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Friday, March 31, 2006
18th Motion
Sadako-chan: Well... today further proved that more people need to watch my tape. Case #2948 (number courtesy of Number Generator RGNK(tm)): Person 1, from a stopped position behind a car, decides to unsignal and get into the turn only lane that Zappa-kun is getting into. Fortunately, Zappa-kun was able to stop in time because it was uphill... on a street he hates to stop on to begin with. But the guy... didn't even bother getting into the lane after he stopped... so...
Irae-chan: ...we pretty much assume he was TRYING to get hit.
Sadako-chan: I wouldn't be suprised.
Anyway... uhm... well... I've caught Zappa-kun in a number of nostalgic memories... But he won't tell me who of. He just says "She's from before your time. Don't worry about it."
Well... too bad... I do worry. He seems happy at times when I catch him, and some sad. So I can't help but worry.
Irae-chan: You should pay more attention to his emails then.
Sadako-chan: But I don't monitor the email... that's your job. So what's up.
Irae-chan: It's a girl that he knows.
Sadako-chan: Thanks for your blatancy, but... I KNOW THAT MUCH!!!
Irae-chan: That girl you and Miss Tori talked about Sunday.
Sadako-chan: OH! ||.- Now I'm just confused...
Irae-chan: By...?
Sadako-chan: Why he's happy and sad thinking about her...

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Thursday, March 30, 2006
17th Motion - Mindlessly bored
Sadako-chan: Sorry we didn't post yesterday... but... sadly, there wasn't anything TO post. Just another day of sitting around, whoring up time on Zappa-kun's new game.
Today was more of the same, except, it was... in fact... Wednesday.
Irae-chan: I'm so sorry about these meaningless posts. We try to post pics to make for content... and prove that Zappa-kun hasn't suddenly befallen an ill fate.
Zappa-kun: O'o
That's depressing.
Don't say things like that.
Irae-chan: Sorry.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
16th motion - new game
Sadako-chan: Wow... Zappa-kun got paid BIG. It was a lot more than we expected. And, because of that, he bought Suikoden Tactics. We're pretty into it, so... we apologize for the lack of a post.
Zappa-kun: Sorry.
Irae-chan: We apologize.

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Monday, March 27, 2006
15th motion
Sadako-chan: Work was so bad. One of Zappa-kun's co-workers is literally missing. His mom is really worried. So is Zappa-kun, but he seems pretty confident he'll show up.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun gets really annoyed by stupid people when he's sleepy. People were making him so mad today.
Sadako-chan: Probally because they were just as tired... but it's no excuse to be an ass.
Anyway, we did go over to Deus's as usual, and messed with his PSP. When we went to go get food, Deus went to Game Crazy... and now Zappa-kun said he HAS to get Suikoden Tactics or 5... Fortunately he got paid today.
Irae-chan: What about the new car?
Sadako-chan: He's been good with his money. He can splurge a little bit. We'll see later on just how much he made.
Well well, we're off to bed now. Have fun today everyone!

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Sunday, March 26, 2006
14th Motion - Sleepy LAN
Sadako-chan: Wow... I think we had a little too much fun yesterday. We're all tired, so it's a short post.
Zappa-kun feels significantly better. He's even had a couple normal conversations with Miss Wuffers.
We went to Mister Jester's house and did this... LANing thing, and some ninjaing. It was fun, but we stayed up REALLY late. So, we're all really tired. Zappa-kun wants to curl up with something comfy and sleep, but we have to work first.
Also, he says, expect more of me posting, since it's my layout on MyO right now.
And I changed the song ||.^

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Saturday, March 25, 2006
13th motion - Project Seth
Sadako-chan: *stretch yawn*
Wow... I need to work out more or be more active. I'm so sore after yesterday.
I've been cleaning Zappa-kun's room the last couple days. He thanked me, then changed his sheets and went to lay down...
Irae-chan: ...till you dragged him out of bed to get stamps and batteries.
Sadako-chan: Yup yup, I made him get all rave ninja dressed and we went.
Personally I think he should be more active too.
Zappa-kun: I will.
Sadako-chan: Good boy ||.^
Now, I think, since we've set project... uhm...
Irae-chan: Hurry up... name it!!!
Sadako-chan: Project "Lazer"...
Zappa-kun: *whaps Sadako*
...name it better...
Sadako-chan: Uhm... Project... uhm...
Irae-chan: Seth!
Sadako-chan: Ooohh yeah, Project Seth!
Wait... I was going somewhere with this... uhm...
Oh heck... I don't think it was important.

