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Quiznos sammich ninja
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Momochi Zabuza
Raving Ninja clan Elder
Anime Fan Since
About 7 years
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Get a Subaru STi, visit Japan
Video games, cons, being a loving boyfriend
I bring good fortune to those who can weild my awesome power!
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Great Date!
So I'm lying awake Friday night, excited that I get to see my one true love, and hours pass, then finally I fall asleep at around 3am. I wake up about 4 hours later and I'm surprisingly full of energy. So I get up and clean myself up and watch the clock until 1pm. Then Kevin showed up at my door and we drove to San Antonio. On the way we had many conversations, one of which was about where he worked and how it could be used for a rave (yes ninjas that means us!), and after every conversation, I felt this latent excitement build up inside me. I was getting to see Seth!!
We get to her house and she's totally a sight for sore eyes. I missed her so much. It was good to see her. Yugi was telling me she was sorry about the "A-kon incident" and saying she wanted us to be friends. I'm really soft, so I said it was all good now. I guess that was the right thing to do... anyway. We decided to go see Stealth at the theater, and after we bought our tickets, Kevin and Yugi said their tickets were for the other theater. Confusing, but okay. Me and Sethy get the theater to ourselves! <3<3<3
The movie was freaking awesome, but just having Seth by my side was like heaven. I know Kevin won't believe me, but we were actually watching the movie. We just held hands the whole time. I loved the last line of the movie. "Just say you love me, you pussy."
I gave Seth my drawing of Zabuza as a gift. She loved it. I was planning on it for a while, actually. I wrote a note to her on the back and she loved that too. I love seeing her happy! It makes me happy! Happiness is an awesome thing. It breeds happiness!
Kevin, I really wish Tori could have come. I love seeing you two together. It makes me happy seeing you happy!
Anyways, later today, I might be going to Main Event with some peeples. Hope that's fun.
I'm out!
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Friggin Storms...
Okay, so like all week these freaking storms came every day at about 5pm and on a very consistent basis we lost our electricity. It's really troublesome. Me and my brother are upstairs playing video games and the power goes out so we just go into the living room and talk to our parents about stupid crap we don't care about like Nebraska University Dirtbags or something. Then my brother said doodegs and my dad was giggling like an idiot. WTF is a doodeg? Tim said it was a testicle, but i don't know. I kept trying to get an excuse for me and Tim to leave, and finally we did. We went over to his friend's house but he wasn't home.
We went to EB and bought Thief: Deadly Shadows. It's really cool, but the ragdoll physics are just too rediculous to be taken seriously.
Anyway, I'm going to see Seth tomorrow, so I'm ecstaticly excited and stuff. I can't wait.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Upcoming cosplays!
Okay, since I have nothing to post about today, I'm going to write a list of characters I'd like to cosplay.
Kratos Aurion
Rock Lee
Nara Shikamaru
Uchiha Itachi
Hoshigaki Kisame
More to come!
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Fun with Kevin and Tala
So like anyway, I'm all bored at my house and I get a call from Tala and she wants to go to Le Fun. I'm like okay and I call Kevin and ask if he wants to come. He says it's better than staying at home, so he comes over and then Tala picks us up and we go to Le Fun. I played DDR and did okay, and I played Guilty Gear XX and owned with Sol, until this dude came along and kicked my butt with Millia. After that we left and went to McDonalds and went to my house. Then Tala went home and me and Kevin went to a coffee house and listened to an amateur band. They were pretty good. Now I'm at some random house posting on MyOtaku! Fun stuff.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Another one! This time, I hit!
Okay, so like I was driving home from a demo, and I'm in the wrong lane, so I have to make a left, so I go all the way around again. When I get to where I need to turn, I make the decision too late and run off the road into a short wire fence. Totally scratched up the front bumper. I got home and told my mom and she was like AAAHHHH and I told my dad and he was like Aww man... and I was all whatever. His car needed AC anyway. I hate being sweaty for appointments.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Fun day? Yeah, I guess so.
So like, yesterday I went to the library, and did my normal thing: AIM, email, update the journal, got married to Hinata, check A-Kon boards, etc. Then Sugersnake started talkin about gettin a lot of people to come to her house because she's grounded. ;_; So then I'm like ok cool and I get teh address and use teh Mapquest and I drive to teh neighborhood. I found that I was in the wrong place. I'm all like, there is no way. So I go back to teh library and I ask, what city do you live in? She says Austin. I'm like holy crap I just went to Round Rock's bootleg version of your street. I didn't want to waste my mom's gas, so I just had Tala pick me up at Austin's Park and Pizza.
