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myOtaku.com: Zanthos Octavian

Saturday, September 15, 2007

   Shimata, this cold I have SUCKS
Yes, I have a cold now. And its annoying beyond any other thing comprehensible. So I havent been able to do much these past few days except go to class. So I havent been able to visit much sites. If anyone can pm me, that would be cool. Once I again I apologize. I will also get to my story if possible sometime too. I also just remembered that I myself didnt answer the questions I posted last time:

1)Yes, many of them just recently too, about a certain someone. Pissed me off when I woke up, and I nearly cried (OMG Zano cries?!?!? haha) It sucked horribly, and boy do I mean it.

2) Ahhh tornadoes. They keep appearing in my dreams. When I was little they scared me and were like nightmares. Now they happen a bit more often, but now a lot of my dreams I am controlling them in some way, telling them who to go after. And the tornadoes are always different colors. One dream even had a field full of tornadoes, hundreds of them. Sorry to scare anyone if I did. Anyways, Ill catch you all later, this cold is beating me up. Jamata


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