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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Scary fortune cookie:
"Your dearest wish will come true"
This makes me panicky.
In other news, updates later on tonight! But... completely different costume finished in 10 minutes! Neji still under construction. Should be done today.
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
Zappa-kun: Arrgg... *counts in a complicated manner*
Sadako-chan: 4 days Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: Thank you... stupid need for sleep.
Yes, 4 days till AKon. 4 days till I force my car for possibly it's final trip to Austin. 4 days to finish Neji.
Most importantly, 4 days till I see Alex (though technically 5)
I've been working myself late into the night to optimimze progress. Stayed up till 4 Sunday mornin... or 5... sewing and getting the proper placement of the waist thingy. GOD doesn't something like that have a proper name? Point is... I just have the sew the borders of the piece, then sew them to the waist... and all will be one.
Now what will I do till Lily arrives wif teh sandals?
In raving gear... I have to dig through the house to find the hot glue gun, and spraypaint the shin guards. I can take care of that here at work.. just gimme an empty box. My glowsticks will no longer be a seperate and loanable entity, as when I loan them to strangers, they never come back (see incident, ShioKazeCon)
I never wanna make a post where I don't use the backspace. My fingers get so crossed when I type.
Enjoy some LOL
The Advertising Slogan Generator

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Saturday, June 3, 2006
63rd motion - A tale of the Unclean
Zappa: T'was a long day of battle. Amist the boredom and drugeries of my usual place of employment, I was called forth by the higher authorities. "Lo." they say, "Henceforth, be on thy way to a distant location. You're the only one free to aid them, as one of thier warriors has fallen." A heavy sigh and string of ill words spilled forth.
Upon my arrival to the battlefield, the place was offerun with the Unclean. "All Father in Asgard... this battle is hopeless." And a light shone upon me. The All Father himself granted me with artifacts to aid combat agianst the Unclean. A leaf from the very tree Yddgrisil, and a steel serpent; that so long as blood flowed through it's veins, could shoot powerfull streams of water. With this, simple work was made of the most powerful of the Unclean.
Alas, the battle wasn't with only the Unclean. My supposed comrade-in-arms meerly stood about the battlefield, and let out powerfull moans of angst, telling meaningless tales of quitting the battle early. He learned quickly that I don't tolerate such cowardice, and told him to either join the fight, or leave the battlefield. I'll not be supporting any cowards on this day. He was quick to silence, and back to arms agianst the Hoardes; as I dealt with the Unclean.
It was a long and filthy battle... and as the dust of the war settled... I felt a heavy weight as I dropped to my knees.
An armor-clad maiden, of silver hair appeared before me, and took me on high. The All Father himself spoke to me:
Odin, the All Father: You've done well young one.
You've earned your place among us.
Zappa, 8th level god: And here I sit, able to relax freely, till next I need deal battle with the Hoardes and the Unclean.

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Friday, June 2, 2006
The fruits of Thrusday's labor
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Zappa-kun: This is the time of year in which I hate having younger friends. Why can't high schools EVERYWHERE let out at the SAME TIME??!!?!?!?!?! Lily and Chels were out of school 2 weeks ago, Alex was out last Thrusday. Seth, Ashley, and Sethos are still in school as far as I know. And even my half-brother (as tangent as this is) is still in school.
Progress on Neji is go. I'm off work today, so I'll be able to get a lot done.
Maybe when I get paid, I'll FINALLY develop the pics from ShioKaze.
And I'll get Deus to get the server back on.
I crashed my compy taking screenshots of vampire Akiha. So I lost my huge rant that was going on Customers Suck. I'm over it, and LAZY, so it's lost for now. I think I'll do definately do vampire Akiha next year. Thus, putting the cosplay schedule for next year at 2.
Akon: Neji (genin), Neji (jounin), and Sadako
Onicon: Millia, Zappa, and Sadako
Hmm... Ikkicon is first next year... isn't it? Isn't it supposed to be really SMALL too? I think I'll do Ikkicon, ShioKaze, San Japan, and Onicon. Nothing more. And they're all nicely spaced, so I can definately have money to make costumes and spend freely.
WOW, go LJ for saving a draft of my Customer's Suck rant.
Can you make sence of my spurattic logic? Nothing was placed in any particular order.
Sadako-chan: Yay! Me!

