You're the "everyday" girl! You more
than likely live in some small village or town,
isolated enough that perhaps the growing
turbulence of the outside world is little more
than a passing thought in your mind in the
beginning of the tale. You often live with
some kind of parent-figure, and are expected to
do chores before having any free time...which
you will more than likely use to daydream about
more exciting things. One day your wish may
come true, as you end up being swept away into
some large conflict/quest that you had never
fathomed actually happening to you before.
Expectations and revelations about your true
self will become a large burden on your
shoulders, and although you are often scared or
confused you try your best. Feminine while at
the same time very tomboyish, you'll probably
end up developing a good balance between
physical attacks and magic skills along the
way, and your innocence and compassion will win
you many comrades. Even in your imagination
you probably never expected to turn into a
much-loved heroine!
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla