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Thursday, September 22, 2005
personal topics
updated my personal topic things...take a look
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
cant talk long....
today i marched the bass in a parade....so tired.after that i hung out with my sister and her friends forever....then got home, and went to see CRY_WOLF with the drumline hank and hannah!!!^^hannah is so hott dude...i think i might ask her out...^^!!!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Star Wars Quizzes!!!!
 You've made a yellow Lightsaber
Yellow is the color of Honor and Loyalty. It symbolizes caution and foreboding in either direction of the blade, Meaning that the owner is relatively cautious...but also to be cautious of them. Since Yellow stands for both Honor and Cowardice, Once should always think twice before attacking someone with a Yellow Saber.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
 The light side. You are a true jedi. You are strong enough to be one with the force without being corrupted by it. This means that you will be aiding the rebbles in the never-ending battle against the dark side. I have a good feeling about your power, yound padowan...
Are You Mentaly Strong enough to be a Jedi? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, September 9, 2005
my week
my week was pretty good.(except for being sick)drumline went really good cause i know my parts.(that was the highlight of my week actually)so yeah today i went to see my 6th grade teacher and 6th grade music teacher.so yeah, the teacher was freaked at how tall i had become.and i offered to help the music teacher's percussion section.and if i can get to talkin with my middle school music teacher i will help HIS percussion section too.i am pretty much screwin' myself now.if this happens this is my WEEKLY schedule
Mon:(2:30-3:30)Go to Middle School after school ends for Mr.Colvard's Perc.
Tues:Finish Homework(4:30-5:00)Bike Ride
Wed:(2:30-3:30)Bass Drum Sectionals
Thurs:Finish Homework(4:30-5:00)Bike Ride
Fri:(3:00-3:30)Go to Elementary School after school ends for Mrs.Nichols' Perc.
Some Fridays:(5:00-12:00)Marching Band Games
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 You are Gohan! You have alot of friends which means you're popular, and your attacks are awesome! (so are your clothes!)You're REALLY strong!
What DBZ character are you? (HERO) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, September 2, 2005
3 day weekend!!!
yes!!!!it is a three day weekend this week and i am supa sore and supa dupa tired.i am SOOOOOOOOOOOO sleeping in!neways the fair is here.i might go with erin er someone like that...dunno.the food there is really good!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
First Game
last night was the bands first game!it was so hot with the uniforms on.and i didnt even get to bed till 12:30.i was at the school for 4-5 hours then we left to the university.so yeah i was at i was at my house for about 3 hours yeaterday.yeah it sux.
when we got back to the High School, one of the Drumline leaders was all"Zac when you put your drum away, stay in the drum closet.we have candy!"
instantly i remebered the horrifying stories i have heard of all freshman on the drumline getting drum raped!its when the uperclassman tackle you and all of them just start to hump ya!!!in mind mind i screamed bloody murder.in real life i screamed.really.and what sucks is that if you dont put your drum away in the drum closet, you have to run laps.so after a while of avoiding them all, they werent looking so i dashed to my drum and sprinted as fast as i possily could to the drum closet put my drum away and tried to get out of there.i was almost out when the leader jump through the door and a guy behind him closed the door.i couldnt get out.so i had to hold on to something.i held on to the door knob.so Jason(the leader)pulled on me to get me offa the door knob as hard as he could after about three minutes of holding onto this door knob he gave up.so i had dodged being drum raped at least last night....there are still like 5 more games and a couple festivals and tour...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, August 22, 2005
so i promised i would tell yalls how it went and here i am: all i can say is that its gonna be a long year.
So yeah i really dont have much to say except a couple things
1. Kelsey and Erin are still unbeilivably hot!!!!!!!!!!!!^^V
2.My Science class and Algebra class are extremely hard.i can tell already.
3.I almost missed my bus...again.
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