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Friday, May 12, 2006
53rd motion - No formatting
 | This post doesn't get my usual formatting.
I'm finally playing Katamari Damaci.
This is a horrible game for me to play, as I'm a completion whore.
Also, I got Seth's Mother's Day/Birthday present. | |
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
52nd motion - 10,000 words???
Sadako-chan: Today was another boring day where Zappa-kun
slept in till he HAD to get up for work.
Zappa-kun: Yeah... and before I go on with what I was going to type about...
...MySpace whores are the people who add you randomly to get thier friend count up, right?
Whatever... I've only got it cuz my co-worker insisted... so he can "keep the fuck up with my personal life :)"
Yes, and now for the purposeless post for the evening... I figure a little backstory on my roleplay characters is nice.
Foggy Knoll campaign:
Name: Ness "Faust" Englund
Yes, he was named after Ness of Earthbound... and gets picked on for it. Naturally he's good at baseball, but hates it. If you're a horror movie buff, then recognize his last name as that of Robert Englund (i.e. Freedy Krueger) That was done on purpose.
Why his nickname? He picked it up from his friends when he cosplayed Faust of course. He accepts it, because to him it has a hidden meaning. He has urges to disect things; be them animal, insect, person, or himself. It hasn't gotten to the point of him acting on disecting people or himself, but he takes daily medication nonthless. To further satisfy his urges, he's taken extensive classes and research into anoatomy (so he doesn't NEED to cut things apart). Dead bodies, and dismemberment mean nothing to him.
He has a deep rooted fear of dogs. As a baby, a ill-treated dog had gotten lose and came inches from his face, snarling and barking at him all the while. Any dog in any condiditon frightens him (corpses included).
I trust that and don't use out of character information, since they have no idea what the medication is for in character.
Rave Ninja forum roleplay:
(essentially a place to post for the other players to read upon)
Name: None on file. Named "Zero" by Azriel for the time being.
He was taken from his family as a newborn. To them, he was pronounced dead minutes after birth.
Scientists took interest in him (and took him as well) when his brain pattern matched that of powerful psychokinetics. Once he reached age enough to walk, he was taken into conditioning to develop and manipulate his ability for military purposes. Several children had failed or died during conditioning. Said conditioning included exposure to fear inciting situations, mental and emotional abuse, and forced use of his psychokinesis during life-or-death situations. The overall intended result was to have a human weapon who could hearlessly, and obediantly, kill a person using fear. The weapon would manipulate thier target(s) thoughts into seeing that which would scare them most, and overexpose them to it to the point of cardiac arrest. Thier seventh test subject was thier only success. And due to his great aptitude with his psychokineses, he himself developed ways of manipulating people's nervous systems, using similar methods to his fear incitment. Though unable to control a person's actions, he could diable thier nerves, rending them unable to use limbs, or entirely braindead.
Why isn't he a souless weapon? One of the scientists continued to show him motherly affections, much beyond the necessary time period. Her affections and wishes for him to remain humane never left his thoughts, and helped him retain his humanity.
20 years after his birth (no date was recorded), his "mother" insisted he flee, using the very abilities he was taught to kill everyone in the facility, including herself. Orders recieved and carried out. Unfortunately, he's inexpirenced in the world and untrained in social functioning. He was also unable to disable the tracking collar that's permanently sealed around his neck. Current wherabouts unknown (which means he can exist in any roleplay I do v'v)
Horray for being mentally fucked up!!!
Obaa-chan, this is Tool you're listening to.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
51st motion - Getting Used By Music
Zappa-kun: Kay, for what I was trying to post yesterday...
I bought the new Tool album, 10,000 Days, Saturday night. Just opening the plastic of the cover and looking at it was awesome. It has a pair of stereoscopic lenses to view the album art at it's finest. It even has a disclaimer for the tards who try to use it for other things. If you fuck up your eyes, Tool, Volcano Records, and Sony BMG can't be held liable.
So don't try to stare into the sun with them and sue the band. Cuz I'll kick your ass.
I got around to listening to it Monday night at work. It was all I had expected from Tool. Much worth the wait between albums, as it was when Lateralus was released.
I stopped by the site...
Irae-chan: *gasp*
Zappa-kun: ... and read up on stuff, hoping to find an official video for Vicarious. Tool's videos are ART IN MOTION. Anywho... upon reading the latest newsletter...
Sadako-chan: *double gasp*
Zappa-kun: ...there's some hidden puzzle amongst the four indivitual pictures of the band members. Maybe I'll try to figure it out one day and be scared.
I took a bit to try... nuffin... not that I can figure out... but, I suppose one would have to be a much deeper Tool fan to grasp it.
I don't know when the official season starts, but I've always considered Summer when school was out. And I can't wait.
Not only do I MOVE this Summer (out of the manager's and closer to Seth), but most of my friends whom are in school, will get that much needed weight of school off thier shoulders for 2 months.
I don't say 3, cuz that thrid is spent stressing about getting back to school. Anyway, they ALL need that stress off. Everyone does.
And now I'd like to apologize to Rip. The comment I made on your LJ was before I relized whom you were talking about, so I was taking it quite lightly, and trying to get a laugh out of the situation using contradictions. That was completely the wrong instance to use my contradictive sence of humor, and I'm sorry.
I think we're done tonight. Sleep well all.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
50th motion - If you're my friend, you'll watch that.
Sadako-chan: ||.(O)
Zappa-kun: I had some childish rant about Tool, and was going to talk about my present roleplay characters... but not only it is extremely hot in Jenny's house, but, I'm tired, lazy, and VERY distracted by this cuteness.
You click and you watch... or you're not our friend.

