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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
33rd motion - Good Dreams and Dolls
Zappa-kun: I hate days that consist of only work and playing games. The game has been irritating me at certian points... but... I donly do them for completion sake. And... since Danzig suggested better, a half assed completetion. They're done to say I did them, not for unlocking what I could with them
Irae-chan: ^.^
Zappa-kun: I'm telling them. I had an interesting and cute dream. It was... some part SC3 character creation and some part survival horror. Not necessarily in equal parts, but... Anywho, I was to be assembling a creepy doll to kill/frighten people. And upon unlocking parts (however it was that standing around did that) I decided to assemble the closest thing I could to Irae v'v
Irae-chan: And once he got the right hair part unlocked, I was made, and I gave him a hug... before scaring people ^.^
Zappa-kun: Oh yes... and for those who follow such things, Happy belated Easter (cuz I wasn't home Saturday night/Sunday morning to do this)

That's as Easter as you're gonna get from me.
I've had that bunny since I was 6. Laugh and DIE.

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Monday, April 17, 2006
32nd motion - This IS a Playstation Black Disc
Zappa-kun: Hello all, agian. Sorry for not posting yesterday, but along with my keyboard gradually dieing, I was at Deus and Jenny's this weekend. Easter is one of the most pointless days to have to work. I was there for 4 hours, we had 15 customers.
Sadako-chan: *huggles* So what happen Saturday. You were in and out.
Zappa-kun: Everyone decided to rearrange the schedule while I was out with Tala Friday. It just got really stupid... and I had to rearrange it further. Just stupidity abound.
Today... of course work, but I changed the layout while I was there. Wallpaper and shruiken courtesy of Jester, and banner artwork from Nindento 1 up, both Rave Ninjas. Music courtesy of OC Remixes.
Deus picked up a new PS2, some new games, and a nifty virus on his computer that kept restarting it. He saidhe got it just by being on the interent. He has a wireless connection, but be warned anyway.
The games Deus got me save me much on munnies. I have easy access to Katamari Damaci finally. I can borrow KH2 when he's done, and I've got his Soul Calibur three.
Speaking of SC3, some friends of mine shall be immortalized as such, as soon as Danzig can tell me how many characters I can save. I've created Lily and Effervescence in the CotS mode.
Irae-chan: Who's next?
Zappa-kun: More character parts first... then we'll see.
Okaa-chan, we need to find a way to get Alex back. I'm don't want us suffering anymore because we're all apart.

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Saturday, April 15, 2006
31s motion - B-A-D-L-U-K
Sadako-chan: Squee! Zappa-kun's returned to his regular posting position ||.^
Irae-chan: *celebrates* ^.^
Zappa-kun: Heh. I didn't think it was that big of a deal to you two.
Anyways, today, did not go without event. As posted yesterday, Tala and I went to see a movie.
[full lowdown]
For the last couple of weeks, I've been feeling Tala and I getting closer, relationship wise. When we decided we'd hang out and see a movie, it felt to me, that we may end up getting back together. It was a year ago we were together, and actually spend part of Easter weekend together too. I forget what we did though... *ponders*
Anyway, I was a little concerned as to weither or not we'd get back together. She tells me she was thinking the same.
[/full lowdown]
Anyway, she and her friend Amy showed up while I was still on shift, so my co-worker was causing some embarassment in me.
Zappa-kun: Awww *||.^*
Zappa-kun: Heh. Anywho, we held hands through most of the movie. There were a couple kisses afterward too. But, overall... I don't think we'll end up together agian. Not that... well... that spark isn't there. The one I feel for Alex still.
(LJ friends of MarzGurl and Gonsai are free to skip past this, as you're already aware)
So, we move along to other matters of the day. Sad and angering matters.
My friend Kaylyn (MarzGurl to the convention circuit) was robbed Thrusday night. These last couple weeks, she's still been in the process of moving her things from her old, tiny apartment, to her new one. Among many other things of great importance, all of her video equipment was stolen. In the aspect that I'm a big generator of bad luck for myself and those around me, I feel fragmentally responsable.
Kaylyn records conventions for a hobby, and her own personal memory. So much so, she chose to provide this service to fellow con-goers, and distribute copies of her recordings. (Kaylyn, I'm sorry if my conception of this doesn't match yours)
It was three days ago now, that I requested MarzGurl Productions to record the event I'm running at ShioKazecon. Not long after her agreeing, she's gotten robbed of her equipment. Why do I feel responsable? Because I asked her to do a service to me, and doing so would make me happy. FATE doesn't allow me to exceed a certian point on my happiness scale, so she likes to throw kinks into things to get at me, disregarding thier effect on others.
Just out of my sheer desire to help when I can, IF I can, I've donated fifty dollars to MarzGurl Productions, and I plan on donating more once I get my tax return. I can't stand by and let my friends suffer at the hands of my bad luck.
Wizzat said, I link joo to the post of sadness.
Also, before heading off, Danzig: My goal was to fininsh Suikoden Tactics before ShioKazeCon, so you may borrow it. I'm no longer in the desperate hurry I once was, as Earthbound holds my interest better. So, I'll bring that for you, if you could remember to return my Suikoden 2 and Gameshark when I arrive at your place. I think my Land Dragon has one last journey to Austin left in it.
MyO layout will change on Sunday, for Easter, and agian on Monday for Rave Ninjaing.
Speaking of Rave Ninjas, I've requested webcomic artist Chris Hamelton (Misfile) to comission me a drawing of a rave ninja. I think I'll do this with other artists, if at all possible. Good publicity, if I can get internet-famous people interested (even if slightly) in the group. Name spread: GET v'v
Irae-chan: Goodness, you've certinaly had a lot to say ^.^
Zappa-kun: A lot happened that I could talk about. Can't help it.
Also, I find it funny that I had a quarter of an inch of super glue caked between the nosepiece and the lens. It's now down to 1/16th and they've quit slipping. I expect many comments of LOL.

