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Member Since
High School Student, Annoying Younger Sister, Yearbook Member, Edo, Aru, Sasuke, Gaara and Zelos Fangirl.
Real Name
Going to Japan, coming in second the fourth grade talent show(I sang 'It was you' from the Pokemon 1st movie CD).
Anime Fan Since
Since Pokemon came out...I liked Sailor Moon a little before that though...*shudders*
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Gundam SEED, Yu Yu Hakusho, Digimon, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Azumanga Daioh, Yuugiou, Tsukihime: Lunar Legend, Miyazaki Movies, Kakurenbo
To be the best damn American VA there ever was! To destroy 4kids. And to possibly become a animator, or an instructor at the place I volunteer at. I also want to go back to Japan.
Tales of Symphonia, Anime, Singing, drawing
Videogames, Singing, Drawing, Being and expert Beginner on DDR! Oh yeah! Beginner's mode rocks! ^__^
Friday, December 10, 2004
Some Quizzes
 You're Mana, student of Mahado, past life of Dark Magician Girl... You're a good student and wish to become a strong magician like your teacher. You learned all your magic from Mahado(past life of Dark Magician), you have the kaa(DM spirit) of Dark Magician Girl and you want to revenge on your teacher's death, which is to find Bakura the tomb rober who killed Mahado...
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Past Life Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Anime survey of DOOM! | Created by Trigunslinger and taken 153 times on bzoink! | Anime Favorites | Anime | Yuugiou (Yu-Gi-Oh) | Character | Yami/Yugi/Atem | Boy character | Yami/Yugi/Atem | Girl character | None... | Attack | Black Magic Attack! | Song | Rakuen | Weapon | Yami Bakura...^_^ | Anime dislikes | Least favorite anime | Pokemon | Character | All...Except the Pokemon themselves. The humans destroy it. | Boy character | I said all. | Girl character | T_T I said I hated all the characters... | Attack | Lugia's | Song | none | Weapon | There are no weapons...Except the Pokemon... | Random anime goodness | Character you feel sympathy for | Noa and Game Master from YYH | Character that acts like you | | Character that looks like you | I've been known to look like Tea...*shudders* | Character you find attractive | Yami/Yugi | Character you could be friends with | Ryou Bakura, Marik Ishtar | Character that would make a good brother | Noa, Joey, Seto, Tristan, Ryou | How about sister? | Serenity, Mai yes, and even Tea | Character you wish you could kill | Tea, duh... | Weapon or skill you wish you could have | Katana, shuriken, bow and arrow | Character that reminds you of someone | Yukari from Azumanga... | Who do they remind you of? | My sister... | If you could be in any anime which one would you choose? | Yuugiou | Which anime character would you want to look like? | None of them, I'd be my own person... | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
What's up! I went to see the play Ayako was in today. It was a mini version of a Midsummer Nights dream. She did such a great job! I was so proud, and her singing had improved! She did a great job as the sarcastic and goofy little Puck. Fave Line: "How foolish these mortals be..."
Yup, so that was awesome, plus I got to see Sheldon. We used to give hugs to eachother everyday, and when I finally got to hug him after like, eight months, I almost started crying...I mish him...*sob*
Aah, tomorrow is Friday...^_^ New Degrassi (supposed to be hella sad though, and dramatic) and new Gundam SEED (WAAAH!!! I MISS NICOL!!!! But Dearka is hoTT ^_^)
So I was very happy w/my Shounen Jump this month. What a lovely picture of Yami Yugi, it's on my wall next to my other three poster of Yami...I'm in my happy place...^_^
So yeah...That's that...That's all...I'm gonna go do something unproductive. Bye Bye!!!!
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