Alright alright I know I know...I have been a complete lazy butt and have not worked on this site in like forever.
This is the far I could go,changing my avatar.^^; That avi was made by inuyasha311 a long long time ago.I stole it!bwahahaha!..j/k
Hmm,making you guys vote for my new theme sounds great.But the problem is,I dont really have anything in mind on what theme I wanna use.It should depend on my mood.If I feel like killing my brother-in-law,I'll use a Marilyn Manson wallpaper.o_0. Ok,Ill stop it.I realized something last night.I was thinking about the feud between him and me..that It should end.I thought I should stop being bitter about everything,,like when my sister married him.I realized that I cannot do anything about it.I noticed that he's starting reaching out to me,like that one time when he asked me If I saw "Pirates of the Caribbean".Thats really something because we never had small talks.So,Ive decided to end the war.
While realizing that last night..I started thinking that I wanna "re-invent" myself.I was feeling depressed lately,or bored of myself so I thought I wanna do some changes.Starting from being good to my brother-in-law,Ill try to do good to myself too.Like,taking care of myself.Waking up early,exercising,doing household chores,cleaning my room(totally!),start on my art project,learn to play keyboard and practice more with my guitar!Sounds really ambitious,eh?Boy,was I bored last night!^___^
Blessed be...