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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Zappa-kun: The girls are asleep. I'm posting at 1:20 am. I shouldn't be up now, since I have to work. Just too bored to sleep till now. But, I gotta post before I forget. Dyeing the jacket was a bust. I darkened it that one time. I did it agian, using the washing machine, and it failed. At least it's not so blue. It even looks black in pictures.
I'll get people's opinions at the SJ picnic as to weither or not this dark blue is legit pass. If it's not, my only option is to color it like I did my Sadako gown.

But, bear in mind, my camera is a POS. Also, a key details are the scapels, my hair, and the hat. Tomorrow I plan on painting the scapels, which I made from whittling some plastic knives. I wasted 6 before I got these right. All 4 in succession. The hat needs that nifty notch cut in. And, my hair wasn't prepared. I still have to figure that one out.
I've also noticed, my lappy's keyboard is gradually delcining in efficiency. So far, 5 broken keys, and 2 that require heavy pressing to activate. the spacebar may be a 3rd sticking key, but I think it's just the positioning of my hands.
5 of Ed-chan's cookies remain.
Yes, after 2 days, I've only eaten 3. Willpower GO!
And speaking of GO!, the Ushicon boards are up and running agian. More of a WTF to me than a woot. And why were the sigs removed to begin with. When I joined after Ushi4, the sigs were are, and even now, they still are. Meh, I don't care, cuz MOST of the important Ushi boardies are Rave Nin, so we've kept in contact and such.
Tomorrow sets the sequence to determine my presence at okaa-chan's party. I think, even if I'm not allowed, I'll still show up for hugs and present delivery.
Speaking of... what the zen do I get you this time around?
I found an chibi Akabane keychain on eBay!!! But, it comes with chibi Genji and chibi Ban also. Anyone interested in liberating them from me, once I get them?

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Friday, March 10, 2006
Zappa-kun: Ya know... this is getting really old. This lack of events everyday.
I did dye my jacket this morning. Not much difference, but it's darker. I still got 2 more packs of dye, and use of the washing machine. I noticed Sethy posted about her birthday party on the Rave Nin boards. I haven't set things in motion just yet, but there is a factor that may not allow my presence at my okaa-chan's party.
Once more, I was inspired to write while I was at work, and did manage a couple sencences and some planning to get on 'paper', but once I got home, sleep, then unmotivation happened.
Well, I can officially bitch about Bleach. Not only did I run out of anime to watch till Sunday, but... what the hell is up with episode 58? Ichigo and Byakuya fight... in a manner... that... is most similar to Lee and Gaara, only with more time in the air. And more blood.
Also, since they're running, I have a couple AMV's to recommend, if you have access to AMV.org. All of the following, in my opinion, are very WELL edited.
Naruto- Seizure of Power by Marilyn Manson
Naruto- Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence
RahXephon- Pussy All Night by Mindless Self Indulgence
Full Metal Alchemist- Family System by Chevelle
Guilty Gear X and XX- X Gonna Give It To Ya by DMX
That's enough of that... I'm bored agian.
Sadako-chan: That's mean...
Zappa-kun: Hush or no cookies.
Irae-chan: Cookies?
Sadako-chan: Ed-chan's cookies??
Zappa-kun: Byee...
Sadako-chan: Ed-chan's cookies!!

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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Sadako-chan: Blah blah blah.
Boredom boredom.
Dyeing that jacket is going to be very troublesome.
We can't wait for the hat and Ed-chan's cookies
Irae-chan: Writing is troublesome
Putting thoughts to words is hard for Zappa-kun.
Sadako-chan: This is MY post,
go make some tea or something!
Irae-chan: Who says it's yours?
Sadako-chan: The journal icon.
Irae-chan: When did that happen?
Sadako-chan: Yesterday, or day before.
Zappa-kun said he would do it.
Irae-chan: Where is he anyway?
Sadako-chan: Honestly, I don't know.
Irae-chan: But he didn't leave.
Sadako-chan: Which worries me.
Sadako & Irae: Zappa-kun!
Where are you??
Sadako-chan: And happy birthday Kim.
Sorry we didn't know
till it was belated.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Sadako-chan: Who the hell performed
the remake of that?
Zappa-kun: Blarg... now... I'm bored agian. Nothing much happened today. I bought the tie and gloves for Akabane. I definately need to dye the jacket.
Wednesday, another 5am workday. God I hate it so. Simply because I prefer sleeping. I'd LIKE a normal span of sleep. And I just can't fall asleep till 12 or 1a. Faggotry.
As expected, I've nothing to worry about with Anna. I can't wait to see her agian when I get my better car, in the event that my dad has NOT forgotten the deal, which, I wouldn't be suprised if he did. I'll try to bring it up today.
Also, because she's awesome, and sending me cookies, and cuz I've been bugging her to coslpay Kin properly, and cuz she misses pancakes and regular syrup, I'm taking Ed-chan out to breakfast at ShioKaze. So... that's that. 'Nother boring day.
Irae-chan: It's good to see
Zappa-kun back to himself.
I prefer him bored than depressed.