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Monday, May 8, 2006
49th motion - Incoherent summary.
 | Bought Guild Wars. Roleplayed Sunday. Deus holds Seth in high regard... much more mature than Suger (comparing the ages and maturity). Deus wants to get to know seth, for she is interesting to him... something unplacable about it. I say it's the Seth-ishness of Seth. Cuz remember, Seth is an adjective (of or being of utmost calm and awesome)

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Sunday, May 7, 2006
48th motion - (MEH)
Zappa-kun: Justa day of boredom... here's some questions to answer.
Isn't a "Rainbow In The Dark" impossible? (kudos to those who can identify the band)
Why to tiny cuts hurt more and longer than bigger ones?
What suits me better: a happy psychopath or a paranoid schotzophrenic?
What's more fun, loopholes or sarcasm?
Should I legally change my name to Zappa, since nobody of importance uses my real name anyway?
My manager now knows I call Seth my mom. You think she gets it yet?

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Saturday, May 6, 2006
47th motion - Great Moments in WHAT-THE-FUCK History
Zappa-kun: And now for a "Great Moment in WHAT-THE-FUCK History".
I have a new number one, but first, what IS a "Moment of WHAT-THE-FUCK"? Sadako will explain.
Sadako-chan: These moments consist of events so truely random and bizarre, what one would expect to react normally to, is simply met with a blank stare.
Zappa-kun: So the former, and new number one WTF moment are held at work. The former:
We have a Kid's Pak display that sits freely on the floor. Back in my first year at Subway, someone ran in, over to the register, snatched the display and ran out. You really don't expect a snatch-and-grab on a little display of craptacular toys, so I could only stare. My co-worker held the same stare till he broke it by saying, "Bye, have a nice day?"
Today's wins the number one spot... simply for shock value... and the paranoia that could follow:
I made a sandwich for a pretty attractive girl at work. She didn't really interest me though, as... I want Alex. Anywho, she kept smiling at me, and batting eyes (I guess that's what it was). I smiled back as not to be an asshole. I got to the veggies, then moved on to ring up the next customer, then wash dishes. My co-worker, Garrett tells me some chick (the one I just made a sammich for) wants to talk to me, and clearly points to the lobby. I walk out there, and being all "professional" I greet her with a "Yes ma'am?". The girl puts her hand on my neck, pulls me in and kisses me. I felt her tounge touch my lips too. She backed off and said, "Sorry, but I really had to get that over with."
I pondered it for a while, and brushed my teeth soon after. I doubt there was any mal-intent... but that was really random as FUCK.
Yeah... ...uhm... ...a new number one... ...I'm so fucking confused still...

