Thank you everyone for those wonderful comments and those who made cards and pmd me.Thank you all!*hugs*
Most especially to the sweetest person
yukina123.My hana-chan,,or someone's hana-chan now!lol..just found out she's going out with Damanex,,ooopss!..am I allowed to say that?..(uh-oh.)..oh well,,lets see if I'll like this couple.My favorite couple so far is Kathy and Josh..^__^
On monday,my Mom and I would go to the hospital for my check-up(again)..for second opinion.I dont trust the last one.So,lets see what stage is my condition now.
About my day..oh!lets start last night.Im on a night shift again!(yay)I was at work.My boss came to me and asked for my full name.She said since Im not joining any sport(about the Sportfest)..she'll sign me in the cheering squad!..im like shut up!..No way Ma'am..I cant do that!,,NO WAY!..are you kidding.Im here to work not to join a cheering squad.In the end,I won.She didnt made me join that..Its just not my thing.I remember back in college,we have to do it and I thought I look silly with the uniform.
Got home by 8:00 am..coz we had a meeting.And im so proud to say that among my co-workers Im the only one who got 100% grade last week.Its an evaluation about one's performance.Its because I didnt commit any errors last week.Thats an achievement for me.And now my officemates hate me now..^^
See you next week!
Blessed be...