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Saturday, April 8, 2006
25th motion
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Sadako-chan: *Yawn* Such a sleepy, hot day. Once agian, other matters got in the way of Zappa-kun finishing his list of chores I gave him.
Zappa-kun: Sorry, I was tired... very very tired.
Irae-chan: *pets* It's okay. We're not mad. You made good progress today.
Zappa-kun: Thank you...
Sadako-chan: ||.^ I think that's all for today. Zappa-kun paid his bills, got a piece for his ninja mask, and is ready to start fixing his Akabane hat. He even got one of the game tasks finished, even though he had to handle some RNC matters. Nothin much though. Anyway, have a good day today, and ...
...well, if she sees this... Zappa-kun misses you Miss Alex ||.^ Among other people of course.
Zappa-kun: So, let me insert something. My landlord/manager/woman who calls herself my mother walked in on me procuring the above lyrics. She's trying to ask me why, and I refuse to tell. Then we get into her emailing me at the email that I use to talk to Alex.
That comes up, and she's trying to remember what to associate her with, and brings up the seperation issue.
Bad move bitch. So I fire back at her, that what she said back then was extremely hurtful. She had that look of "Oh shit, I hit a nerve." and tried to apologize for it.
You're about 9 months too late. Just shut the fuck up and go away already.
She somes back in, inquiring agian about the lyrics. "There's gotta be a reason." she says. "Well, there is, and I don't want to talk to you about it.", is my reply. I think she may have finally gotten, that MY matters of the heart are to never be any of her business.
I'm still rather pissed now.

Ya know, if you ever like one of these, Zappa-kun has a slightly bigger, better quality version he can send you ||.^
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Friday, April 7, 2006
24th motion
Zappa-kun: Please read, obaa-chan.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
bull-shit three ring cirrrrcus siiiideshow of
Freaks here in this, hopeless fucking, hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
It's a bull-shit three ring cirrrrrcuus siiideshow of
freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.
Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
(Learn to swim. 3x)
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to beeeeeeeee.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck retro anything. Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memory.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Cuz I'm praying for rain
and I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all awaaaaaaaaay.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it come down.
(Suck it down. 2x)
Flush it down.
Sadako-chan: Wow... one hell of a day today. I set out a list of things for Zappa-kun to do today. He got the most important things on the list done, which was working on his car, but a few were... denied. I wanted him to finish the third chapter of his story, but, he wasn't given the oppurtunity to work on it. Even the game related task was missed out on.
Irae-chan: Well, it was all balanced out, considering what happened.
Sadako-chan: That was pretty amazing.
Irae-chan: We should probally explain. Not all the readers know the details, so just blurting it out won't get anyone anywhere.
Sadako-chan: Right. Within the Raving Ninja Clan, there are ranks. Zappa-kun, in his early days, started at the very bottom, by choice. About... last August, Danzig-sensei gave up his position of elder to Zappa-kun. That's a HUGE jump in ranks, even though he was treated as one.
And today, he logged onto his messenger and had a message from Miss Mint, congradulating him. Mister Phlinx, the, now former, leader of the clan, had decided to give up his position as leader. I don't go into the details of why, but Mister Phlinx put Zappa-kun in his former position.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun's now the leader of the Raving Ninja Clan.
Sadako-chan: Yup, but that doesn't get him out of that list of imcompletes.
Zappa-kun: Awww...
Sadako-chan: No excuses. It's back on the list after work.

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Thursday, April 6, 2006
23rd motion
Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee,
Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee,
We're talkin' fuckin' Lee.
I had a friend named Lee,
He cast a spell a spell on me.
If me and Lee and KG could be three,
Flyin' free Tenaciously,
Skinny-dippin' in a sea of Lee,
I'd propose on bended knee
To Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee,
Lee Lee,
Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee,
Lee Lee,
Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee Lee,
Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee,
If me, and Lee, and KG, (that's me)
Could be three, (could be three)
Plant a tree, (plant a tree)
Just for Lee, (just for Lee)
Just for Lee, (Lee)
Just for Lee!
Lee, Lee, Lee
Leeee, Leeee, Leeee:
Sadako-chan: Arg... another dreaded Wednesday. Only two more though. I'm letting Zappa-kun play games today. And tomorrow, it's right back to work on that animation.
Irae-chan: I've tried to coax him into showing what he has now, but he flat out refuses.
Sadako-chan: In other news, we went to this container store, and got some of those giant packing zip-lock bags. That's gonna save us a lot of space in the suitcase for conventions.
It kinda seems like, everyone close to Zappa-kun gets all sad or stressed after he does. I wanna blame it on the end of school... but, it's happened before.
Also, Zappa-kun's manager/landlord needs to quit being a bitch before she meets up with a certian tape.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
22nd motion - Writing is hard
Irae-chan: Hehe. Not much of a day today either.
Zappa-kun really wants to try and write his story, but, his thoughts don't easily convert to words. He fixed it up a little, but only added a couple of lines, before getting stuck agian.
But, his little animation project has come along well. For all the work he's put into it, it still turns out rather short. It may end up remaining that way sadly. He's quite prone to losing inspiration.
We're glad that the package made it safely to Ed-chan. Well, onward to another dreaded Wednesday.
I wish Zappa-kun's family a swift recovery in thier sickness.
Oh, and since it's unusual that I post alone, Sadako-san went to bed so she can go to work with Zappa-kun.
Since you're here, would you care for some tea?