When she finally showed up, she freakin nearly ran me over. I was all like HOLY CRAP! So then after my episode of cardiac arrest, she drove us to Suger's house. When we got there, Pocky appeared out of the shadows and did his hi guys thing. We all went up to Suger's room and we were all like hi Suger and she was all hi guys. I had on my forehead protector and my hair was straight down, so Suger got this foul smelling crap and smeared it in my hair, trying to make it Zabuza-style spiky. I looked in the mirror and I was like AWESOME, but the spikes started falling over, so Suger told me to hang my head upside down. So I was laying on her bed with my head hanging over the edge, blood rushing to my brain. After I got sick of that, I just started talking at Phlinx's idle computer on Yahoo messenger while he was at work being bored.
Then we called Seth on Tala's cell and she said call back later because something about being naked. I don't even know. WTF? Then like we called her later and she was walking Nick to school and some guys were staring at her or something and I got all mad and I was like I'm gonna drive to San Antonio right now and kick some ass! But I think she's fine. She could most likely beat me up. I'd put money on it. So anyway, we left Suger's house and we were like awwwww I wish you weren't grounded.
So then we went to Main Event and after we parked, Levi, Mint, and Tolarin came out and i was like holy crap, people from cons! I gotta hang out with them more. I got all hyper and I was laughing for no apparent reason. I guess I was just overjoyed that I got out of my house. Main Event was cool. I played DDR Extreme a couple times, and I was all sweaty and stinky. I hate being sweaty and stinky. Then Tala bought me a drink. We all sat in a booth and talked about random stuff, like Levi recruiting me into his army of darkness. I don't see many perks to that, but oh well. I had to leave early so that I could bring my mom her van and 10 bucks home. We were going to another place, but by the time I got home, it was too late to go, so I was all sad, but I had a fun time.
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Marriage! Fantasy realized!!
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Zabuza-kun + Hyuuga Hinata were married on the 26th day of July 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
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Lame pool party...
Okay, so I'm up in my brother's room playing Tales of Symphonia, and my friend Tory comes to the door, and he wants me to go to Kraig's house to play on Xbox Live with him. I'm like okay, and we go over there in an 89 Acura Legend with no AC, I'm all in black with teh big jeans, sweating and stinking, and so we get there, and we play, and Tory gets mad at Kraig's friends, because like I said a million times that day, they were dicks.
Later, we went to teh church to get pizza and sodies, and I overloaded. 7 pizza slices and 5 sodas. Mmmmmm, tasty. So anyway, we get to the pool, and I swim and stuff, blah blah. The pool was boring, and the slide was short, so I got out before a lot of my friends got in. Then I shotgunned a sprite. I felt so crappy after that, I wanted to barf my guts up. I went over to the grassy area and sat down by a tree, waiting to throw up. I didn't, but I felt pretty bad. So like, I went home after that, and I didn't get to ride in Tory's trunk... I probably would have vomited for real, so I guess it's for the best. I'm feelin ok now, this happened Saturday. Love to teh friends!!1!!one!1!
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Purely for teh shouting of out!
Okay, I have lotsa friends and I wanta appreciate all of them.
Seth - I love you!
Tori - Your smile is wonderful!
Phlinx - Gotta hang out sometime! Big 60!
Neji - She's alive! w00tz!
Mint - Cutest. Haku. Ever.
Tala - Be happy! Boyfriend = w00t!
Tolarin - Long time! What's up?
Alex - We all here for you, specially Neji!
Nick - Kid, you are freakin' awesome!
Anubis - ...I need to get to know you better.
Alora - Totally feelin that leather costume!
Danzig - *bows in reverent awe*
Kevin - Again, thanks!
Pocky - You! Make the more videos!
Sethos - Be happeh!! I'm ya friend!
SugerSnake - I will save you when I have gas money!
Zabuza - Thank you for being so awesome and lending me your power!
Hinata - So cute!
Buddha - Awesome guy!
Guestbook signers - Thank you for visiting my site! I thank you warmly!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Near Death Experience!!!!!!1111!!!one!!111!!
Okay, so I'm driving with my friend Santiago down the road at about 9:30 at night, and I start to make a right turn and Santiago says, "No, turn left", so I make a wide left turn, and this Stratus comes out of nowhere and comes within one inch of smashing my headlight in.I screamed,"AHHHH SHIT!!!!!!" and swerved out of the way. I drove at about 15 mph for a few seconds, and asked, "Are we hit?" Santi replied, "No." I says, "Thank you God for being good to me when I'm a bad boy."
Seth, I'm alive!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! I love you baby!!!!!
Phlinx, I lived, so you can make fun of me, I know you will anyway, bro in law.
Zappa, use computer terms to describe what happened to me, I think it's funny when you do that.
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