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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun is a little tired,
and kind of depressed.
A friend of his, found a sence
of something that he can't.
He calls this, romantic permanence.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun just isn't feeling
very confident in himself.
It's the time of the year, really.
He has Anna, but he can't shake
the feeling of lonliness.
Sadako & Irae:
We apologize for this inconvience

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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Anime club, and hearts
Zappa-kun: I bought a stick filled with sour candy this past Sunday. About 20 minutes ago, I finished eating it. The last piece of candy left on it was a white gummy heart. All the candy before it came off easily. The heart, for some reason, was difficult to liberate from the stick.
It feld sad and significant somehow... A gummy heart on a pointed stick... like Cupid's arrow through one's heart...
*ponders* What should I get Anna... hmm... dammed 14th...
Today's moron award goes to: Cho-ken Ta-cha-ra-ki. Aparently they've renamed the Chiken Teriyaki.
I wend to MarzGurl's anime club thingy. After much watching of interent toons, we watched Greandier (courtesy of me) till 10. On the way home, I saw a licence plate that said - 001 GKT - . I thought of Gackt, then Seth and Lemony.
Sadako-chan: Zappa has to work at 5:30, so he's off to bed.
Irae-chan: Those who wish to declare
faggotry, are free to do so.
GG.ru is broken... agian, so I Google'd it.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Monday -nya
Zappa-kun: I hate work, but who doesn't -nya.
I'm gonna hang out with MarzGurl agian today -nya.
Mr. Hicks has some very interesting tales to tell, and opinions to share -nya.
My 2 hour shift turned into 4 hours -nya.
Clearly, I'm not thinking straight -nya.
I love you Anna -nya.
Sadako-chan: Nya!
Irae-chan: *nods* Nya.

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Monday, February 6, 2006
Stupid Bowl!
Zappa-kun: I spend ze day at MarzGurl's place with Kris, Andrew et al. We "watched" the Super Bowl... but only Kris was "watching" it. We made all kinds of noise during the game, but shut up and payed attention to the comercials. Some sucked, cuz they were formal, and some were made of LOL.
I left Irae and Sadako behind, so, they probally slept all day and messed with my Gundams or my GBA.
Irae-chan: I was reading.
Sadako-chan: She's lieing, she hogged
your GBA all day.
Irae-chan: That's a LIE!
Sadako-chan: You only wish it were.
Zappa-kun: Yes, anyway, there were much nuggets to be consumed, and sadly, some interent drama 'tween Proz and Marz. All I'll say is, if you Google for her vids, there's only 6, rather than the 14-16 before.
Then there was some invitation to an anime club. I need more info on that Marz.
Baibai smexy hair assassin...

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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Yoko Ishida... ze cancelled
Zappa-kun: Horray for today!
Irae-chan: Today was entertaining.
Sadako-chan: FUN TIMES HAD!
Zappa-kun: Yup. I dragged my ass out of bed at 10 finally to get ready to pick up Jester and go to Ingram.
Pretty much, there was a lot of Bemani action, and crazy chat with Kris and MarzGirl.
As a quick insert. I'm watching Naruto right now. Neji's voice is approved, is a stage higher piched than Lee's. But, did Lee just say Sas-gay? I swear it sounded like it.
Anywho, after a while Sethos arrived. Hugging was had.
Then Auntie Lemony arrived. Ninja hugging!
Then Mark, Mint and Levi arrived. Minty hugging v'v
I bought an acoustic Tool CD. It rocks. I had my crappy camera. It proved to have a short flash, but it takes great video. I took some video of Kris at the ParaPara machine. I'll post it on the Rave Ninja boards, in the Yoko Ishida thread, for parties interested.
After raiding the candy store, and an anime store we didn't know existed, Mark and party left to catch Naruto in time. Kris, Jester and myself left soon after, after having a conversation.
The kind of talk we had... can't really be had in a group, cuz then someone gets bashed hardcore, rather than Kris talking and me and Jester listening.
Naruto update... Gai sounds great. My opinion.
KIN!!! SEXY!!! *insert drool*
Yup, so, tonight, I say goodbye to one half of the catgirl hunters... and Tala, I'm having a bit of trouble convincing him to hand it to you, rather than "handing it down" like the axe of teh first was to the second.
Tomorrow (Sunday) I may go to Kris/Marz's "SuperBowl" party, if I'm invited/welcome.

