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Quiznos sammich ninja
Real Name
Momochi Zabuza
Raving Ninja clan Elder
Anime Fan Since
About 7 years
Favorite Anime
Get a Subaru STi, visit Japan
Video games, cons, being a loving boyfriend
I bring good fortune to those who can weild my awesome power!
"When a person has something important to protect, ... that is when they can truly become strong."

give Zabuza-kun more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Thanks to Kawaii Seth for beginnings and NejiSlave128 f
Friday, December 16, 2005
Hey I want to have fun. I graduated and I need to get out all my excitement. Local friends, call me and we'll plan something. my number is 388-5699.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving break
I'm free from school for now. I'm in Flower Mound visiting family.
I feel pretty good right now.
i guess. I'm kinda posting without a topic, just a post just because. Meh.
Anyway, friends, have a happy Thanksgiving and whatnot, doing whatever you do.
And have a happy National XBOX 360 Day too! i wish i had one. Maybe by March i'll have one.
Anyway, I'm on MySpace more often now, so if you want me, here I am:
My Profile
Love you friends!
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
I'm feeling kinda down right now. My parents are complaining at me to get more money and pay for insurance, and they give me crappy suggestions and get mad when I don't like them.
Sigh... I just want to be a kid forever... I'm not ready to be the adult I am. I want to finish school and move out. I want to be with my friends forever.
All I want is to be happy, and I can't tell my parents that, because they'd laugh and tell me to work hard for it. I know I have to work hard. I just feel overwhelmed. Leave me alone, is that too much to ask? I want to focus on school and pass.
After I'm out of school, then I can focus on job and money.
Right now, I just feel sad, and I want to curl up on my bed and sleep.
I know as soon as I go home, my parents are going to complain about something.
BLEAH... Home sucks, I would rather be at school. I would rather be at a con. I'd rather be with Seth.
On a happy note, I got my paycheck and $10 of gas. I also got to see the first 6 episodes of Bleach and Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. They were awesome. AC was the best movie I have ever seen.
Well, I think I'll go home. I'm going straight into my room.
Love you all! Ja!
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I'm feeling kinda down right now. My parents are complaining at me to get more money and pay for insurance, and they give me crappy suggestions and get mad when I don't like them.
Sigh... I just want to be a kid forever... I'm not ready to be the adult I am. I want to finish school and move out. I want to be with my friends forever.
All I want is to be happy, and I can't tell my parents that, because they'd laugh and tell me to work hard for it. I know I have to work hard. I just feel overwhelmed. Leave me alone, is that too much to ask? I want to focus on school and pass.
After I'm out of school, then I can focus on job and money.
Right now, I just feel sad, and I want to curl up on my bed and sleep.
I know as soon as I go home, my parents are going to complain about something.
BLEAH... Home sucks, I would rather be at school. I would rather be at a con. I'd rather be with Seth.
On a happy note, I got my paycheck and $10 of gas. I also got to see the first 6 episodes of Bleach and Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. They were awesome. AC was the best movie I have ever seen.
Well, I think I'll go home. I'm going straight into my room.
Love you all! Ja!
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Official apology!
Kayobi, I met you at Oni-con in a viewing room.
I am sorry for not mentioning you.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Post Oni-con
This con rocked, and it went a little somethin' like this:
1:28 - I am released early from school due to a pep rally day. I skipped out on the pep rally and drove to the library to waste time until 3:30.
3:00 - My computer time is up so I start driving to Kevin's house. I found it, but I had 20 minutes to wait until he arrived, so I went and bought a burrito and a soda.
3:30 - Arrived at Kevin's house. Saw Travis there. Heated up my burrito and ate it. Departed for Oni with Kevin and Travis. A few intellectual conversations, a few Game Boy games, 1 gas stop, and we arrived at the hotel.
(Don't know the time) - Entered the hotel, when lo and behold, the first person I see is who I came to see; SETH!!! I was excited to see her without having to look all over for her. Me and Kevin got our badges, I think, a few minutes later. Me and Kevin went with the girls to their room and got ready for conning. I put on my cat ears and tail, Tori drew me whiskers, and I looked CUTE as F***. "Mya!"
We all sat under some stairs and just chilled for a while, then Brian came along and we all were like OMG Brian! Then everyone went somewhere except for me and Brian, and he was like, "Dude we got ditched." I was like yeah. Then I sat like a kitty and went Mya! at other kitty people. One catgirl came and lay down next to me. I just went Mya!
Me, Kevin, Seth, Tori, and Sethos (Hereafter referred to as "the group") had a cuddle orgy on the couch! That was lots of fun, especially when I had Seth and two others sitting on top of my bladder! I had to pee bad! But I was having fun, and happy to be with my Seth.
Then was the rave. The music was okay. The lighting was terrible. Too bright. Glowsticks don't glow in daylight, Mr. Idiot light control douche. Sigh, anyway, I raved hard, and my arms still hurt. Dammit, and i gotta work tonight. anyway, I left mid-rave to shower, and I returned to find the rave over. My friends were on couches in the hall, and I sat on the floor. They talked about I don't know, but Kim said I was the cutest catboy EVER! whootzor!