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Friday, April 14, 2006
30th Motion - Primal Fury (Bitches with Cellphones)
Sadako-chan: We...
Zappa-kun: ...hate...
Irae-chan: ...people.
Sadako-chan: Today's highlight comes from an emergency at work. Zappa-kun had to head up and fix the computer. But till he could, there were to be no credit card transactions. As he tries to tell his particular girl that it's not working... she's not only not listening but talking on her cell phone, AND texting on her Sidekick.
I swear, I wanted to come out and slap it all out of her hand. Then slap her and say, "Bad girl. BAD!" What made it worse, is she tried to ask if we took debit when the credit system is down. Well... effin DURRR...
Irae-chan: Whaa... uhm... calm down Sadako-san.
Sadako-chan: But... that pissed me off so much. How does Zappa-kun tolerate these things?
Irae-chan: I don't know. Just calm down. Let's have some tea while Zappa-kun finishes ironing his costumes.
Sadako-chan: Kay. You think Zappa-kun will take us to the movies with him and Miss Tala?
Irae-chan: I don't know... I think...
Zappa-kun: Think what?
Cuz I need some enlightenment on the situation.
I really have NO idea what's going to happen tomorrow.
I'm just gonna see where FATE drifts me to.
Alex's still 2 years away...
a long,
2 years...

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Thursday, April 13, 2006
29th motion - Driven Under The Sheets
Do you think I’m faking
when I’m lying next to you?
Do you think that I am blind
nothing left for me to lose?
Must be something on your mind
something lost and left behind
Do you know I’m faking now?
Do you know I’m faking
when I’m lying next to you?
Do you know that I am blind to everything you ever do?
Must be something on your mind
something lost for me to find
Do you know I’m faking?
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before, oh man
I guess you know I’m faking
when I tell you I love you
I guess you know that I am blind
to everything you say and do
Must be something on my mind
there’s nothing left for me to hide
Do you know I’m faking?
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before, oh man
We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you. I breathe you.
I can’t go through this all again.
We have to succumb to
the feelings we can never face I need you.
I breathe you. I can’t go through this…
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like she’d used it once before, oh man
Then she told me she had a gun
she says she wants to use it on me now…
Sadako-chan: Aaaarrrrhhhhhgggggg... Wednesdays only get worse and worse for Zappa-kun.
So, Tuesday night, 'round 11, he left to take inventory. Usually, he just gets up early Wednesday... but NOOOOO!!! His GM wants it done Tuesday night, so he can call and get some stupid information Wednesday morning. It's bad enough he has to be there early, but now he has to stay late, to come IN early.
So... we tried staying the night there.
Irae-chan: Didn't work. He got one hour of sleep.
Sadako-chan: He came home and colapsed into bed. Kinda crushed me napping, there. It was okay. I didn't mind playing with his hair in his sleep ||.^
Zappa-kun's landlords (or technically his parents, for those not keeping up) woke him up to take him to dinner. I didn't catch it well, but I think it was to make it up to him. I failed to mention that his 'dad' was messing with his swords on Tuesday night. One of them is particularly sharp. His 'dad' went to hand Zappa-kun the sword, when the sheath slipped and Zappa-kun ended up grabbing the blade for a second. It cut his hand a good deal for the split second his hand touched it.
I played an old SNES game called EVO. It's pretty fun, but suprisingly short, which is unfortunate for a lof of games for that era.
You know, the SNES era?
Anywhos... I wanna put a request out there. Anyone have the intro track for the new Ghost In The Shell series? And... anyone got any opinions on the Samurai 7 anime. The old b/w movie was great, so we wonder about the anime. We heard the game variant was craptacular, not that we've had first hand with it.
Irae-chan: Hehe, that's enough rambling now ^.^
Let's have some tea with Zappa-kun before he goes to bed.