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
62nd motiont - The World.... fixed
Sadako-chan: Zappa? Wow... you're... giddy?
Zappa-kun: Uhm... sure... I'm giddy. Not to be confused with Geddy... Lee... of Rush...
Irae-chan: Her point stands.
Sadako-chan: You are now! SERVED!!!
Irae-chan: Will you be making space for these?
Zappa-kun: For what?
Irae-chan: The plates.
Zappa-kun: Pssht... BACK ON POINT!!!
So... Deus says something last night that proves ironic. During our roleplaying, I put my character's hand into a toilet filled with shit to get a ring of keys. I don't bitch about it, nor do I bitch when the water faucet starts spewing more shit on my arm. I wasn't feeling up to whining about it, that would have made it worse. But because I didn't whine, I get rewarded. I now have Zappa's (the GG character, not a self reference) floating sword as a weapon. He says, "You know how life deals you some crap, then goes back and makes up for it?" Yeah... really ironic Deus.
So... some may or may not have seen my wangst about emo-dreams of Alex and being stopped for running a stop sign. Put me in a pretty down mood. I get on Yahoo at work, and message Alex, to tell her I miss her.
Her mom is using her screen name.
After much talking, explaining of the past, and complicated matters... I'm on good terms with Alex's mom and she's even taking her to Akon.
No longer are there names on my list of people who might hate me. That list is empty. That's how I like it. Less worries.
And I get to see Alex agian!
2 friggin weeks.
2 friggin weeks to make a costume... I'd better quit talking and get to work. If you see me online after 11pm, make sure I'm at home and working on the costume. Or tell me to go to bed and get up really fucking early to work on it.
Will I get up before 2 tomorrow? Stay tuned v'v

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Monday, May 29, 2006
Zappa-kun: I roleplayed with Deus, Jenny, Heather, Bridgete and my co-worker Richard. Didn't get back till 5am. I finally got the call to go play D&D at my friend's shop. So, after being awake for 5 minutes, I got pulled over for running a stop sign. As the cop was passing in front of me. I don't want to hear any "you're stupid" remarks, because I was still technically asleep. I'm here at my friend's shop now, waiting for someone to bring up our character sheets and map. Noob-tard here forgot it in the store-owner's car. *sigh*
Alex, I really miss you. I only dreamt of you last night.
*smashes fist on keyboard*
Dammit I miss you.
EX: Yugi, I need to talk to you. MyO's PM system is messed up as usual, and I have no means of contacting you otherwise. Get Yahoo or email me.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Zappa-kun: Seth's party rocked. Much raving was had. I'm so-so with pop 'n lock, but I'd rather have some formalities with it. I've yet to speak with 1Up since asking him to make videos. There was awesomeness, I'm my condolences to any who wanted to, but could not attend.
Yugi... I need to talk to you.
As for the rest of my goings on in life. It's fucking boring. Occasionally I have a genious idea I wanna post
but end up forgetting. I recall one though.
Those who attended the cosplay at ShioKaze, saw the Malice Mizer thingy. I would like to see a group of J-Rock cosplayers, Dir en Grey to be precise, perform the band's part of Obscure (look up the vid on YouTube, if you haven't seen it before). Of course, we can do without Kyo's(ID) feign vomiting.
Ah well... tomorrow, Deus, Jenny and I are picking up Heather and Bridget, and towing along a co-worker of mine to roleplay. Odds are we'll be going to Spider House cafe wherabouts 7-8pm. If anyone up in Austin is interested in joining us still, lemme know first, so we can print you a character sheet.
I'm done... I post this in finale. I hope for replies:
Dear Zappa_Slave,
You have a nice______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me =________. If I saw you now I'd __________. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________.
(P.S. ______________.)
(If you don't grasp the concept, aparently you fill in the blanks wif your opinion.)
I'm hoping for replies.

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Friday, May 26, 2006
Zappa-kun: I wish I had more to say than I have as of late. I'm posting every other day, just to have something to prattle on about.
I got most all my bills paid. All's left is my car registration. I have to copy my insurance before I ca nsend it off... or some odd like that. I have all the materials I need for Neji, I just need the time now. Last night, I chose downloading stuff at Deus's rather than go home and work on it.
Melty Blood Re-ACT is at 93% and it slowed down dramatically. ARG!!! Stupid fucking seeders... give me that last 7%!!!
Sadako-chan: It's not the end of the world Zappa-kun...
Zappa-kun: I'm allowed to angst about it, aren't I?
Sadako-chan: NO!
Zappa-kun: Aww...
Irae-chan: *hands Zappa-kun a plate*
Zappa-kun: AWW!! Not fucking cool!
And later on, after realizing that the network adaptor at work switched over to dial up, I was able to resume Melty Blood at a regular pace, and got it within 30 minutes. Now, all I have to do is figure the fucker out. Like how to change the buttons. Tommy, a translation patch perhaps? I'm sure it exists by now.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006
 | I changed the music. What do you think? | |
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