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
21st motion
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
So loooooong!
We wish you well.
You told us how you weren't afraid to die.
Well so looooooong.
Don't cryyyyy.
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried.
Standing above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
Ranting and pointing his finger
at everything but his heart.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
No wayyyyyy
to recall
what it was that you had said to me,
like I care at alll.
But he was sooo louuud.
You sure could yell.
You took a stand on every little thing
and soooo louuuuuuuuud.
You, could be, the one, who saves, me from, my own, existence.
Standing above the crowd,
he had a voice that was strong and loud
and I swallowed his facade cuz I'm so eager to identify
with someone above the ground,
someone who seemed to feel the same,
someone prepared to lead the way,
with someone who would die for me.
Will you?
Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin' lie.
Don't you step out of line!
Don't you step out of line!
Don't you step out of line!
Don't you fuckin lie.
You've claimed all this time
that you would die for me.
Why then are you so surprised
when hear your own eulogy?
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
Coome down.
Get off your fuckin cross.
We need the fuckin space
to nail the next fool martyr!
To ascend you must die!
You must be crucified
for your sins and your lies!
Zappa-kun: Boring day...
Sent Guitar Hero to Ed-chan...
Watched WWE and chatted with Kris...
Had idea to create my own Stick Fighter/Door Buster, but better. Made no progress...
Life needs more cut-scenes...
Sleep is needed... night all...

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Monday, April 3, 2006
For a good laugh, call Sadako
 | Zappa: Here's what you do. Head on over to MyOtaku and let the page load, music and all. Then, once it's done, refresh the page, and watch the dancing Sadako gif. It SHOULD sync up with the beats.
It makes for a quick smile.
Now behold below, what I've aparently said in my sleep... | |
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21st motion
Zappa-kun: "There was a girl I once loved,
and that I love once agian.
But the locks and chains of fate keep us apart.
I think I'll take up lockpicking."
--Old Klingon porverb
Sadako-chan: That's not Klingon. You're just making things...
Zappa-kun: *rolls over, arm falling over Irae*
Irae-chan: AAAHHHH!!! Let me go!!!
Sadako-chan: Silly Zappa-kun...
*sigh* That actually marks the highlight of yesterday... sorry everyone.

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Sunday, April 2, 2006
20th motion - 27 seconds
Sadako-chan: Hey everyone! Yesterday, we didn't really participate in April Fool's, but we did get Zappa-kun's manager. We can't really get any of you, because you're all prepared to be pranked.
Before we went to Miss Kaylyn's house, we saw some pretty strange things on TV, just flipping channels.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun says, that luchadores = ninja.
And... we caught an old Roman war movie... that turned out to be in Spanish!
Sadako-chan: And there was a show... Mythbusters... I think... there were abusing a dummy to prove things wrong. It was crazy, cuz they broke and burnt the dummy like crazy. It was fun to watch.
We finally went to Miss Kaylyn's and watched her play Kingdom Hearts 2. It was pretty fun, and did have a lot of disapplication of physics. But the highlight of the night was when Miss Kaylyn asked the red light when it was her turn to go. Zappa-kun randomly picked 27. Mister Andrew, her boyfriend, started counting up to 27...
and as soon as he said it...
It turned green.
Zappa-kun: KH2 is good, but Setzer doesn't truly get his part. He... oh yeah... spoilers...
But, I won't be out rushing to get the game.
Maybe when the hype dies down, or the price...
Irae-chan: It's been a while since you said so much.
Zappa-kun: *shrugs*
Chuck Norris had his own cartoon... WTF?
What's going on with ALL of [adult swim]

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Saturday, April 1, 2006
Try reading backwards
 | .lla uoy etha I
.it dneherpnoc nac dna siht daer yllufseccus evah ohw elpoep yb stnemmoc 2 tseal ta get I ro ,romuh fo romuh ecnes lacigol a dnif I llitnu enoyreve thiw seit ym gnittuc m'I .dlrow siht fo trap a eb regnol on ll'I taht ,esrever ni ,daer uoy ekam ot gniyrt yb sevil ruoy etacilpmoc si od nac I tseB
.dnabsuh reh htiw latipsoh eht ni saw rekrow-oc ruo reganam ym gnillet saw tog I tseB .ecnatsixe reith tcidartnoc yletelpmoc taht ,seiorts taerg htiw pu emoc nac enoyrevE .ffuts s'looF lirpA siht ta doog on m'I | |
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19th Motion - Wednesday on a Saturday
Sadako-chan: *yawn* Work is getting boring agian. Too bad Zappa-kun can't risk his laptop being at work.
Zappa-kun: *yawn*
Don't worry everyone,
I'm alright v'v
Irae-chan: That's good. Everyone is worried about you.
Sadako-chan: Okaa-sama... what appointment did Zappa-kun miss?
Good luck okaa-sama!!!

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