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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
RE: Darn it!
If you go to my guestbook you can see it.... I just don't know why it won't work on the main page thingy!
(Sorry if somebody doesn't like the pic... I like it... but I have no clue what anime it came from...I think I'm going to change it to something else once I get the chance to find a different pic)
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Darn it!
This site still won't work properly! The transparancy (don't know how to spell that.... lol) STILL won't work... I have a really sexy pic as the bg... but you guys just can't see it! DARN IT!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
My site...
I've been trying to catch up with my site... visit all the people's sites who've visited mine and signed my gb... I think I got to everyone's... if I didn't PM me and let me know... sorry it took so long... I haven't had very much time.
Happy Christmas Eve to everyone... hope you all have a good Christmas and get everything you want! :D
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
HitokiriAiko yet again!
I am adding another aubs pic! This one has a link to his site! I messed with an html and got it to work! Mua ha ha ha!

A link to my site! click on the funny picture... duh
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
HitokiriAiko again!

This is my (keyword:My, as in me as in HitokiriAiko) Fanclub for Aubrey A. McVaymen.
Yuri Shoujo is 2nd member.
If you wanna joing pm me!
but... be warned...
by joining you agree to the following terms...
1) You will not, in any way, Say that Aubs is yours.
2) You will not, try to pass me up as far as knowing Aubs or being his friend goes. Even if you do pass me up...
3) You will not, take this seriously, Even though we all love Aubs... He is probably creeped out by me and everyone else who joins this.
4) You will: Visit HitokiriAiko's (my) Fanart! And vote... commenting is optional...
Rule #4 is selfish and greedy... but necessary! :P
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This is Purgatory here!
UI did it! I made her site the way it's suppose to be! Hope you like it!
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Just wanted to post and tell everyone that Aubrey is sexy! (Look at the pic on his site.... :D) www.myotaku.com/users/jangalian (Annie got me to look at your pic... never knew it was you... man your HOT! :D) (Also... I told her I was gonna' tell you you were sexy, but she wouldn't beleive me :P)
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
This is HitokiriAiko... I am once again f***ing w/ Yuri Shojo's site... The friggin transparency won't work!!! i tried like everything... whatever, I don't care... It bothers me... WHY THE HELL WON'T IT WORK!?!?!?
It works on my site, just not hers... KUSHOU!
Okay. i'm done... and i turned the comments on... ^_^
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Well lots has happened since I last posted... stayed at HitokiriAiko's house last weekend. We had fun... watched lots of Anime (especially Gravitation... which is totally awesome) and I think I found the first true love of my life, ANDY! He is super adorable... I love him to death!
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Hey everybody... whats up?
Well first off I would like to say that I am huge fan of Yuri/Shoujo-ai... and I like Gravitation (Yuki is so sexy...) I haven't been a fan of anime very long... my friend is the one who got me into it... I don't know very much about anime, but I am learning. If anyone would like to chat you can send me a private message...
Well... I'll talk to all you guys later...
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