AIM XxIchiharaxX E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger magical_kara
Female Location japan Member Since 2006-09-24 Occupation sorry my head hurts just by looking at that Real Name i'll tell you, but its gonna cost you something ^^
Achievements just sitting around drinking with mokona, nah i try to be something....When I finish drinking this...>_> Anime Fan Since ever since sailor moon came out, i am still a PROUD FAN!!!! >8D Favorite Anime I <3 Anime/Manga. If I were to name them all onto this little will not show up. Well it'll show up, its just wont show ALL of it. 8/ Goals to be.....something....ummmmm...i'll get back to u on this.. :P Hobbies drawing, reading Yaoi! and others, Yaoi!, drinking with mokona, Love anything tats Yaoi!, bossing around Watanuki, and mostly more drinking and again Love Yaoi! Talents um...drawing, i suck at this x_x' yuuko ichihara
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hi!! sorry, if i still haven't wrote tat much..-.- *feels bad* anyways just running over here, well today is like the only day i get to go online, just to say love u all no matter wat, and just to Happy Mothers day! and to say Happy B-Day to one of my friends, his b-day is today! and to say, Thanks for inviting me to one of my others friend, i had fun with you yesterday, becuz i was at six Flag...almost threw up, but i didn't. hee-hee...okay i did threw up..but it was at home.^^' well tats all, bye bye! and to all of my friends on Myo, i really misses u all!!>.<...but i don't have time to get online anymore..
Hey there!! Sorry if i haven't been on...i don't have time to go to anyone site rite now..i'm not feeling well today...and i haven't been on, becuz i was home..doing HW...-_-'..i'm so sorry. well talk to all of you guys later, kay? bye!^^
Hi! Well heres another movie! theres not alot of pix, this one seem REALLY hard to look for!!>< well its call "The Duel" This one i liked it, becuz i love the actor! hes the one with the curly hair, only if they had more Screenshot, i could of showed u guys a better shot!^^' oh and i'm just rplying^^!
furubaFANN: Well it a good movie, you should watch it!! its so romantiv and sad at the same time!^^ *Hugs!*
EmikoMai: Hee-hee! well you should see it, i RECOMMEND U, 2! hehehehe!^___^ and talk to u later, 2!! Mimiko-Chan!^___^ *hug!*
Jikan-Aoi: hee-hee!^__^ u do?? tats so GOOD TO HEAR!! *Hugs!* hee-hee!
edmari: I know! its SO COOL! i so LOVE IT!! but the ending was so sad...oppp! OxO i just spilled it!(stop talking about movie) anyways u did? well hope u remember which movie she came from!^__^ *Hugs!* LOL!
naturalrookie13: Hee-hee!XD no, Haru-Haru-Chan, shes a goddess!^^ you know something i wander, 2. hahahaha! hey ur giving me WAY to much idea!! XD!!!!
Mimi-Mako: Yep yep! you should! and yes, is AWSOME! *Hugs!* hehehehe
Hippie25: awww, i was about to say, u know tat movie???? tat would be SO COOL! and yes that movie does has a good story line!^^ *hugs!*
wallpaperotaku: HEY!!! OMG! i so miss u!! i haven't seen u in FORVER!^^ and wat?? u can't see the pix?? Damn u computer!>< and i do?? i don't think i would sound tat happy..but i think i am..starting 2.^^ *hug!*
well hers the pix, i also putted the URL, if it doesn't show up.
Well tats all, i'll post up another movie tomorrow!^^
Well heres my second movie, tat i seen. if anyone of u guys seen it already, tats good to hear.^^'...i mean, this one is call, "The Promise" i so love it! its so SWEET! and also sad(the ending). anywho, the evil guy is this one hottie Nicholas Tse! he so CUTE! he was also the same guy from "A Chinese Tall Story"(the one guy with the gray clothes, or the monk.) i just wanted to reply, even dough i kind of did in my commentXP.
