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myOtaku.com: Zackkbum

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Just a few more days til school ends. YAY!

Anyway, I apologie for not being on. Well, I don't have anything new.... I could post a disturbing dream of mine! YAY! Let's do that.

It was a cool night. Wind was whistling in my ears. I turned a corner, and saw a man raping a six year old child in the but. He turned to me, looked startled and stabbed the kid repeatedly. Then he called the police and told them that his kid had commited suicide.

I quickly ran off, too shocked and disturbed to do anything. I turned another corner and saw a husband beating her wife. Or so it looked like. A few seconds later, as I was running from the street corner, I heard a gun go off and a womans voice say: "HA! You cannot ruin my finest hour." What she meant I never found out.

At annother street corner I saw a hooker. Her teeth were.... missing and she was selling herself for a few dimes. The person behind me, no doubt going to mug me for my spare change, decided he'd rather have sex then money. A few minutes later, as I was happily walking down the street, no doubt because I avoided a mugging, I heard that same man yell out, "YOU'RE A MAN!" And a gunshot later you heard a guy laugh, "HA! You just killed a cop! Your going to jail for a long time buddy."

After those few experiences, I felt I had seen all the evil and corruption in the world. But then, I turned another alley. This one just had one solitary figure sobbing, "Help me..." I looked around his body and realized he was holding a gun to his head. I tried to talk some sense into him and realized that I couldn't talk. So he shot himself.

I just stared. Eveything was wrong with these sites. Yet, they seemed so common. I picked up the gun, and shot at myself, feeling that this world was such an evil place. With my last coherent thought, I looked up. There, standing there was a man with a gun, about to kill himself...

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