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Wandering at this moment through time...
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Yuri aka Meka
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HHHmmmm good question don't rember
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The Slayers,AngelSanctuary, Juvenile Orion, FMA,Cowboy Bepop, etc ^.^
live in Japan,go to Otakon,
Drawing,writing,reading,poetry, get on myo yea
Makeing my freinds laugh being a good laugh!!
| Yuri AngelofDeath
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
 What Anime Vampire Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.

Awww he looks just like naruto kawaii
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Me and kawaililblu
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Who would love you a Vampire, A demon or A fallen Angel
Chapter 5
Yuri stares at the ceiling all the sudden a girl pos up in her face." hey you girl do you have any pain killers?" yuri looks in confusemnet and sits up."no, um... who are you?" well. it isn't my fault that i, then riles runs in and covers her mouth "God damn it, Nako!" Riles sys in a mad harsh voice "Nako what that's a girl, Yuri says in confused way. Yuri sits on the bed looking at Rile and this girl who name is Nako. Rin walks in " Jeez, your suppose to be quiet about this you idiot!" Rin says harshly while smaking the girl on the head!" It's no my fault i have harsh pains" The girl says rudely Riles grabs the girls hand "lets go deagging her out the Room. Rin and Yuri stare as they walk out. "Dont, mind her Yuri ther's alot to explain." Rin says quietly. But, you should get dressed and get ready we are going to have dinner soon."rin looks up, And Trio get out the shdows and stop peeking on Yuri!",Rin says as he walks out the room. Yuri looks and he See a tall figure of Green blushish hair and red eyes with tanish tone to his figure. "Awww, your no fun Rin, Um.. hi Yuri as he walks out and closes the door." Yuri sits looking "um... ok what just happen"Yuri gets up and walks to the closet and get the clothes on.
Yuri walks down the hallway Finally dressed and looks around she finally gets to the end of it. She walks down the steps to the Dinning room as she turns, she see a female standing talking to Riles. She had Pink long hair and green eyes of twightlight moon. Fair cream skin and was dress in a black fishnet and sum black tight black pants. She had her hands on her hips." Riles, listen to me you have this human girl here we could get found out, she says concerning. She looks out the corna her eye. well, she a cute she lix her fangs." "Miranna don't we can't touch her remember." Riles says quietly. "aww, your no fun Can't I have some fun jeez." Miranna says. Rin grabs Yuri "hey I see your finally came down ?" he ask sweetly.
Well. i'll post more tommoroww I g2g cya ^_^

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Ok.. am back Posting the story a lil later
Ok.... srorry i haven't posted in while, and i left you hanging on the story. Stupid computers at my school. But, anyway i shall be posting the chapter 5 a lil later and i love my new bg and melissa is back yah she was gone a while i had missed her but check back later and it shall be up of chapter 5. Ok cya later oh yea question of 2 day wat is your fav anime or manga series?
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Friday, March 11, 2005