Jikan-Aoi:As i said, its about a fantasy, Sci Fi, and a romance! between tat girl who has gray clothes on, and tat one monk, in the blue, or the guy in gray clothes.^^
edmari:Yay! u commented! this is the second time! *hug!* anyways no, tats not Jet Li, hehehe, its a hottie call Nicolas Tse! and yes, u should watch it!
Mimi-Mako:Yeap! its good u should watch it!^__^ and ur icon ROX!
Hikaru Hitachiin: i know Lovu-Lovu, i just felt left out, thats all.^^' *Hugs Back!* hee-hee!^__^ glad to see u commented!
Zakuro Fuiiwara:Yay!! you commented! i'm so HAPPY!!^___^ and yes, i 2, love the song! and the post thinging?? like how i put pix below my post? well theres a code, 2, it. i'll give it to u, when i talk to on the PM, k?^__^
Anyways heres the pix!^^'
This is the goddess tat give the girl a life as a princess
This is the girl tat the goddess give the life of a princess 2
Okay, this is the good guy, well its seem like it, but in the movie, hes a general and own a slave.
Okay, this is the slave. he may look werid, but hes a strong figther, becuz he came from this one place, and hes the only survier, and his power is like..i dunno to be really fast, so tats a good thing.^^'
This is the princess, and the general, its seem like she has fallen for him
And this is the movie poster
okay, these are just random.^^
Thats all wished it had a music, like the other one.^^ well tats all!^___^ hope i was a help!^^ i'm trying to look for scary movie..buts i keep forgetting the title.
Hey! So Sorry if i haven't posted in weeks! well from now on, i'll just post up movies tat i seen, and would love to for you guys to watch it, 2! so i'm just gonna show pix of movies tat i think were sad, nice, romantic, cute, anf effin funny!^^' well my first one would be this movie. i think it was nice, the ending was so sad. and romantic at all the same time. its call, "A Chinese Tall Story" Hers some pix and this is the song in tat movie, i think it sound sweet!!^^(there all RANDOM)
Well today is going fine..i hope..i just don't know if i'll be okay...becuz of what happen, i don't know if i'll be okay after that. but i'm sure i'll be okay! as i say alot, i must be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!^__^'...well tat is all, thanks u all! hee-hee! oh, and i almost forgot, thanks to Lover Hikaru-kun(luv u! ^_~), he helped me with my post, so yay!^__^ i love it! hee-hee! its jsut so awesome! .
OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! I'm like freaking out rite now!>__< yesterday my little nephew accidently pour water on my essay, and ripped my poster!!!>_< OMG! OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! now wat am i suppose to!! the project is due on Monday!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! my head hurts!!!
Hey everyone!^___^ sorry, if i'm like not on, been really busy(gotten busy ever since my mom found my grade) well i'll try my best to get on! i promise!^__^' hee-hee, well as i said, i have to do my math lesson, then go off and do my project(a 5 essay about the stonehenge) then make a poster about the stoneheng, then i gotta make it colorful, neat, blah, blah, blah!! then after tat, i have my other business to handle, so i don't know if i can, but as i said, i promise!:D!! hee-hee, well see ya!!^_^
Well just posted this up, cuz i changed my bg! i loved how the person who maded this BG!! They so RULES!! anyways this is my little sis!(BG) shes so CUTE!!!(she may look scary, but shes cute! to me!) anyways thats all, gotta go!(Can't stay long, 2) Bye bye!
anyways i take tat back!>< i'll decided to do the St Partick thing later. now i'm looking for a new BG, so i'm gonna go striagt to anything i find. so....sorry!!>_< i'm just gonna have to fix my site again. anyways hows everyone? hope ur good!^^ i just hope Syaoran, Kurogane, and Fai, would give me my white day present!!!....oh wait..tats on white bad. and again, i have just rebougth this game, its call tales of Sypomhina(sorry, i forgot how to spell lazy to look for it-_-') i love it when they say, "Darvwn(i still can't spell><)number 7!, Justices and Love always win!! hahahaa....hope i spell tat rite...crap...