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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Friday yo
Zappa-kun: Ah... so, finally, my store gets remodeled. I have all weekend off to do NOTHING.
But, I'm going to do something. Tomorrow... today I suppose, I'm going out to Ingram to hang with peoples. Originally, some ParaPara chick was supposed to be there, but she cancelled, or her agent cancelled, or Suncoast cancelled, and she won't be there.
I think this was one of the few things Kris was staying in SA for, but now it just turns into a huge hang out event.
Sadako-chan: And hanging out is always fun!
Irae-chan: You just want to cause misery.
What's with you lately?
Sadako-chan: NOTHING!
Why do you keep saying that?
Zappa-kun: Why are either of you being emo?
Well, for reasons presently beyond me, MarzGurl didn't show up at Subway. Kris was in Austin being a NEWB and sharing NH3 with Levi and not me. JERK!!! You know I wanna see Hanabi pwn!
Uhm... also... boredom, mindless boredom.
Also! I had put up new drawings a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I ever announced it, but they're there and not voted for.
Zappa's art
I think the LJ users are SOL, unless you're registered on the Rave Ninja boards. I post them there. Along with my story! READ IT!

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Friday, February 3, 2006
Thrusday review
Zappa-kun: Yup yup, I'm catching up on my sleep.
I've also noticed a gradual decline in my keyboard's efficiency. The Tilde/reverse apostrophe key randomly activates and holds, for no reason. I've tried breaking the key over and over, but... it still come's back sometimes.
The great idea I had over on the RN boards, is being kind of ignored... or not commented on. So, repost GO.
Sadako-chan: And if they ignore it
agian, I'll kill them.
Irae-chan: You've been really
angry lately...
Sadako-chan: Have NOT!
Zappa-kun: Have too. Anywho, MarzGurl and KrisnWo are hopefully gonna stop by work tomorrow. Maybe, since I'll be off all weekend, I can join thier weekend-y escipades... outside the Super Bowl, of course.
Yes that's this Sunday.
Well... I dunno, if Kris had plans... and I'm invited, I may attend, simply to be with friends I'm rarely with. But, personally, I'm not a sports fan.
Anywho, Fire Emblem pwnz my soul. Can't wait till 4pm tomorrow. For those unaware, my Subway is FINALLY being remodeled to look like the new ones. I work open to close, 4pm, and we re-open on Monday.
Also, if anyone who's MyO I've worked on seems broken, and images are not loading, inform me, as I made some changes to my Photobucket account.

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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Zappa-kun: So... Tuesday. I slept in, and got a decent amount of sleep for once. I got to talk to MarzGurl for the first time. I can't say how well we'll get along, she seems like a serious girl, and I'm all random and childish.
Sadako-chan: But, that's what people like about you.
Zappa-kun: But not everyone's tolerant to it.
I went out to try and persuade my car to run. Turns out, the only thing that stopped it from starting before, was dirty spark plugs. Really easy fix, except for the part where I hit my fingers on some mysterious object. It tore up my knuckles pretty bad. Cuz I can't get all the blood and oil off my fingers without causing EXTREME pain, it looks like I pressed it agianst a mini-grill.
Irae-chan: *tries to doctor the fingers*
Zappa-kun: I'd do that myself, but I've got nothing to do it with.
I've got pics of all the things I got at Ushicon, except the things I didn't get for me, which was a Cloud pin, 2 AC Cloud keychains and a AC Tifa keychain. I'm sure very few people are really interested in seeing what I got, and most of which are on MyO, but, the LJ kids get to see too.
I bought my first doujins too. At least one of them has a pretty cover v'v
I'm pre-writing this on Tuesday. It's 6pm. I got up at 1pm and I'm already tired agian. I can already say that Wednesday at work will kick my ass. *sigh*
Also, I've expirenced my first case of true LJ drama. Really... angst and animosity all around. The whole comment war goes like;
MG: Ushicon was poorly run.
DP: I don't like your opinion, and here's what I have to say about that...
G: Well, you're wrong, and here's why...
DP: You and your fiance STFU, cuz I'm right and you're not.
GS: You're an ass. STFU NOW
DP: You're a bitch, why don't you?
EMM: How about YOU? STFU NOOB!
ZS: Poor MG... but DP does need to STFU.
HE: Cookies!
ZS: Ed's cookies, YAY!
(summary childishly written by Zappa v'v)
Irae-chan: Ed's cookies are great.
Sadako-chan: How do you know?
Irae-chan: I was there.
Sadako-chan: What?!
Irae-chan: I stayed in the room
most of the time.
At least he dressed as you.
He even raved as you.
Sadako-chan: HA!
I bought FIre Emblem for my GBA. My first GBA game, since I got a new GBA! I'm gonna go play it now.

