Hi guys! How are you? Sry for not being on lately. It's been like "I'll get to it later" then later it will be "I'll get to it later" and then the never ending cycle.
And an update on my health (I was sick a couple weeks ago). The stomach cramps just kinda disappeared so as to how it came and went is still a mystery. However, now I have a nasty cold with a sore throat, headache, and everything else. Oh well.
Um...ok. About the new Season 2 Gunslinger Girl, it's actually not as bad as I thought. After downloading raws and subs, I find it's very good and has potential for improving over the season. It's like, at the opening of a manga series (or anime, perhaps) that the artwork may not look to clean or attractive, but over time it cleans up and starts to look better (like YYH). Though the second season will never match the first season, if you view S2 as if S1 never existed, you'll find it very good and is practically the same as S1. S2 is more "Cute little girls with guns" (as the manga tries to illustrate), closer to the manga, and less melodramatic. One thing, however, that they really need to work on is fight sceens. They overuse the speed lines and slow motion techniques. Other than that, it would be fine. But I think you get my point.
Oh, and how did Pinocchio turn out? His design was actually very good. They just replaced his cigarettes with a pendant. Hehe. Let's see if I can get some screencaps for you guys.
The first picture is his pendant thing that was, I believe, given to him by his adoptive father. As Pino says, that his adoptive father is everything to him. How sweet! However, to bad his "father" doesn't view Pino as his "son" until the day he dies.
Umm... okay. I think I have some questions I never got back to since... November? Anyways:
1) Any good tips or places to refer to for layout help?
Answer: Thanks to Die Before I Wake for showing me how to do (quick) layouts. I had this up for a while but... ^_^
2) Will you vote? (Refering to the time period where my story starts)
Answer: I haven't for sure decided yet, but I'm probably gonna start with after the YYH series ends. Oh, by the way Refi-chan, thanks for the advice. And the drawing of Hiei and that other girl, well the other girl was the OC person Rose I've been talking about for so long (His best friend/half-sister through adoption).
3) Any other good ways you guys got for starting stories?
Answer: I've got no answer. I found it's whatever fits best.
New Questions:
1) What your favorite line from a song? What does it mean?
2) Any manga, anime, or book that you just got recently that you would recomend? (I just got YYH vol. 14! Hehe)
Alright guys! See ya next time. "Just remember it's not goodbye. Just goodbye for now" (In reference to a play I saw last summer)