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Thursday, August 30, 2007
 | I just did RealmsCon in Corups last weekend.
I'm helping Blu make his costume for AFest this weekend. We leave tonight, about 12ish.
I miss you ^^ | |
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
 | Off to RealmsCon
Be back Sunday. | |
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Monday, August 20, 2007
 | I miss you.
I miss you a lot, more than I can express.
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
 | This thing is still here.
Fucking wow.
So... just to check up on a couple people, I might keep dropping by... I hear I has sum important people here. | |
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tonight's turning out rather interesting. But first... I feel a little better, now that I've been able to get my roomates something for ...tonight v'v.
As far as the interesting night goes. I'm talking to Sean, and he shows me a "midnight bliss" (simply a female interpretation) of Zappa. My mind gets to running, and I wanna draw my own, and make it crossplayable. It's be rather interesting as far as I'm concerned.
Then, since I'm talking crossplay to Sean, Kevin messages me, asking WHY I crossplay. Not entirely too sure on that one. After some thought I'm thinking I'm either... (for lack of a better term) gendercurious. NOT likely the case as, most of my cosplays are obscure, and one-of-a-kind, if not extremely rare. Akabane is rare, Sadako is rare, Sadako CROSSPLAY even rarer, Zappa, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy crossplaying Millia at the moment. One-of-a-kind, huh? Include my Tir McDohl (rare), Strider Hien (one-of-a-kind) and the Flame Champion (rare at least)... and... I make for an obscure cosplayer. Male crossplayers are even rarer.
It's interesting really. But, yeah, I'm gonna finish up what I'm doing with Tir's tunic thingy then probally sleep or draw. I need to figure out what I'll do for yellow pants....
YELLOW PANTS!?!?! Dammit Tir... rich bastard...

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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Well, I've pretty much got a job at a Tetco close to home. We're only waiting on what SubWay says about me before the job is mine. Nearly 6 years with them, they better not say anything bad. I got in trouble MAYBE once every 6 months.
Speaking of Subway, I got my last check from them. I have about 70$ that DOESN'T have to go to rent. I might be able to get the roomates something, but it won't be much. I know what I wanna do, but I have to go deposit my check first, which, I haven't had to do something like that in a while. I should be okay.
I've been gradually uploading my stuff to my Deviant Art. http://zappaslave.deviantart.com
Thar's your link if anyone's interested. Tuesday was cool there. I uploaded my Zappa cosplay (the pic Danzig took) and it got favorited not even 2 mintues later by some random girl, then a 'group' called Group-photos, which is cosplay only aparently. Cool nontheless.
So, I sit here... no ride, and hungry. I think I'm gonna scrounge up some food, play a LITTLE WoW, then cosplay. I have the basic for Millia's top finished. Gotta finish sewing on the collar, then the trim/borders.
Oh, I talked to 2 people who I hadn't talk to in forever. One of which from high school, who tracked me down on MySpace. Rockin!

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Friday, December 15, 2006
Sadako: Long time no see Zappa. What's up?
Zappa: Nothing really. I SHOULD be doing more, but mostly nothing.
Sadako: Job hunting not going well?
Zappa: Actually, it's just started going. I'm lazy on my own. I... don't seem to get much done unless someone tells me to, and I'd rather not be a dissapointment, so in the last 2 days I applied at 7 places. That's 9 applications in que including the two from last week that I did. I hope for something soon. I'm particularly hoping for Hobby Lobby.
Sadako: Why?
Zappa: Easy access to cosplay stuffs v'v. I got all the fabric components for 2 costumes for just over 13$. I'm actually going to TRY to make the top for Millia from scratch. That'll save that white shirt for Tir.
Anywho... I've noticed that I'm mosty not using my MyOtaku much, so I'm not using that as my primary... meaning I probally won't check it as often as I do my LJ. Kinda looks like all but 3-4 of my friends on there even post anymore.
Anywhoo, I'd been meaning to show this for a while, which is why the cut, our Xmas Tree, full with...

I made that wing myself, so SHUTTAP!
I'll be next to my compy for a while, working on cosplay.

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Monday, December 11, 2006
 | I"M ALIVE!!!
Okay, so no new job yet. I'm trying. I know, not as hard as I could... but I am. I have this bad tendancy to fall into a rut EASILY.
However in other news, Mjollnir has move command!!! Mind you, not a reliable or efficient one, but the tires are replaced. Deus sold his X360. I feel like I wasted time playing PSU now. Why does he make these whimsical decisions. "Oh, I'm not playing it now, so I'll sell it to someone who will." I swear... after January, he'll have a new one.
I'm debating on making Millia the old way (lengthening a shirt) or trying to MAKE the top from scratch. That, and my cautiousness with money are my only impedement on making cosplay progress in this time of no job having. I think, given I do it right, I can disguise it well enough, and I'll just proceed as I know how. Save the long-shirt making for Tir. If I can't get a job, (and I really hope that's not the case) before long, I won't have new Millia or Akiha. I'll have to fall back on other costumes (excluding Zappa, as I promised mom she could use it so she'd have a costume). Finding a job is hard without my own vehicle. I wish I could just openly ASK for some more obvious help from the roomies. Sometimes, and I know this is bad, I don't think about important things unless I'm MADE to do so. That's how I got the tires replaced. Kaylyn got on my ass Tuesday and pretty much EFFECTIVELY guilt tripped me into it. I need more of that, but for job, and somewhere NOT far away. That's the issue... there's nowhere within walking range.
And, just so people don't think I'm blowing them off, my lappy's been next to my bed, in my room, while I socialize in other rooms. The status on my Trillan doesn't change, cuz I don't think about it. I think all is said and done here,

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Monday, December 4, 2006
So I finally quit at Subway. After being written up for a whole bunch of bullshit from the weekend, forced to stay 3.5 hours LATE (putting Deus's job at risk), and seeing my new schedule (10-7 Wed, 12-7 Sat and 10-7 Tue [since I use Deus's car, I can't work past 4]) , I got fed up all at once. Almost 6 years, and I wasn't even close to making 8 dollars an hour. Andy is starting at Central Market soon, and he's STARTS at 8 dollars. I just wasn't going to take it anymore. I quit mid-shift too. Rag on me if you will, but it's done, and I don't regret it. I have to go to the office and get my last check in 2 weeks. I expect Connie will call sometime between now and Wednesday to bitch/whine about it.
Maybe now I can at least the the tires on my car replaced. There's a restraunt nearby that's hiring... maybe I can get in there. It's walking distance, so I can work whenever. Maybe Deus's Tetco too. I got paid today, so that's gotta last a while. Depending on how cheap I can get fabric, maybe I can still get my costumes done for Ikki... though, Tir will be my ONLY cosplay if I can't afford wigs. I paid rent already, so MAYBE I'll splurge on that ONE wig for Akiha (since it'll double for another Melty Blood character.) We'll see how things go.. I really hope I don't get too comfortable with not working to the point that I get too lazy to go find a job. ...*sigh* All in due time.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Zappa: There were two girls I was... "involved" with. One who liked me but I didn't feel the same, and one I felt I loved, who was stuck with someone else.
I wasn't meant to be with either of them, and now they know. Meh... moving on with life.
There's a new siggy thing there... might have to highlight to see it on the dark BG's

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