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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Zappa-kun: Kay... So I asked for events... I shoulda specified non-stressful ones.
Last 2 days, one of my workers has NOT shown up for work, and didn't call in either. No matter... if she doesn't show today, she's fired.
As per EVERY FUCKING WEDNESDAY, I must go in at 5am, and go back to close at 11am, then Thursday, work at 7am.
Seriously... I hate managing.
I officially reserved my room for ShioKazeCon, and I belive we've completed the room at 7 people; myself, Poison 'Shroom, Danzig, Kim, Tala, Amy, and Shrin. 7, perhaps an 8th, depending on Canuck. He says he lives nearby, but, tis up to Danzig and Kim really. They're much better judge of room controll than I.
Sadako-chan: Not everyone knows everyone.
Hope no one minds.
Irae-chan: What concerns me more is
Zappa-kun and Shrin don't
know eachother well.
I made a look around today for Akabane gear. Gloves are out of stock at Party City. I got my Millia gloves there, and they had shorter black ones, but not white. A black tie is about $7.
Cuz of the stress of the day, I bought 2 cds; Metamorphic: The String Quartet Tribute to Tool v2 (Tool) and See You On The Other Side (Korn). Tool gets a 5/5 as usual. Korn gets 2/5 as only a few songs put through thier edge that I like them for. I seem to have re-ignighted my passion for Tool.
Rent and my debt were also paid, among other necessities. Water and phone bills are yet to arrive.
Well... I'm off to chaos... *sigh*

Save me Anna.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
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Monday, February 27, 2006
He had a lot of nothing to say
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Nother boring pointless day. Started pretty well though. I found 10$ v'v
5 o'clock tomorrow, I head out for Sethos's b-day v'v
God... I need something EVENTFUL in my life.... arg... boredom.

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Friday, February 24, 2006
Zappa-kun: Arg... I so dislike finincial responsiblility... and not having weekdays off.
I.E.= I'm responsible for the room at ShioKaze...
Sadako-chan: Jumping head first, eh?
Irae-chan: You realize how much money
he's going to NEED, right?
Sadako-chan: Oh shit...
Zappa-kun: Money whoring... go.
Why is every day so boring...?
Saturday isn't here fast enough... I wanna hang with everyone. I could put my car in slightly better condition if I knew where the tools were... perhaps I should ask now.
Yup... tomorrow I DEFINATELY clean my spark plugs, now that I know where it is.
Sethy, sadly, since there WAS NO category for my stories... and they're not fanfic at all... I kinda don't have a fanfic.net account.

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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Zappa-kun: Second shot.
Sadako-chan: That was extremely suck.
Zappa-kun: Seriously... all that text went to shit.
To recap... I spoke with the legendary Tolarin about our stories. In short, we're looking foreward to reading eachother's material, only his is in comic form.
I got all in the mood to write my story more, but... nuuuuu I had to work at 5:30 and take inventory, as per EVERY Wednesday.
Have I mentioned I hate working Wednesdays?
As far as yesterday's pic... it gave me red eyes... I just...accuentuated them.
And... I won't cosplay a shinigami. They, don't catch my interest. But in other cosplay news... due to needing something formal, and a new costume for the end of April... Kurodo Akabane will be pushed up to ShioKazeCon, while Jounin Neji will be pushed back, in order to 'celebrate' my 1 year of cosplaying Neji. I'm sentemential like that. And... I think... as much as I love giving little teasers to drive you mad... some of you have learned to see through my deception... so... deal. You get nothing.
Also, Kim or Danzig, whomever comments tonight. What is the room situation for ShioKaze?
Irae-chan: Won't you tell them about...
Zappa-kun: No... as there's no reason to get excited over an unconfirmed.
Sadako-chan: But you do it all the time!
Zappa-kun: Well, this time, I'm not.
Irae-chan: Why must you contradict
Zappa-kun: Because I am.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Zappa-kun: WOOHOO!!! Today, I got shit done, but nearly emptied my funds.
The PS2 is reborn. I'm all over my Valkyrie Profile agian. Sadly, MOST of my games are immports or copies. I gotta look into a slide card. I'm not modding agian... especially since Deus won't do it.
Sadako-chan: Yay! Zappa-kun is
temporarly happy!
Irae-chan: Why was everyone mourning a
lost console?
Zappa-kun: I got my darned Ushicon pics developed. And just like I didn't ask for, they gave me prints. ARG! But, they didn't charge me for them, since it wasn't marked that I wanted them. Anywho, I'm still uploading them to my photobucket... so the link will be there tomorrow... or later... but definately AFTER I post, and will be on the RNC boards, for those brilliant enough to already have access.

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Monday, February 20, 2006
Zappa-kun: So, I thought I found a temoporary loophole around my lack of a Playstation. The emulator worked. It played Valkyrie Profile pretty well, but lagged heavily during battle. Biggest problem, that makes it unusable, is that I couldn't save at all.
And that... was the whole highlight and downside of the day. I talked with other peoples about stuff. I wanna see Anna agian, since she won't be going to ShioKaze, but I don't know when that'll be.
Sadako-chan: I think you're starting to
get depressed agian.
Zappa-kun: No... I'm just annoyed with my situation.
Irae-chan: Exactly.
It's getting to you agian.
But you get to see people on Saturday.
Zappa-kun: Yeah... I do.
Maybe that's it. I need time with the people closest to me. And cuddles...
Oh yeah... I watched Saw 2. Meh...
And the game I spoke of yesterday, Indigo Prophecy. It's different, but not worth buying. Game cleared, with best ending in 9 and a half hours. Did it in one sitting. Rent it, don't buy.
I think I'm gonna give in and get a PS2 today, or this week. Either way, I'm gonna get all my money out of my account. I WILL get my dammed Ushicon/Onicon pics developed today. I just hope effin Wal-Mart gives me ONLY a cd, like I ASK for every time. Last few times, they gave me prints that I didn't ask for. Idiots, but I think they had it right this last time.
Stupid work makes me scatterbrained. I got up to ep 25 of Bleach. You still won't find me cosplaying any shinigami ANY time soon.
Speaking of cosplay... today I have an idea on how to procure a base for TJ Neji. It it turns out to be a dead end, or stupid expensi... no... screw expense. If I can get it now, for a decent price, then I will. If not, then I'll start working on Akabane. I'm most likely to have that ready by ShioKaze, but... may not wear it untill A-kon. One new costume per con v'v
Testament week GO! I open with Guilty Gear Live Action!!!

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