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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
-"It's hard to fall in love, but even harder to be in love"-
hewwo!, don't tell any one but it's leadrship rite now, im supposed to be making tickets for the october fest, but whatever, im not wastin' time, im multi tasking, hehehehe^^
ok, so far the days been great, i've finished my h/w, cuz i do them in class, like english during math and ,math during science...that deal...oh ich reminds me, i have a huge test today for science 0.0...wish me luck, plz!!!!
:breaths: i'll live, i hope...ok, i'll post later, got to get moving on my work, cia!
signing off,
((ok, that was lame...>.> ))
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Yes, Sir!
-My three-year-old brother had been told several times to get ready for bed. The last time that my mom told him, she was very insistent. His responce was, "Yes, Sir!" Since he was talking to our mother (and she's a woman), we didn't expect him to call her "Sir."
"You would say, "Yes, Sir,' to a man". I am a lady, and you would say 'Yes,Ma'am,' to a lady," My mom said. To Quiz him on his lesson, she then asked him, "What would you say to Daddy?"
"Yes, Sir!" came the reply.
"Then what do you say to Mama?"
"Yes, Ma'am!" he proudly answered.
"Good boy! Now what would you say to Grandma?"
He lit up and said, "Can i have a cookie?"-
Hahaha, that made my laugh, now why didn't I think of that when i was little?....oh well, whatevs...i just thought it was funny in a silly way ^^;
ok, sry i didn't post yesterday, nothing much happend *shruggs* today, well, obviosly its monday, nothing new either...just work, work and more work, with some space for friends....
Oh, btw Michelle, if ur reading this, i finished one of the pics, when u log on aim, i'll send them to ya, ok?...
oh, i do know something interesting so post up, i got a principal award thingy, something for ppl who got good grades for the begguining of the semester, yesh, i know, i'm a smart ass, got a problem with that?...i maybe crazy, but i have high expectations for my self^^...lol
Darn it! Gaia isn't working -_-...for those who don't know gaia, it's an online anime roleplaying community, where ppl can chatwith other and roleplay and stuff...if u wan to know more about it, jusy pm me and i'll answer all ur questions...ok, like i was saying, gaia wasn't working today, and the club i was working in thinks i ditched, gah!...oh well, i'll try to explain
well, that about it for tonite, boring huh?...well, cia!
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Washin' Sat.
ok, today, i got too wash the car...for those who think, so what?....well, to make it simple it's my first time, hey, so im a claen inside the house person, but today i got to do some out side work. can't say i liked it cuz, well, i hate, hate, and did i mention, hate chorse?....well, yeah, i do...but i only mentioned about the car thing is because i did something really stupid...ok, i wanted to get wet rite, cuz it was freakin' hot...but i desided against it...so i went along spraying the car, then when i was done, i carelessly threw the hose on the grass, what i forget was to unlatch the latch, so i ended up spraying my self!...i wasn't pleasent, i had soap in my hands so i was all foamy and soaked to my underwear, to make matters worse, the cute drummer from my neiborhood band saw me and was laughing his head off...gah!...oh well, to releave my self i just laughed along, stupid huh?...oh well, at least i got wet, that is what i wanted in the begining...
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Coffee Soldiers
This ian't my story, but it sure made me laugh! here it goes...
My mom is first-grade teacher. It was around Christmas, and all the kids were really hyper. A little boy came into her room and put a coffee mug filled with toy soldiers on her desk. She asked what it was for and the boy said, "The best part of waking up, is soldiers in your cup."
I've decided on adding little stories from some books i've read for you all to enjoy...should I continue and put some on everyday? I have alot of them, most are as funny and or even funnier, some are sad and some are sweet, it all depends on the person who reads them...
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A simple Friday...
Hey, its Friday today, the 23rd...a simple Friday i might add^^...let me tell yeah about it....
WEll, my usual rutine in the morning,waking up,take a bath, eat then go to school...simple rite?...yeah, but the sucky thing is i live like an hour away from my school so i have to wake up an hour earlier than most ppl, but its worth it, my school is filled with my best of friends^^...
every thing is normal, it was great today cuz it was minimum day, so all the classes were short, boy was i great full, specialy for pe...
It was BTSN the day before and Mr. Dunmyer told us that if our parents don't go, we'll have to run the mile...boy did i make my parents go...lets sayPE is not one of my fave subjects...sure i love sports but i could still to with out PE...i get enough Phisical exercises from my after school sports....
the one thing i really loved about today was that i got to see one of my oldest friends!...i missed her soooo much!...michelle thx for visiting us here a CT!!!hope to see ya tomorow!....uh,like i was saying...i was awsome to see her agen...
then the day went on, and it pretty much ends to now...well, i g2g...busy tomorow...cia!!! and i'll keep ya'll posted about my daily life, if i have time that is ^_~
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Friday, September 24, 2004
uh, help?
im having trouble putting music on the webpage, any tips?
im slow on comps :sigh: ^^;
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what would u do?
ok, say this certin someone liked u, but u don't like them...but don't really wanna hurt their feelings....what would u do?...specialy if the person really really likes u and could posibly belive that u his/her soul mate....????
((btw...its not me...so don't even think about it, for a friend and as i promised i didn't mention a name))
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get to spend more time on the internet....wow, i do have a dull life...*shruggs*
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Zodiac Animal & Horoscope!
Horse! energetic and cunning....
plays well with Dogs and Tigers, but just don't get in my way!
I'm a lion! Hear me Roar! RRAAWWW...(did u hear me?...man ur deaf!...hehehe..)I have a passion for making an impression with loud colors and wild patterns, cuz..as it says, i love love love,bieng the center of attention...i do really?...wow, i didn't know that...@_@
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First Impressions!
Ed: patheticly pink!
Hie-chan: a good person
Nobi: N/A
Me: over wierd
Got a problem with that!
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