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myOtaku.com: Zackkbum

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Well, another boring day. I just made and sed $20. I was selling and buying Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. That's right. I'm a nerd. so sue me.

Why do people call others gay just cause they play a card game. I'll have you know that I make a lot of money.

So bored... Must entertain self. How bout I post one of my stories up?

As in all spring days, she was without anyone. Personally, she thought she wouldn’t even if she could... Love was such a fickle thing to her. It was lust that was strong. And yet, it was not the most celebrated of emotions.

Her emotions have been this way since the age of five. Her mother left her, leaving her father to fend for the food. What a long-winded explanation it would be to go into detail about her emotions that day... and yet, it could be summarized in just one word; sorrow.

Sorrow is a part of her state that most people do without. Instead, they find hope in the simplest of things. Fools. All of them. And yet, she wishes she could be one of those people.

She wishes that instead of not having any home in America, she wishes she could be one of those people who live in luxury, the comfortable home of four bedrooms that she lived without. She wishes she could even live in a trailer even, and yet, that privilege was forcefully taken from her when she was seven.

Her father had become a manic depressant. Even worse, he became abusive. He raped her. His own daughter. But she figured she deserved it. Twelve years of Stockholm’s Syndrome does that to you.

So now she’s here. She has finally found her. After fourteen years. She is now ready to take that extra dive into madness. So she enters the house.

It didn’t take much to open, her mother living in a nice neighborhood in Canada and all. She simply had to turn the knob.

Creeping up the stairs, she wondered if she should do it. If she should stoop so low as to kill someone for the sake of vengeance. But all doubt in her mind that she should do this was quenched when she saw the child. Fourteen years ago, she left her daughter to fend for herself in an abusive environment, and now she has the nerve to have another baby?!? Well, now she needn’t give her the choice of doing it again.

She was a spider while she crept into the room. Slowly sneaking so as to not be heard by her prey, she seemed to have the grace and agility of one. But never the less, she never lost sight of her goal.

She turned on the light in the room. Her mother jolted up. Fear was in her mothers eyes when she saw the berretta in her daughter’s hand. But, what was this? The aim was not at her mother’s body, but to her own! She fired, and at that precise moment, the guilt was too much to stomach, and she herself dived to the gun after she saw her daughter dead and fired.

But what was this? The daughter got up, with a smirk on her face and said:

“That’s what my father did too.”

And thus she cackled and left the scene of the crime, glad she rid the world of another evil.

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