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Friday, January 5, 2007
Whats up everyone? Well, things have gone much smoother lately i guess. Still having alot on my mind and some problems of what im going to do, but nothing to worry about.
Oh man, yesterday, Me and my friend Nathan(my brotha) have to work at Chuckie Cheese(evil place) and make pizza doe. Man, never seen so much doe in my life! But we got to take a small pizza with us, and at lunch, we had that with ramen. It was great. Relaxing outside in the cool weather, sun out high, misty clouds, just perfect. Although i prefer stormy heavy rain weather. ^_^
So yeah, things have been good. Well, school is getting pretty easy for now. Lucky me. I guess i'll talk to you all later then. Bye.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Im a zombie right now, so im just gonna post for no reason
God im board. I got nothing to do. So here, im posting a few more pics cause i got nothing better to do. Again, enjoy. I'll post again later so dont worry.

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Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year
Well, it's the start of 2007 now. Cant believe it. I hope you all had a great New Years. Mine was alright. Kinda boaring....since i was drinking sparkling juice and dancing. >< But anyway, Things seem to be going alot better then i thought things would. Im more then ready to go back to school. I guess i'll talk to you all later then. Bye.
Oh, i've decided to make my page a little more interesting with some pictures so i'll put one up everytime i post from now on. Enjoy

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Friday, December 29, 2006
Sorry ev eryone
Sorry people. I was really busy for the past week. I hope you all had a great Christmas. I sure did. It was great having my grandma over. So yeah, hope you all had your wishes come true.
Im not as tired anymore, luckly. i was finally able to catch up with it. Now lets see, anything new? ..hmm...i guess not. God my life is lame. *sighs* Well, cant wait to hear from you guys. Bye
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Man, i tell you what, im tired like crap. I've been cleaning for two days straight non-stop. My grandma is coming over this Saturday so i guess i undestand the cleaning and all. But man, who knew that one house can be so dam dirty!
Well, i guess im feeling much better then before. Everything seems to be going much easier. I think it was all the stress that was putting me down and driving me crazy.
Hope you all have a wonderful christmas this year. Have a good one. Bye
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Well i got to finally see Eragon with my best friend Nathan. The one thing i have to say about the movie....THAT IT SUCKED!!! I read the book and it was a MAJOR disapointment. I know it going into a movie it will be a little different, but i was COMPLETELY different! *sighs*
Well, at least i got to see it. I just want it to come on dvd, to see if they actually EXPLAIN why they took out most of the greatest parts of the book. And why it had to rearanged so badly.
All and all, i aint doing much better. i seem to be getting worse for some reason. I dont know. Maybe it's nothing. Just stress i guess. Well, see you guys later, bye.
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Man, today i guess was pretty smooth. I think i did ok on my economics test, even though i think i failed it. Well, i got three more tests. It aint that far. Tomorrow is going to suck. I got that German test AND that presentation to do finally.
Also, for some reason, i've been extremly sore around my chest and shoulders. It hurts to do almost anything. This sucks, everything seems to just get worse and worse. Nothig is getting better.
*sighs* Well, i guess i'll talk to you guys later, see you in the mournign possibly Nathan.
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
MAN! My whole weekned was the gayest ever! I didnt get anytime to do ANYTHING!!! First, i had to go mall shopping for my mom with my dad(but spending time with him was still good), then i had to do so many dam chores, study more. Then today, everyone is being a complete a**hole to me. And to top it off, my dad lied in saying i can go see Eargon. This was a total blow off. At least there are only three days that are halfdays of school left. Well, got to go freaken' study. Bye.
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Well, i didnt get to see Eragon last night, but hopefully i get to see it tonight. I heard that it was good, but it was kinda off from the book and not as detailed. Cant judge yet till i see it i guess.
I guess i now know what im doing for my future life. And thats going into the Air Force. Not permenatly. I just attend to go their for a start in life. Then get out with a collage degree and find an actual job.
Im not sure what else i'll be doing today, maybe just relaxing, i could really use some. Well, later.
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Hey everyone. God im tired as hell right now. I dont know why anymore. But today was ok i guess. The lunch-in i had to do was very havoc! When i say 'havoc' i mean like it was crazy and busy. Well anyway, i ended up running around getting all the tables busting them, then washing trays. It was crazy, but at least Nathan was there.
Well, im going to write more of my story, talk to a few people, eat dinner, finish any homework then go to bed.
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