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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Who will love you a Vampire,a Demon, or A fallenAngel
Chapter 4
Yuri sits and thinks of which where to go. "I really need to get home my parent's are visiting me tonight i totally forgot"She think to her self."I could take the long way but, I am in a hurry" Yuri says to her self. She makes the decision to go down a alley which will take her to her house. As she walks she feels a erey presence once again. She turns around and see a dark figure"who are you?" she asks in a shaky voice. She turns around and starts running and the man grabs her arm and pushes her against the wall. "where you going you lil cutie" the man smiles and grins."Eww you smell like alcohol!", yuri screams. Yuri trys to get out the mans grasp and try to kick him.The man start to strip her, but as he is doing this a tall figure hits the old man in the head and he lets go Yuri. Yuri hits the ground hard, As she lyes on the ground the man and the tall dark figure fight. Yuri loses consciousness, and tall figure grabs her. "Are you ok?" the last thing she hears before she blacks out.
Few hours later Yuri wakes up, and sees it is dark. She could see that she was on the bed and in a strange type of room. She sits up and sees that her clothes are all riped up she walks toward the door and bumps into a tall guy. She looks up and see's he Has long silver her and red eyes and was a mascline figure and in a towel. (^_^)She blushes "Oh am sorry i didn't see you there" Yuri says sweetly. The tall guy says nothing and walks of murming. She looks and confusiong and looks around when she op0ens the door. The tall guy who she bumped into (earlier in the story) stands in the doorway. "I see that your awake." He smiles a gentle smile. "If you need clothes look in that clost over there there's evrything you need." He says and walks off"Wait, what's your name?"Yuri asks questionly. "My name is Rin synoske just call me Rin and the guy you bumped into was Riles he doesn't talk much." Rin says and put his hands in his pockets and walks down the hallway. Yuri smiles and closes her door and sits on the bed trying to rember what happen earlier. She lays back on the bed and stares at the ceiling and all the sudden.
(if you want to know what happen come back tommorrow and i'll tell you)
I have a question for 2 day to: Kurama and Hiei are they gay or just close friends it's been a debate bettween me and Rin Synoske.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Who will love you a Vampire,a Demon, or A fallenAngel
Yuri turned around and wlaked down path thinking that presence she keeps feeling llike someone is watching her. As she walks long, she bumps into a guy. "hey watch whereyour going!" Yuri says harshly. She looks up and see's a tall figure of black long hair in a pony tail. His eyed glowed a majestic blue glow. He was tall and slightly built. Yuri blushed a little and haslty turned quickly and started walking faster. "Hey where you going aren't you going say sorry?" the guy said in a slightly harsh tone. She said nothing and kept walking. The guy looked at Yuri and smiled and walked off.
Yuri finally reached kimiko's house. She knocked and ringed the door bell. Kimiko answered the door smiling "Hey Yuri what's wrong?" "Oh nothing jut thinking lets get to studying ok",Yuri said in a quicken voice.
Later that evening Yuir looked at the time and seen that she needed to go "Oh crap i need to go home!" Yuri said loudly. She grabbed her coat and ran out the door. "cya kimiko!" As she walked down the path she looked and seen that it was really dark and erey.
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Who would love you? A Vampire, A demon, Or An Angel?
Chapter 2
"Man,that was a great sleep i need sleep like that more often." Yuri jumps out of bed and walks down stairs. She goes into the kitchen to make breakfast. "Hmmmm, what do i want?" Yuri says thinking to her self. She peeks her head into the fridgerator. "Man, there's nothing in here i really need to go to the market!" Her black kitten Reaper jumps on the counter "meeeoow." Yuri looks around the fridgerator door and smiles. She close the fridgerator door and looks at that the time."Oh yea kimiko and me suppose to study tonight."Well, I might just walk and take a shower early so i can get thee on time." "What, do you think Reaper?"Yuri smile and pets reaper lil head. Reaper looks up all confused "Meow".
Later that day Yuri gets ready to go over Kimiko's house. She walks around the house doing her hair. Reaper follows her every move and pouncing on her pants leg. "Reaper stop it come on, I have to go." "Meow" She looks up, Yuri leaves some cat food and water in her dish and leaves out the house. As she walks down the street the midday sun glare hits Yuri's Gray baby-blushish hair makin it sparkle. She put her hands in her hoody pockets and walk down the street. As she walks she feels the same presence she felt in school that day. She turns around "Who's there answer me!" nothing but tree slight blowing in the wind. She finally gets to kimko's house, she rings the door bell and wits for second. Kimiko
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Who would love you? A Vampire, A demon, Or An Angel?
Chapter 1
Konichiwa. My name is Yuri Miawara. I am 17 yeras old I attend Shigewaaa High School. I have led a relatively noraml life... until that one night my whole life changed...
"Oh Sh*tt, I am late." Yuri jumped out of bed and slid into the bathroom. She began brushing her teeth and doing her She then ran out the door with her breakfast in her mouth. "hey Kimiko," she yelled as she ran by, eating her breakfast. Kimiko looked up after seeing a blur of a schoolgirl that was Yuri."Hey Yuri um... watch out for that mail box!!!" Yuri turned around to Kimiko just before she slammed right into the mailbox of which Kimiko spoke and fell to the ground, with her books far behind..."Itai!That hurts! Yuri moaned.Kimiko ran over to her injuried friend. Slowly she put her hand out to help Yuri up. "See, that's what you get for being in a hurry."Kimiko admonished. Kimiko was a frail girl with long hair to her shoulders in a beautiful shade of blue and had astoniushing green twightlight eyes. Yuri herself was very beautiful, if a little dutzy at times... She had long hair that ran down her back that was a tint of blue and silver. Her eyes represented the moon if you started hard enough into them."Well, I mean..I really didn't want to leave you waiting for me or to be late to school", Yuri exclaimed as she looked down, brushing herself off. "Well, sincer you're here, kets get going to school then", Kimiko said and smiled...
Later the two arrived at school. Yuri looked behind her shoulder, "What's wrong, Yuri?" Kimiko asks as she turns around to look at her. "um.oh nothing..Let's get to class,Yuri said hurriedly. She then grabbed Kimiko's arm and walked to class...
(ok sorry i couldn't finish ok but, am now)
The end day finally arrives..."yes! Doomo arigato kami-sama, it's Friday, Yuri cherred as she streched in the midday sun. "Damn it! But we still have a test we have to study for...", Yuri sighed and looked down. "hey! just come over my house tommorow and I'll help you to study for this one! And you can't fai; on this test!", Kimiko smiled and patted Yuri on the back. " Ok.I'll come over at nooon, ok? See yah Kimiko!" Yuri then ran off screaming to her house. As she walked down the sidewlk, she stared at the sky. She wondererd what was the strange feelin "oh well," she replied to her self and ran home. When she got home, she walked in her door, dropped her stuff on the floor and headed to her bedrooom. With all the Grace of a fish out of water., she flopped onto her bed. She turned and looked out the window at the massive pearl-white moon. She gave a fond smile and quickly fell asleep.
The next day her alarm went off, She rolled over to only see that its was early in the morning. "uhg, ..why is this alarm so loud?", she replied with a response. She reached over to alrm and knocked to the floor and it turned off. She sat up in her bed,and looked out the window.
ok keep in store for the next chapter of my story ok ^_^
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
my ever devoted love, amy lee, the way goth chicks should really look like

Hey wasspu it is snowing again and am sick of it, i really miss school but, should i comlpain no but hey Rin synoske is on vaction so thats why he hasnt posted so dont wroy he will be back ok cya
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