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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Indigo Prophecy
Sadako-chan: While he's feeling much better,
he's entangled in a very creepy game.
He's been playing it all day.
And this time,
he didn't miss Naruto.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Zappa-kun: So finally, Irae lets me be. I'm doing much better than I have since Monday.
While I do so enjoy being lazy, I'm worried about business at work. I was actually able to stand for an HOUR and play my SRW3 emulator.
After work, I took care of Sethos's birthday present. But... it doesn't seem like enough TO ME, so, it's incomplete.
I got home and took a medicine-induced nap. My manager said something about going somewhere, and I'm taking care of the dogs. Her anneversary is this weekend, so I think I've got the house to myself.
I love how school intereferes with things. I know cons aren't life, but it makes for a great event to spend time with friends. To my knowlegde, since school starts drawing toward closure in April... exams and crap prevent people from going to stuff. ARG!!! I just like seeing my friends when they don't have this social competition called 'school' to stress them out. Save for classes related to carreer skills, what's the point? Stress is not a thing to be educated on. Nor is voting for who's most popular. And how many teachers actually CARE about the students, and not getting thier paycheck.
all opinions based on personal expirence in high school
Ze also... as per the norm, I'm being overly paranoid about my relationship wif Sethy. Ze stress of life.
At least she has what I didn't at that age; people to turn to.
In other news, for those in the know... at this next convention, I'm trying to formally arrange a mini-rave/meet & greet for the Rave Ninjas. Before I email con staff about this, I need a name for said event. Suggestions? Only good one's I've gotten so far were "Raving Ninja Exhibition" and "Rave Ninja Warm-Up".

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Friday, February 17, 2006
Grounded by Irae
Zappa-kun: I've got a little list of things I need to take care of, and relatively soon, I'd prefer. I won't waste your time listing them, but I really need more interent time... and where to get a tae kwon do gi-thingy. Really, I can just see this is the HARDEST part of the costume. Then maybe that black thingy, but... shit I can prolly sew that myself. I seriously need new nin-sandals. ANy ideas where to get the official ones? I don't trust buying clothes on eBay.
Sadako-chan: Irae-san!
He's out of bed agian!
Zappa-kun: Snitch!!!
Irae-chan: Get in bed Zappa.
Zappa-kun: Seriously! Unfair! Let me post!
Irae-chan: NOW!
Zappa-kun: imadeprogressonwritingchapter3

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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Zappa-kun: So, I'm finally back to regular posting.
Monday morning fell apart relatively all at once. I stayed at Deus's place Sunday night to get a PC game from him. I spend 5 hours copying the game, and a activation key generator, but NOT the god dammed installation file.
To make everything WORSE, I got sick Monday morning. How fair...
So, after work, rather than making a ligatimate "I'm sick" post, I put up the previous .gif, and medicated myself to sleep.
I kept medicated through the day till I left for Anna's house.
Rather than bore you to angst or tears, we ended up getting eachother the SAME manga, cuddled, met the parents, and watch teh A-kon pose off.
Speaking of, Kaylyn, Wuffers is still waiting for the Onicon and Ushicon 5 DVDs, if you have any available for her.
Irae-chan: You're still sick,
so get your
butt in bed
Sadako-chan: He doesn't HAVE to.
Irae-chan: He's better off though.
Zappa-kun: Aww... pwned...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

(is out celebrating my 2 month anneversary with Anna/Wuffers)

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Monday, February 13, 2006
Zappa-kun: Arrg.... Sunday isn't all that great this time around. Anna got grounded, if you didn't already read here or her journal yesterday. ...wait... I only posted that on MyO. Well, now LJ users know. So... yeah, now you know. This MOSTLY ruins our anneversary. I don't think she was able to talk to her mom today about it. *growls at her mom's vindicitveness* Before she logged off for the day (which I was suprised to see her on) she said something about going to her place for Tuesday. If it comes to it, I will. You know I will.
I downloaded the entire Valkyrie Profile OST. I'm pleased, except, most of the tracks are just over a minute long. I guess that's the magic of loops. I expected them to be longer. 3 minutes or so, ya know.
I've caught up on all my Naruto too, ep 170 and 171.
Also, I would like to bring up some matters regarding the Raving Ninja Clan with Seth, Kim, Danzig, Tori, and Anna (but I'll talk to her seperately). Wildfire, Deus, Jester, and I are starting a task force. People who want to and WILL get this clan moving like it should be. We're not seperating, we just want to make progress, as we feel it should. I won't go into detail here, but if you're legitametly interested, or have questions, please address me or any of the afore mentioned 3 about this (myself or Wildfire preferably) personally, and refrain from discussing it here. We're trying to get organized as a task force before we bring this public to the rest of the clan, so, Sethos and Lemony, if you're interested as well, discuss it with me. Please refrain from bringing this up on the boards just yet. Wildfire will handle this as necessary. I have logged the conference we had Sunday, and for parties interested, I will send you the document (.txt file)
Slayer week go.