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Friday, March 24, 2006
12 motion - alone
(Early morning time ||.-)
Sadako-chan: Hehe... I forgot so much of what I did Wednesday. I had meant to get some excersize. I wanted to work Zappa-kun out so he doesn't atrophy while he sleeps, but I got caught up looking for his raver hoodie.
Irae-chan: At least Miss Jenny took it to work for him since it was with her.
You don't think he'll be upset we used his money for drinks and a new leash, do you?
Sadako-chan: He shouldn't. It's a new leash after all.
Irae-chan: He doesn't have anyone to take him on it. And conventions don't allow stringing.
Sadako-chan: Oh yeah... ||.-
Wait! He does have good news waiting from Miss Wuffers. I think, whenever it is he wakes up, they might be able to talk about things calmly.
Irae-chan: You think so?
-.- Wouldn't he be scared to talk to her?
Sadako-chan: ||.-
(Afternoon time ||.^)
Boy the drive home was scary. They're doing road work, and it's only 2 lanes and really rocky and uneven.
But we're home now, yay!
Irae-chan: Yay! ^.^
Sadako-chan: Workout time b ||.^
Irae-chan: Ya--... wait. What time?
Sadako-chan: *already out the door*
Uh oh... I broke Zappa-kun's green glowsticks when I was stringing.
Irae-chan: I thought you were excercising?
Sadako-chan: I was. I went raving at the park. I broke his green glowsticks by mistake.
Irae-chan: It should be okay. They were already breaking. He needs new ones anyway.
Sadako-chan: You know. I think some people are upset that Zappa-kun went to sleep like this. Mister Jester seems utterly confused, Mister Danzig hasn't been heard from on the subject yet, and most of Zappa-kun's journal friends don't say anything.
I think some people might see something more in this. Something I don't understand. Miss Tori and Miss Wuffers especially.
Irae-chan: ;.;
Sadako-chan: He woke up and I made him talk to her. Zappa-kun... he's... ||.;
He... woke up... but... he's not up for talking much. I'm still in charge of posting then. He says, "Family Only".

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Thursday, March 23, 2006
11th motion
Sadako-chan: Wow. I never realized how accident prone I was untill I had to do Zappa's work on Wednesday. I pinched my hand and hit it so many times. How does Zappa-kun manage.
Irae-chan: I don't think he notices.
Sadako-chan: OH! That would make sence.
Zappa-kun's doing pretty good. He's not feeling so far away. I even heard him singing in his sleep. Music seems to help him.
I can see why Zappa-kun hates Wednesday's so much. I'm really tired. I went to take a nap today, and I didn't wake up untill nearly 12 this morning.
Well, untill he wakes up, I have to work for him, which means, I'm back to bed. Goodnight all.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
10th motion - caretaking
Sadako-chan: Uhm... hi everyone. I suppose my first order of business is to tell you all Zappa didn't sleep after that dream. At about 9 this morning, he decided that he's going to sleep for a very long time. He's hoping when he wakes up, everything will be alright.
Untill that time, I'll do my best to keep him safe, okay everyone? And Irae-sama will help me too, right?
Irae-chan: I can't do much, but I'll do what I can.
Sadako-chan: Right!
Anyway, cuz he took his lappy to work, I nearly got in a LOT of trouble with his big boss. He's really kowai ||.- *shiver* I had to disconnect, right when Mister Hicks said he realized something. I wonder what it was.
Irae-chan: Maybe he realized he wasn't talking to Zappa-kun
Sadako-chan: Possibly. Anyway... it's kind of awkward telling people that Zappa-kun went to sleep. Okaa-sama Seth is really worried, but we've promised to take really good care of him.
Irae-chan: I'm so very glad he has a mother like her. Tori-sama has been an incredible sister to him as well.
Sadako-chan: Yes. I'm glad he has a good family like them.
I do hate being the harbinger of ill news though ||.-
And, I'm adapting to how Zappa-kun set things up on here, so be patient. I'll try to have a new song up here on Sunday as well. I hope the MyOtaku users will enjoy.
Well, Zappa-kun had started to post cute pictures from his lappy, so, I'll continue ||.^

Lookie, it's me =||.^=
Please rest well Zappa-kun. We're all here for you. ~Sadako
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
9th motion extension
 | I hurt the girl I love.
I've no idea what state our relationship is in. I haven't talked to her since I upset her, and I've been trying to apologize since then. I have no idea how long she'll be upset with me, or if she's even going to read my messages. I haven't sent an obscene number, but they're each not long. I can't gather all my thoughts at once.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. Nothing suicidal I'm sure...
I post because I don't know what to do, not to get sympathy. Advise only please.
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