Gommen nasai! I'm sorry that I haven't been on recently and that this post is long overdue. It's just that I had school and last friday all the high schoolers when on a retreat so I couldn't update on friday. Please accept my deepest apologies. *bows*
For those of you who don't know, my grandpa went on a trip to aisia again and he just got back today...or rather the day before yesterday. Sorry, it's just that by the time I post this it will be the day after tomorrow which is sunday and not friday. Besides I would have posted it on saturday but the system was down and I couldn't access the site...anyways. His flight was delayed and therefore so was his luggage. So, it's coming in later tonight.
My friends and I formed an organization called the Order of the Purple Flame. Don't ask how it got started, it was really stupid.
By the time all of you guys who regularly read my site read my site, I will have reached 500+ visits. Unfortunately, I have not finnished the drawing I said I would do. Yes, I know I'm lazy, but I also have very important school work to do. Oh who am I kidding, I'm lazy. So, I will make another pic on the computer. You know, I think I'll just make pics on my comp for all this stuff from now on. I'm just to lazy/busy to draw serious pics now a days. Oh, how I yearn for the days of yon...
I worked more on the story that I posted the first two paragraphs for you earlier this month(or was it last month). However, I'm stuck on this one part and I don't know how to continue on. You know, this is what happens with most of my stories that I never finnish. I start off with a good begining but then I get stuck somewhere and never end the story. Either that or I just keep writting and writting and writting and the story never ends 'cuz it goes on and on my friends. I need to learn how to end things besides school papers.
I found a new show that I like called Scrubs. When I first heard about it, way back then, I thought it was going to be just another dumb hospital melow drama/soap opera. I mean, it sounds like one right? Well, a few days ago, I decided to watch it because there was nothing else on. And you know what? It's really funny! I never knew how funny it was. It's full of stupidity, but it does have its serious moments too, don't get me wrong. But I like it. It makes this Amber happy!
Oh yeah, I uploaded some vids onto YouTube. If you want to check them out, my screen name on there is the same as myOtaku name; zachXbellXrox. Tell me what you think.
::Random Quote of the Day::
"I kill, therefore I am!" --Barry the Chopper
::Random Avvie of the Day::