Usagi nee-chan ||.^
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
28th motion - It's even harder to stand when you're sleepy
Sadako-chan: Hello all. This time, I'm posting all the things that Zappa-kun wrote he would do. I'll show you he's a lazypants.
Irae-chan: Lazypants?
Zappa-kun: Uhm... yeah...
Sadako-chan: Sorry... I don't know what that was. Stupid scene kids.
The LIST!:
Buy safety pins for rave shirt
Make rave shirt (Broken Heart Zappa) (not a literal meaning... he's doing okay)
Repaint Akabane knives
Double check Akabane Hat
Ask Jesse about nerdsticking
Get Earthbound ROM
Level all Suikoden Tactics characters to 11 or higher
Work on the rave girl drawing
Make dancing Sadako .gif into ninja Sadako
He's finding Suikoden Tactics really annoying, due to the fact that there's a short list of characters who don't die permanently. If any character dies once, they're gone for good. What happen to the ressurection rune??? Really really gay, if you ask me.
Irae-chan: But I'm nooooot~~~
Sadako-chan: Hush you!
Nothing really happened other than working on that list. There was this creepy event when Zappa-kun went to the bank. He looked across the parking lot and saw a bunch of kids in all black. Some with multi-colored hair. They walked by. After a couple minutes, another group of them walked by. We started to wonder what was going on. When he started to drive away, there weren't any buses nearby. Then there was a thrid group.
Zappa-kun: The EMOs have left thier computers and are on the rise. Beware.
Sadako-chan: Stop that, it's not even funny!

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
27th motion - The Real Sound of Progress
Irae-chan: HIIII!!!
I went to Mister Jester's and Mister Deus's, and to a sucky restraunt all in one day! It's been a long time since Zappa-kun took me somewhere. But it's nice. Jester's weird sister brushed my hair. It was kinda creepy, cuz it wasn't Zappa-kun, but, it was necessary. Sleeping makes my hair REALLY messy.
Later, Zappa-kun took me and Jester to Deus's. We went to that crappy restraunt. It has nice ice cream, but, they should stick to what they're good at, and not really tiny fries. And we went to the game store, and Zappa-kun bought the book for Suikoden 5. He was really paranoid the book wouldn't be around when he gets the game itself. He's so silly sometimes. The rest of the day was kinda boring. We changed the music on MyO. But since then, Deus had changed the source, so it's gonna have to reload for everyone, agian. Ah well, I think it's worth the wait.
Today... well, just another boring Monday. Zappa-kun said untill the inspector comes by, it's gonna be really stressful, and I definately can't go to work with him, nor can he have any fun.
Sadako-chan: *pouts*
Irae-chan: What?
Sadako-chan: You're doing all the posting...
Irae-chan: But you do all the posting all the time. Can't I do it sometimes?
Sadako-chan: Yeah, but it's a double post...
Irae-chan: I know. Lemme post then. You're taking up everyone's time with your complaints about the post.
Sadako-chan: Was there really anything left to talk about?
Irae-chan: Yes. Zappa-kun did A LOT from today's list of goals.
Zappa-kun: Yeah. I'll finish it all tomorrow, but the most complicated is over. That hat was really troublesome. I'll probally have to iron the hat agian. Ah well... night girls.
Irae-chan: Nite nite Zappa-kun. The rest of you have a nice day, alright? ^.^

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Monday, April 10, 2006
sleep motion
 | Zappa-kun:
Sleep is now, double post is tomorrow.
Comments welcome, but not necessary. | |
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
26th motion - Six Flags
Sadako-chan: Where's Zappa-kun?
Irae-chan: I don't know. He came and left after work.
Zappa-kun: I'm here! *enters and poses randomly*
Sadako-chan: Yay!! What happened to you?
Zappa-kun: Mint, Levi and Phlinx suddenly came up to work and pretty much told me to go to Six Flags with them. So I did. We had lots of insane fun, and I rode some things I'd never touched before, and never thought I would. Also, Socknin, Newbeh and Suger were there. Still more fun v'v
Irae-chan: Hehe... I'm glad you had fun with everyone.
And thanks for bringing me to Jester's ^.^

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Saturday, April 8, 2006
 | 4chan has started a cosplay/EGL thread. You may find someone posting a pic of you. I may, and have done so, myself.
Any post by Ragnarok is made by me, | |
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