Zappa-kun: Gah... my posting schedule is so screwy... because of Wednesday. Faggotry! I had to work at 5am this morning, and my alarm didn't go off till 5:30, when it was set for 4. Grr.. this morning just sucked entirely.
So, moving along, today, is a double post. You're reading Wednesday's review right here.
Sadako-chan: Wednesday's SUCK!
Zappa-kun: Yeah, but... it means promotion and munnies for more convention stuff.
After work handing my ass to me, I wend to Deus's place to try and track down my once-agian-lost cat ears. Either a] they've fallen off and hidden in my room
b] fallen off in the street while getting home
c] Jenny had them
or d] thier puppies have all but eaten them...
*cry* I want them BACK!
I also watched Transporter 2 and House of Wax. Transporter 2 wins over the wax movie.
Also, if you haven't taken a peek yet, I've had a brilliant idea for the Raving Ninja Clan. Go check it out if you can!

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday recap
Zappa-kun: And so finally, Zappa returns home.
Sadako-chan: Horray! *glomps*
Irae-chan: Welcome back. *serves everyone tea*
Zappa-kun: Thank you. Ushicon was an interesting little rollercoaster.
The UPS!
- Time with friends
- Cosplaying
- The Pose-Off
- Time with Anna
- The dances
- Recruiting a new Rave Ninja
The DOWNS...
- Lack of things I wanted to buy
- The pain after the dances
- Nearly losing my cat ears
- Anna getting in trouble with her mom
- Not seeing my friends for another 3 months.
I spend yesterday fending off boredom. I was actually too bored to go to sleep. We brought Wildfire home Sunday night, and Deus took him to the airport in Austin Monday morning. I got to talk to one of my new friends too, Torakiji.
I finally got a normal sleeping cycle in this morning (Tuesday). Well, that's Monday. I'll get Tuesday's post up at sometime in the Wednesday AM.