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Friday, May 5, 2006
46th motion - What closure?
Sadako-chan: Zappa got screwed out of another day off, YAY!
Zappa-kun: That's not something to celebrate.
Oh wait... sarcasm...
Yeah... anyway, that's what happened. One store's fuckup ends in my screw over.
I returned Jester's game and finally played DMC3 *GASP*.
Yeah, I never touched it before. No big deal... feels like Chaos Legoin. I like OZ better anyway.
Anyway, on the drive back home... I was analyzing myself... and wondering why I always wanna help so much. I really can't figure, but the only "excuse" I come up with is I want to make such an impact on people, that 5, 10, 20 years down the line, when/if I drift from the friends I have, they'll think back and remember me. Like, "I knew him. He was friggin awesome."
Sadako complex I think I once called it. The desire to be remembered.
Sadako-chan: Awww... *hugs*
Irae-chan: *hugs*
Oh, Purgatory... Alex... my girlfriend... heh heh. Yeaaahhh... what once was and won't be for another 2 years... not really a sensitive subject... but is... *points to okaa-chan* yeah... I'm not feelin up to going over the history.

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Thursday, May 4, 2006
45th motion - I Hate Stupid People
Zappa-kun: Ahh... a day of event! A day of rest!
It feels soo good to be able to wake up at MY convience agian.
Sadako-chan: When did you wake up at anyone else's convience.
Zappa-kun: Saturday, for the Net Senshi block.
I didn't HAVE to attend.
Irae-chan: But you wanted to...
Zappa-kun: Yeah, and Matsutake wanted me to make an announcement, so it was at HIS convience.
Stop complicating things you two. POINT WAS, I got to sleep in finally. Woke up at 2pm!
Then at work... I spent most of it able to talk to Alex. Much happies and hearts. But her mom is going back and reading the conversations... so... hopefully one hug and one kiss don't cause too much issue... they shouldn't. Seriously...
What gets me, is why her mom won't talk to me. There was a chance, but I was busy at that moment... so we missed it.
MOVING ALONG! I've got a weekday off! And I've finally caught up on all old things. Seems like all the family took a break from posting at the same time. I know exams are mind rape, but... the synchronizing is creepy.
I changed the music on the page. Wait around a while and enjoy v'v
Con, here's a one-liner for ya: There isn't enough money in the world to fund research on why people are so stupid.
[LJ users go here]

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
44th motion - Hailstorm
Zappa-kun: Today... meh, boring.
It rained/hailed today. Seems like a lot of people went out when it did. I heard my brother got nailed in the head with a piece of hail. Teach him to go out there.
I finally unpacked everything. My Felecia poster is up, my Kanu statuette is where my Rushuna used to be, and my light-up Sailor V sits atop my TV. An unnecessary "night light", but pretty nontheless. I rearranced my posters to make room for Felecia. I think the place looks a bit better now. All those little pics cluttering by my headboard are scattered about. One particular one that has a fairy with a banner reading "Go Away" is now on my door. Think my landlords will get it?
Odds are not.
I better have enough Rock Candy pieces left to make what I want to. Means I better quit eatin' them, right?
I lost the Rabi-en-Rose pin I bought at Shio. I remember where I put it upon first purchase, but can't remember after that... or if it fell somewhere...
But it's not the end of the world, there will be other cons with other pins of cuteness to add to the strap on my lappy bag.
Sadako-chan: Don't we get to say anything anymore?
Zappa-kun: I'm playing a game...
...so yes, you do.
Irae-chan: *folds arms, staring at Sadako*
Sadako-chan: What?
Irae-chan: You asked for the oppurtunity,
so say something
Sadako-chan: Uhm... I kinda don't have anything to say.
Irae-chan: Then why'd you bug Zappa-kun about it?
Sadako-chan: Cuz no one's heard from us in 5 days.
Maybe someone's worried that we didn't come back?
Irae-chan: Of course we're back.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have to dictate who's speaking, would he?
Sadako-chan: Yeah...
Irae-chan: Besides, isn't your thing 7 days?
Sadako-chan: Yeah ^.||

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