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myOtaku.com: yuske starwind

Friday, August 12, 2005

   such a bad dream.
ah yes,well first off i just wanna say sorry for not getting to some of your sites.also thanx for all the happy birthday wishes my littel sister got from you guys.that was cool.ah now for the horrendisly bad part,my dream last night.now just as a fair warning this may be kind of a long post.well it starts as i'm runninmg through my living room because i'm hearing these sounds.the sounds are like the sounds that godzilla makes but on a much smaller scale because it turns out to be this littel mini dinosoure thingy.now seeing a littel dino sour thingy was soooo cool that i just ran up and started studying its every move.then my mom walks in and see's me studying this littel dinosour thingy and informs me that i was allowed to adopt it as my pet so i'm thinking how cool is this my very own littel dino sour thingy.so of course i said yes.so just after saying this right then bam the dinosour thingy was mine.we became quick friends.first i had to come up with a name.my mom suggessted mary,so thats what his name ended up being.....mary.i wanted to give him some cool japanese name like hiroshi or koji.but no i had to be mary.well n e how we became good friends.one morning mary woke me up and made me give him a walk around the block.when we came back we played a round of dbz bodikai.he totaly wooped my butt.then later that day we watched yu yu hakusho:rescueing ukina.at the end togoru easily beat yusuke and ate ukinas brain.i got really mad at that.but at least i had mary to share my anger with.i was shouting all sorts of profanities in english and mary was shouting all sorts of profanities in dinosour/godzilla language.ah yes we pretty much continued stuff like this for a month until one day mary was no where to be found.i looked everywhere,under my bed under various tables but my friend was no where to be found.the next day my mom gave me the news that she had accidintally sucked mary up as she was vacuming the floor.unfortonitly mary had only a few more minutes to live after that.it was there that i watched my friend die.sigh it was very sad.and if that wasn't bad enough my entire dvd collection witch consisted entirely of wrestling and anime dvds had all turned into tales from the crypt dvds.now i absolutly hate tales from the crypt because of the main charactor.the crypt keeper.god i can't stand him.that talking corpse and i have been mortal enimes for as long as i can remember.but luckaly it was there that i woke up.but i was in a puddle of my own tears.i mean it was kind of a weired dream but man it was sad.well thats all for now.

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