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myOtaku.com: zap29

Friday, April 29, 2005

   WTF is wrong with these people?!?! Anime Club IS supposed to be fun, right?
Life has been fine for me...Same old school, same old home stuff...But I feel the need to vent about the anime club at my school, you can ignore me if you want, and I would post this at Deviant Art, but club leader is there, and I don't want to get kicked out (although, I feel that I should leave...)

So...I've mentioned Sam in many posts before hand. I "liked" him for a while, but I had suspicions that he was either Gay or Bi, because firstly, he likes Yaoi, (especially SasukaxNaruto) and he was "going out" with Jenna Lee, who is a big as a cow and has all of her gay friends who don't like anime coming to club. Someone going out with her MUST be hiding something...So, pretty much, Sam is gay.

Then there is Nick, my sisters "friend" Lindsey's younger brother...He is an interesting case, and he's been coming to club all year when he was banned last year for molesting Chyna, the club leader Rachel's best friend, who doesn't come to club any more because of her boyfriend Skyler, who she ditched all of her friends to be with.

Sam and Nick are friends, and now they are both banned from club, but why Sam you ask? He's a nice guy...Sweet, charming to a point, but he decided it would be fun to write a "Gay Porn" novel using all of the boys in Anime Club, including Chyna's boyfriend Skyler. So no more Sam.

Rachel has a large stick up her ass, and she can't control the other kids. On top of that, Mr. Irvin, the club advisor is never in the room when we have club, so today, we all got kicked out because of Nick.

Sam is dealing with the fact that he isn't allowed in club anymore, but Nick doesn't get it, and decided to come to club today. Jenna Lee yelled at him and then Rachel called Campus Security to come and take him away. Since Mr. Irvin wasn't there, we got kicked out...Thanks Nick...TT

Part of Nick's problem is that there isn't any love in his family. According to my sister, his sister Lindsey beats the crap out of him, or, used to since he got bigger and she's a scrawny little bitch.

So, there's all this tension in club now, and everyone is pretty much segragated.

You've got Miguel, TJ, Jomar, and abour 5 other kids who play Yuugiou and gameboy.

Sora's group (who've I've completely broke all connections with, and yet they still follow me around) who sit in the back (usually by me, so I move) and they sit with all of Jenna Lee's gay friends, who shouldn't even be there because they don't like anime.

Then there's Starla, Miguel's sister and Ducki and Kai, her brother Tommy and a few other people, who all sit in the corner and draw or watch DVD's.

Then there's me, Edison and Steve(who likes to travel around the class room and talk with others). Edison and I do homework, or play games, or just talk.

Rachel stands in the front of the class room, shouting at us...TT

And that is the breakdown. I could go furthur, but I have homework.

Anywho, we haven't had a contest since October, and there's really no anime involved in Anime club, except the occassional DVD or VHS put on the TV that no one watches.

There is so much tension, I feel it isn't somewhere I should be, but I want to hang out with Edison and Steve there, because other than during Biology, we don't see each other. Since they are my two best friends this year, it really sucks...TT So I go to see them.

And yeah, that's about it.

Sorry, it sounded like I have a problem with gay people, but I don't...But to quote Steve..."I do not oppose gays, nor do I support them. I will accept them as human beings, as I've mentioned frequently before, and accept them for who they are. I will not, however, support them in general (I'm not going to go around shouting, "Yay for Gay!")

Please excuse Steve's blutness, but I agree with him.

I have been scarred since I learned Sora was a les...*shudders* It's just disturbing and annoying. I have to let it go though, I don't talk to her, so I won't let it bother me or say a word about it any more.

So, yeah, That's about it. It's just extremely frustrating, that anime club has so many problems, I mean COME ON! IT'S ANIME CLUB!!!!

And with all of this Sam and porn stuff and gay stuff, it's no wonder Anime has a bad name in a lot of places. *Napolean Dynomite Voice* Geez!

*sigh* Yeah, Ok, I have homework...Bye bye!


P.S. If you did read this, I hope you're not offended...*bows* Sorry if you are!

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