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from under your bed, from your worst nightmare!!!!! muahahahahahahha!
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student (10th grade)
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years ago, forever, world began!!!!!!
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singing, sports, gymnastics, i'm not good at anywthing. lol. idk, that's for people to decide!
| Zakuro Fuiiwara
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
ok guys, i haven't been on for a while. but i felt like i should tell you guys about this. my school, Mesa Grande Academy (OH YEAH) had some Korean students come and spread through grades 4-9! they went to our school for about 6 weeks. it was a blast. they were so awsome to hang out with. no kiddin! it was like amazying! they are so good at sports! anyway, sorry, when they had to leave, my friend and i made the 4 9th graders scrapbooks. they took for ever! we spend all week working on them and we even got some tardies and missed assignments!!!! YES!!!! WE LOVE THEM THAT MUCH!!!!
anyway, so they were leavin the next day at 3 a.m. and i didn't say a proper goodbye so we went to the hotel where they stayed to say goodbye. and let me tell you, I'M GLAD I WENT!!!! evryone was so nice. i am so sad that they left. i will miss them VERY MUCH!!!!
thank you for taking time to read this!!!!
I made this video!! hope it makes you think!!
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Girl of the Wolves
this is a story that i wrote. please comment. i would like to make it better thatn it is with your help. thanks. ENJOY!
chapter 1: The Sound
As night crept up into the cave, a small fire was kindled. Down deep in the depths of the cave was a girl, cuddle up in a ball with a small blanket over her. Her name was Amaya, which means Night Rain. This night, out of all nights, was special: there was a full moon. She has been living in the cave for about a year. Her father had past away when she was a baby, so she was left at the care of her mother. Her mother died a year ago in a car accident. Now, she was alone. For some reason, every time there was a full moon she had a strange feeling. She never thought that the next few nights would bring her into a new world, one that will make her world go from black and white to all the colors of the rainbow and beyond.
As the cold, harsh wind whistled outside, the flaming hands that reached out to her from the fire eased her into a world of dreams: so peaceful; so quiet; so…….dark. In the silence of the darkness she could hear only one sound. A sound she heard many times before, when the full moon arose. A sound that brought her back in her memories, where her mother was reading her stories, and singing her lullabies. The memories that would make her cry during the day are brought back by this simple sound; but these sounds made her memories feel like a reality. They were soothing, in a way. That sound…….what is it?
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Amaya strained her ears to try to hear the melodious sound that made her feel so good. Is it my dream, or is it reality? What do they mean? What are they? The echoing sound of her thoughts forced her to wake up. As drops of sweat ran down her face, she bounced up from under her blanket. She looked around her; everything was as dark and quiet as a thief. Her gorgeous bright blue eyes skimmed the gloomy cave. She could only see as far as the flames allowed her to. She laid her head back down and closed her eyes. Her tiered and exhausted body relaxed and her brain was about to ‘turn off’ when it came: the sound. This time, she was sure it wasn’t her dream. She swiftly got up and looked around. Amaya’s heart raced as she saw a black figure dancing in the fire’s golden glow. A shadow?
She stumbled out of the darkness of the cave and into the moon’s luminous, glorious shine. Amaya’s eyes searched the area but saw nothing. As she was frantically searching, her attention was captured by the harmonious sound that came from the cliff at her left. She quickly turned her head and there it was: in front of the full moon was the composer of the music that eased her to sleep many times. It was…….a wolf. Carried away by the moonlight, combined with a tuneful song, she gazed at the beautiful creature in aw. The wolf’s vivid, white fur glowed with splendor as his voice proclaimed the peacefulness of the night. When the song finished, he lowered his head and looked at Amaya, and their eyes met. Like her, he had striking bright blue eyes. For a long moment, Amaya and the wolf gazed into each other’s eyes. The stillness of the night was interrupted by the voice of another wolf. At that juncture, the beautiful white wolf was stolen by the night and faded into the darkness.
chapter 3: The Find
Early the next morning, Amaya climbed to the place where she saw the wolf. Surely, she thought, there are footprints. There were none. After an hour of searching for a clue, she finally gave up and started with her daily routine. She went down to the river to catch some fish for breakfast. She was stunned at the sight before her. On the river bed was a pile of fish. She dropped her spear and ran towards it. Was someone here? She thought. The holes in the fish were too small for a spear, and when she looked next to the pile she saw….footprints; the wolf’s footprints. She quickly started to follow the path of the footprints. It led her into the mountain and suddenly the footprints seized. Lying at her feet was an injured baby wolf. The picture was clear now: the footprints led to the baby, and the fish were tokens of gratitude. She picked up the wolf as gently as she could and immediately felt the tense in the air as unknown eyes were watching her.
Down at the river she washed out the wolf’s wounds and bandaged them with a strap of her garment. She prepared the fish and fed the cub first before she fed herself. She dedicated that day to the nourishment of the cub. The fire was never extinguished that night for she was up taking care of it. She made countless trips outside for wood, but never complained. She felt as if the wolves chose her to take care of the cub. She felt honored to be given such a trustworthy responsibility. The nights were long, but not eternal. The days short, but monumental. No matter how long the nights, or how short the days, her peace was made. She was helping a life in need.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy 4th of July
happy late 4th of July!!!!!
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My Chatbox and Playlist!
thanx to teddy of sarra, i was able to create this playolist!
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hey everyone, hope you like my site so far. i made this poll so i can prove to people, like my dad, how important it is to keep in touch with your friends, and stuff! please vote on these polls. thanx!
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ok, now these are some slide shows that i wanted to put up!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!! oh, and by the way, these pictures are NOT my drawings. i got them from! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!
...............HOPE YOU LIKE IT:
Scrollbars By FreeGlitters.Com
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Monday, April 2, 2007
QUIZ RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
hi, y'all!!!!!!!! i just wanted to say happy april fools day! you can get really good tips at:
that's a really kool place where you can play pranks on pepople!!!!!!!!!!
have fun!!!!!!
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GUYS I MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!
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