The group went outside, and we saw Genma sitting alone on a rock. We tried to get him to move, or talk, or something, but he wouldn't. Finally Seth kissed him on the cheek, and he still didn't move. i got up in his face and said something to the effect of, "Your heart must be caked with bitterness and hatred if our friendliness isn't getting through to you, even when you cause SOMEBODY ELSE'S GIRLFRIEND TO KISS YOU!!!!!!" He grinned, and I vowed to kill him the next day. Seth kissed me on the cheek. I wasn't really mad in the first place. I thought it would be funny.
That's about when the night ended. Me and Kevin said good night to the girls, and scouted out a room. We found one with a gay dude we met earlier, and he was really nice about it. Gay guys are really nice! The room was cold as the devil's heart though, and i shivered through the night.
I woke up before Kevin and left the room. He caught up to me pretty quickly. I was checking if the dealer's room was open. (It wasn't) We went to breakfast at Shoney's and had a buffet. I was dressed partially as Shikamaru and I had my ears and tail. So I got some weird looks as i ate. Kevin drank nearly a pot of coffee, and was still his normal lethargic self.
I was feeling better, so we went back to the con. I went to the dealer's room and bought a kunai to play with. Zappa bought me a Premium Heroines gashapon, hoping it would turn out to be Hinata (as was I), but it was a Shizune. Still pretty, and it's the thought that counts. I appreciate the gift. I proceeded to do random con activities, like become Shikamaru and get photographed for a couple hours.
After I stopped getting pics, I went back to the couches and sat for a while. i forget what I did then. The whole day kinda ran together. There was the cosplay show. Lots of good skits. Me and Tori left early to go get my stuff. I discovered that I no longer posessed my ears and tail. i bought a Tsunade gashapon. I hung out with Seth some more. Then there was the Saturday rave, which I DJ Toboe was not going to spin at because he was... i dunno, ask Seth. The group hung out with him and supported him. We retrieved his equipment, and I carried his air! *points to self proudly*. We sat in the corner near the couches, and told people to support DJ Toboe! Well, long story short, he didn't spin, we didn't rave much, and me and Seth just left to be together. Later on, me and Kevin found a room by saying up to the guys on a balcony, "got any spare floor space?" and they were all, "yeah come on up." We played Smash Bros and went to sleep.
Mom calls and tells me to take my meds. I take em. Me and Kevin attend the pose-off. Me and Suger and Newbeh run up trees and Suger breaks my kunai, so I buy a new one. I bought Seth a button that says, "I <3 boys with big swords." The group and Brian and Toboe have lunch at the hotel. I have a very sad goodbye with Seth, and i return to our table, upset. Me and Kevin retrieve all our stuff and pack up and go home. End of con.
Good times, but they ended too fast.
I got to see Seth, so I am satisfied. I love you, Seth!
Next con: Ushicon Go! Everybody, hang on until then!
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Today, I am going to Oni-con, as most of you friendies know. And also as most of you know, I am going to reprise my role as the not-quite-perfect-but-still-sexy-as-hell Zabuza, as well as a new cute addition to my cosplay arsenal! CAT BOY! That's right, I'm going to be a cat boy. I bought the ears and tail on a whim on a date with Seth. Fun time, by the way. Very nice. Anyway, since most of you are going to read this after onicon is over, I won't say too much, because, hell, you'll already know! But my catboy cos i'm excited about. Heh, heh. Quick story. I was over at my friend Tory's house wearing the ears and tail, and his girlfriend Lisa was there. They were in his room when I arrived, so I ignored them at first, hooked up my XBOX and played Ninja Gaiden: Black (BAD ASS) for a couple minutes, then he opened his door, and they came out.
I said, "Having fun?"
He replied, "Uhhh, yeah."
Lisa asked me, "Why are you wearing cat ears?"
So I say, "Myaaaaa!!!"
And Lisa says, "OMG that is so cute! Do you like to be scratched behind your ears?" And she scratched my ears.
All the while, Tory is like, "Oh geez." and rolling his eyes.
Okay, so the story wasn't quick, but illustrates the point that I am a very cute kitty.
I'm Seth's cute kitty.
I'm Seth's cute kitty who wears handcuffs.
Anyway, Onicon is gonna rawk, and I'm jonesin' to see Seth. I love you babe! I am looking forward to spending the whole weekend with you!
Sooo... I've got another hour to waste before Kevin gets home...
MySpace, email, AIM, A-kon boards.
Oh yeah, and I have decided to add Sasuke to my upcoming cosplay list. I don't like him either, but he's hawt. (I stole Seth's word!)
Soooo, I'll see you friends at ONI!!!!!!!!!!
Compassion, Honesty, Spirit, Justice, Humility, Valor, and Honor to you all!
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Featured Quiz Result:
I am teh Kratos!