..for this year.
I am really excited for this year to end.I mean 2006 was really bad to me.Terrible things had happened--
1.my cousin's house burned down
2.had a breast surgery
3.quit job for school
4.death of my aunt's and other deaths because of the typhoons
5.I turned 20
The surgery was really traumatic for me.I can still remember the surgeon singing.."Like a surgeon,cutting for the very first time!..hey!"^^ I wish those evil lumps will never come back.
My birthday this year is the worst..well,its always bad,but this year is the one that I will never forget.
Thanks ElvesAteMyRamen,for believing that Im not FAT.Im going to believe that too..^^
Guess Ill be back next year so Im wishing you all a Happy new year!Im really excited,2007 seems really bright for me.It has to!Im not drinking again since Im allergic to alcohol.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!There's firecrackers everywhere..its scary outside.
Blessed be...