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Jackal style
Zappa-kun: Well, I've collected my thoughts, and I have some posting matter for once. Sunday was it's usual hanging with Deus. We went to The Quarry, and upon inspecting EB games offering music Cd's for $2 a piece, our party encountered Jester. After a FMV, revealing Jester to Deus, he and his brother joined our party, and quested with us to Borders. Deus whored up the DeathNote and Jester got coffee. We took the new party members to our base at Deus's, and chilled. Deus and Jester are finally on good terms.
Summary, Suger needs to stop it.
I ordered my hat for Akabane.
Today... sucked at work, but I hired someone, so my stress goes down a bit. I payed my bills, and I've got $140 left for this week. I'm doing pretty well. I have a little more spending though. I need gloves and a tie for Akabane. I plan on having him ready for White Day. Sadly, I think Anna is getting her wisdom teeth pulled in proximity of then, so she'll miss out.
Speaking of Akabane, I got my coat in today. It's not so much a trenchcoat (like I thought) than a very formal long coat. Problem is, it's navy blue, and not black. Either, I'm gonna give in and ruin the interior, and dye it, or... let it be. I think I'll get judgement from The Gear Project when I see them agian.
And speaking of Anna... haha. There... was some... unnecessary paranioa, which lead to the last few days of Panic Prone. And... nearly some tonight. Ya see, I saw her post, and her ex bought her KH2 and the guide. Now, she had insructed me to not spoil her in such a manner, like he did. And I try my best not to. I think I do well. I gave her my heart, and money can't do much better than that. Back on point, I was debating weither or not I was gonna be pissed, or let it worry me.
Sadako-chan: But you decided something different...
Irae-chan: Something kinda scary.
Zappa-kun: Heh... I'm gonna be MATURE about it. I'm gonna be... professional.
A gift for Graham tomorrow. I hope to have my tie and gloves at least, if not my hat as well.
Relationship stress = Zero.
Sadako-chan: Sugoi Zappa-kun!
Zappa-kun: I thought there was more... but I think not. Next week, a layout change. And I'm gonna tamper with my icons on LJ later today.

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Sunday, March 5, 2006
777 visits. Do I get a prize? | |
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Sada-chan: No good... He's only telling us it's unnecessary paranoia, but he doesn't want anyone worrying either.
But he's taking whatever it is pretty badly.
Irae-chan: I only got one question. Why isn't the sky purple?
My answer is, is to just watch the sunset. Purple is the last color you see becore the sky begins turning black.

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Saturday, March 4, 2006

Irae-chan: Zappa came home from work today, saying something didn't feel right. He's been extremely down. Right now Sadako-sama is trying to console him. I suppose I'd best not make this boring... well... I guess we can play, "Ask Irae". Simply, post a question you'd like to ask me, about anything, and I'll answer it to the best of my ability and perspective.
Have a nice day everyone.
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Will not be shaken,
And jump into this,
And be pursuasive, just carry on.
Make my mind up, to go though this,
Or be firm and sit in silence.
'Cause I want to fight,
I want to fight,
I want to prove I'm right.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
So turn and forfeit.
Learn from this,
Prehistoric dance and
Refrain from talking,
Solves our problems.
Medicated, could do some good,
Or find a way to relate,
Or just shut up.
'Cause I want to fight,
I want to fight,
I want to prove I'm right.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
So turn and forfeit.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
I want to prove I'm right.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
I want to prove I'm right.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
So turn and forfeit.
I want to fight,
I want to fight,
So turn and forfeit.
So step up.
So step up...
And forfeit.
So step up.
Zappa-kun: So... there was good news. March 14th was a cosplay picnic hosted by the staff of San Japan. For those not in the know, San Antonio gets an anime convention. Also, every 14th marks another month with Anna.
I was gonna go, and convince her to go. But... there's 2 things getting in the way.
She's prolly getting her wisdom teeth pulled on the 13th.
I'm getting a new car. $600 in full, $300 down payment by the end of this month (or so I understand).
Kay, so, I still need costume for ShioKaze, and the money for bills, registration, and the room. I won't have that money in a month. So, for once, my dad is willing to front that 300, and once I pay the car's owners the 2nd half, I have to start paying my dad back.
Sadako-chan: This means seeing Anna more ||.^
Irae-chan: And he can spend more time
with his other friends,
such as Seth and Danzig.
Zappa-kun: Yup. Karma FTW.
But, we'll just have to see how things truly work out.
Life's been much too boring.
Also, as much as I love the game, I hate playing the first couple chapters of Valkyrie Profile. Matter of fact, this stands for any game. No matter how awesome, the beginning is so boring.

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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Zappa-kun: Fifteen hours at work.
And I hate society more than I did before today.
Why do people ask how you are, and sympathize, only to make my job harder.
And what's more, SEVEN people today called me a girl. 6 of them used the excuse, "I wasn't looking at you, I'm sorry." Not looking? That makes you only more of an asshole than you were for calling me a girl.
Yes... today, because of working 15 hours, I am very ANGST!
My name is Zappa, and I'll be your designated emo for 03-01-06.
Not sure if some of ya are aware, but I just wanna bring to light, my daily post is in regards to the day before the post itself.
Heh... something I've been thinking about all day. Remember me talking about that anal fisting song by Tool, Stinkfist. Hearing it orchestrated (played by an orchestra) makes it SO RIDICUSULY SPITEFUL. Kay, if you don't know the song's lyrics and you hear it played by with a violin in place of lyrics, it sounds like an elegant piece.
HAHA! I'd love to see some school play it publicly, then have someone in the crowd bust out with the lyrics at the end v'v
Heh... an uplifting thought.
Oh, and I'm not scared to go into Claire's to find something for a costume. I went into one to get my gloves for Zappa back in the day. And to find a headband thingy for it too.
Sadako-chan: *hugs Zappa quietly*

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