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Sunday, February 12, 2006
We're all going to hell
 | How karmic.
I have 666 visits... and Anna just got grounded. | |
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Zappa-kun: Uhm... pretty lazy day...
I started a drawing at work... but never made it much past the torso and legs.
I think Anna invited me to take her to her prom... but she didn't directly ask, not that she has to.
I downloaded a Clock Tower rom for my SNES emulator, and it's friggin creepy. I think 16bit sounds make it creepiest.
But thanks to my parents AND Clock Tower, I barely caught the last 2 minutes of Naruto.
Food is now, then maybe chapter 3 of my story. I doubt anyone read chapter 2.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Zappa-kun: As for my quest for japanese... is hana-nin sufficient? Also, as I recall... probally on a note of poor translation... Sabaku sousou... I've seen it once translated as Desert Graveyard... wrong I'm sure... hmm... *ponder* The technique, Sabaku Taisou... seems more appropriate for a graveyard translation... hmm...
Grr... complication.
Urg... Anna and I share a brain... I swear it. Twice today have we had the SAME thought.
Does this mean we're compatible?
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun spoke with the
guy at Hot Topic a few weeks
ago. He said that once Naruto,
season 2 comes out, thier list
of Naruto merchandice will at least
double. When he inquired today, he
was told it tripled, and bought
a Neji keychain that he hadn't
seen elsewhere.
Sadako-chan: They had Gaara, Shika,
3 others he didn't pay
attention too. Also, the
price tag on the Neji kc
said 'N NAZI PVC KC". The guy
at the register asked if Neji
was either named Nazi or is
one. Another guy joked, because
Zappa said Neji was "Important and
deadly". He said, "Does he fight
with pencils? Or erasers?
Zappa-kun: For those of you who... are interested. There's a song for everything. For the longest time I've wondered... but wasn't really sure untill I read the lyrics. Tool's Stinkfist, is, in fact, about anal fisting.
There's a song for everything... and this song gets radio play! Matter of fact, I think there's a couple lines in there that state that people WON'T catch the subject matter...
Sadako-chan: |||.(O) WTF?
Irae-chan: Yeah... seriously.
That's not appropriate for
all audiences.
Zappa-kun: I'll shut up now.
Continuing Potemkin flood

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Friday, February 10, 2006
Feeling... ecstatic
Zappa-kun: The song above made me happy. Dammed you May and Daisuke-sama.
Danzig, the riffs for VS (the music for the VS screen on GGXX) are nearly the same as the opening of Iron Maiden's Montsegur.
I've decided, I'm going to try to spend the day drawing that which is nagging me to be drawn. My imagination spawned a faerie a few days ago, and MyOtaku really needs more Grenadier media. I submitted a (craptacular) wallie, and I'm gonna work on a fan art.
Also, I've been running ideas for future chapters of my story. I consulted with Master Tol over some technicalities with summoning jutsus, and all I can think I need now, is how to say 'flower' and 'thorn' in Japanese. Particularly, I'm looking for 'Flower ninja' and 'Graveyard of Throns'.
My girlfriend made me cry, and I'm happy about it ,v'v,
My new layout is finally finished. Of course, LJ users have to put effort into it, but it's my best work yet, and, there is music to load.
While catching up on other people's MyO... this happened...
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun submitted
a new wallie v'v
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun is happy
that when he makes a sad
post, everyone shows
thier concern.
Zappa-kun: Yesterday's post... was made... was written before I, luckily, made plans to see Anna. As much as I still hate the 14th... I'm looking foreward to it.

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