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Monday, January 30, 2006
Ushicon over. Con withdrawl GO!
Zappa-kun: I'm finally back! This weekend was most leet. If you check out my friends posts on MyO and LJ, you'll get the general gist of what I did.
Also, while I know Jenova is said as that, due to the spelling of the song, does that mean, when spoken, it's to be spoken by each letter, or as a whole word.
Thrusday night: My car didn't start, for the same reasons it did back in the beginning of January; no one fucking knows.
I got Deus and Jenny to pick me up. I learned we had a 9th in our room, and forgot several things, and took Deus's car to get them.
Friday: (Millia Rage and Rave Gear)
We got up at 8 to get Deus from work. We immiadetly headed for the hotel. I had my Millia top on already, and got my panty hose on in the truck as we made our way around.
When we got there, I immieadetly ran into fellow roomates Wildfire and Canuck, along with Danzig, Kim, Tommy, Tori, and a grip of other people I can't remember at this point.
I don't remember a lot, but you all know my memory sucks.
I went for my badge while Deus and Jenny got our room. They left my stuff in the truck after they got the room ready. I had to rush from the truck, to the room, then to the Pose-Off. I wanted my contacts in, so it was back to the room, and Pose-Off.
The third trip was for my camera, which consumed batteries like otaku with pocky. I used it for the pose off, and a couple other pictures. Luckily, I had brought the incomplete camera, and a fresh camera from Oni-con.
I spend most of the day either with Anna, or hanging out with a Aeris cosplayer LOOKING for Anna. Tori forgot the bra for Millia, and I had changed out of it by the time Seth arrived, so I never asked for it.
Some other things happened, there was pizza in Suger and Newbeh's room, and everything lead to Wildfire borrowing Kris's boombox and we got a "warm-up" rave going. We drew one hell of a crowd, but ONE STRINGER ruinded it all.
I hung out with Anna and her friend Silver Faction (I don't know her well enough to adress her by her real name v'v) till the actual rave was go.
Rave = good but tiring. As per the norm, my asthma issues kicked in, so I was up and down, from the back to the front of the dance very very frequently.
Anna and I stepped out at the same time, both physically wasted, and went off to bed.
Saturday: (Neji Hyuuga and Sadako Yamamura)
Got out of my room at 12ish. I ran into Levi and Kuu-chan downstairs. Instant glomping from them. We gathered up lots of people for a Naruto photo shoot, just by the line for some autograph signings.
(Danzig, please remind me what her name is, she was Kyuubi Naruto Saturday. Not only could I not hear her "name" clearly, but I don't remember it. Also, hook it up with the contact info for her, for she is l33t.)
There were most l33t pics, including a funny situation. As it was with Onicon, I was the only Neji present, and we had 4 Naruto. For those of you in the know, Neji fights Naruto and his kagebunshin. I MUST have this situation! Neji pwns. So we get a pose,and in the randomness after the post, I start "fighting" them off. I don't know who else got pics of it, but Anna got a most BAD ASS pic of me hitting one of them. Hun, I need that pic!!!
Afterward, I went outside and found Anna, Silver Faction and all the others she mentioned in her post yesterday. Friday's Aeris came by, with a sign on her back "Hi, I'm Aeris and I've been killed (insert tally marks) times"
She had 29 the last time I saw her. I spend a good 3 hours with Anna, her cousin, SF et al. I used the last of my 2nd camera on them. I regret taking so many pics at the Naruto photoshoot, as there were dozens of necessary pics to be had the rest of the day and I was too lazy/refused to get the digital. Especially the Prinny and the (I'm stealing your link for MyO) Best Cosplay EVAR
Yeah. Things that should make me cry, don't. This DID.
So, leading us along, after the cosplay, I wandered about for a bit, then went up to get into Sadako.
I shit you not, Sadako got more attention than Millia and Neji COMBINED. 4 hours of a ghost was more popular than 14+ hours of ninjas and assassins. I got so many hugs, and there's even 2 videos in people's private vid collection. Try to run a video search somewhere for Ushicon 5, Sadako, Samara, The Ring. It's bound to come up SOMEWHERE!!!
And... there was a lot of craziness and confusion at the masqurede. Personally, I don't want to go into the details, as it would probally double the post length, but it left me confused and Anna extremely troubled and stressed up untill 4 hours ago. All of it's settled, but Anna's chance to go to ShioKaze-con in April is at risk.
According to Anna and Danzig, Neji's english dub is most excellent. Does anyone know when the replay is. I'm thinking sometime Thrusday or Friday night?
Sunday: (Next to no one cosplays Sundays)
The day was spend comforting Anna untill we parted ways. Then there was packing and goodbyes. Wildfire was getting a characture done, and tried to have it signed by Friday night's DJ, but after 2 hours of waiting for him, we gave up and split.
Only idle time and journal catch up lead to now. I'm not home, so my things are still packed. I'll get a list of my swag on the next post, and I might even have my pics by tonight, ready for tomorrow's post.
So, I'm off, and since I'm too tired to help Sada-chan and Irae-chan type, I leave you with Millia pics this week.
(For MyO users, this is nearly pointless, as I don't feel like changing my layout yet.)

Oh wait... then there's this.
Admired for your style and fresh approach to life, you are the Japanese femme fatale! Deceivingly innocent, you are actually a devil in disguise. You love to show off, but behind that flamboyant and sometimes uncaring personality, you definately care for and stand up for your friends. Just one flaw, you can be annoyingly hyper and bouncy!! However this can be just what a friend needs after a boring day. |
Which Soul Calibur character are you? |
this quiz was made by david park |
And one more thing.
Because I was out and unavailable online this weekend, I'd like to send a special belated birthday to Alex (otherwise known as Setoek to her inner circle)
She's presently upset because she feels no one remembered her birthday, and not just because it was the weekend of a con.
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