Time posted: 2:30 pm
Right now Im doing a research.Its for my Culture & Traits class.We have to make a representation of Israel,its a group project,and I was assigned to research for their language,Hebrew..interesting..O_o.Im getting a little bored in school..well,actually..I sleep most of the hour..my classmates and professor were sympathetic since they know I work at night.But I dont intentionally sleep,,its just sometimes,I cant help it.
Im a bit sad because Im gonna leave my job,,well not the job,I mean my friends..they're all nice to me..after all,despite the bullying..nah..
Last sunday(June 4),was my Dad's birthday.It was held in our resthouse at Antipolo..and I was surprised when his guests arrived.There were a few prominent people including the deputy commissioner of NTC(National Telecommunications Commission,phils), Jorge V. Sarmiento.I dont know him at all,it was my sister who told me who he was.Im like "oohh". I stayed in a hut and just watched tv,,I wasn't having fun,and I felt like I wasnt needed there,because it was more like an adult party,so..
I think that's about it..i have researched enough so now Im signing off..
Gotta slumber the hours away...
Blessed be...