day
As you go in out of time showing the light of your soul looking in the mirror reflecting your true form. Showing your true reflection in the mirror walking beyond the vail and dissapearing into the mirror of time.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Who would Love you A Vamppire Demon, or a Fallen Angel
Chapter 6
Yuri looks down, "Well, am a lil hungry." yuri says softly. "Go, to the dinning room and we will serve you dinnner." Rin smiles and says sweetly. All the sudden the girl who Yuri saw earlier pops in "god, Damn it Riles you bastard, I know you have Pain killers You, know i can't help her if This pain doesn't go away!" She screams to Riles. Trio walks up behind the girl and hit's Her in the Back of The head. "Damn it, Nako your'e blowing our cover!" Trio says with a harsh tone. "Yuri looks at Rin, i want to Know the Trtuh whats going on", Yuri screams. Merrianna looks sitting on the counter"I told you it was a bad idea Riles." She says softly. "Look sweety you are around many people who you think, " Rin over there is more that what you see." she says and walx close to Yuri and touches her cheecks and smiles showing her fangs. "Merrianna behave, Riles walks in front of Merrianna walx past Yuri and looks out the corna of His eye. "Well, since were talking about that the girl over there we call nako is really a guy, He has been in here for a while Serina had got hit by a car and was near death"Rin says looking at the floor."Nako had made a promise to keep his spirit in her body until she gets better, so he lives in her body for now, Me my self i am an angel of Lust, i had got shunned from heaven wishing to live again and so i made a pac with the devil to come back and do his bidings." Rin looks at Yuri an walks over and stands looking down at her. He puts his hand under her chin, " Aslo Riles And Merrianna are Vampire but Riles is the Recarnate of Dracula, and Trio over there is a Demon Of a lizard."Rin smiles and kisses Yuri softly. "You dont' Have to belive this but, This is the truth. "Rin walks away looks and Yuri and Walks in the hallway. Yuri loooks out the doorway and see that he suddenly had vainshed. Yuri looks and make a cup of hot chocolate, she looks down "Hey Yuri cheer up you don't have to be stuck in a girl body lol" nako says and smiles. "yea um.." Yuri walks away looking down she walk down to the dinning room ballroom. She see's Merrianna
and Riles and Rin sitting at the Table, "are you scared of us?" a voice says quitely in her head. Yuri looks around and Riles looks at her and smiles. Rin tries not to look at yuri and looks away. Nako runs in "yesssssssss, Serina is healthy again i can finally have my body back Yes!" Nako yells and Jumps up and down. Yuri sits and looks at Everyone "so waht are we going to do huh?" as Merrinna says and something blasts throught the wall. "what the hell,!" A werewolf of black shade stands in the middle of the floor looking at the group, a guy standing in a black trench coat with tan hair and silver hair looks at rin. " I can see you have, a new guest in the house !" he smmiles and grins".the werewolf grabs yuri and holds her tightly "aahhhhhhhhh
(Come back for the next chapter who will love you and the question of the day is :IF YOU COULD BE ANY ANIME CHARCTER WHO WOULD YOU BE?)

me and my teddy



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Thursday, March 17, 2005
-Happy St patircks day-
Hey what's up(appears leaning against the wall) it's St Patrick Day, evrything going good on my end. I hvent' writtien the story i know but, right now i am looking for pics for the story but, i shall post it tommorrowXD/ Anyway how you'r goin so far and the question of the day is: WHO IS UR FAV CHARCTER SO FAR IN WHO WILL LOVE YOU A VAMPIRE, DEMON OR A FALLEN ANGEL? AND, HERE'S A lil pic for St Patrick's Day lol^_^

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Ok guys, last nite me and him got in a big situation and i feel i love him and i had to think to my self do i really do. And, now i know i won't let anyone take him away from me. Nothing wil stand in my way, I will mery my love who grown so close to my heart bcuz i love him with evrything in my soul no lie.

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