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Friday, January 27, 2006
Convention GO!!!
 | Well ladies and gents (mostly Con and Sita), I'm off. Sorry this isn't much of a post, but what's to post when it's convention GO!!! time?
*hugs and juice for all*
<3 Zappa | |
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Lazy alpha
Zappa-kun: Urrgg... so bored and so impatient.
I did NOTHING today. I don't even remember if there was something I was supposed to do!
Oh yeah... I do now... meh, not that big a deal.
Anywho, uhm... I DO wanna go over the whole con thing, but I'm incredibly lazy right now...Grrr, but I need to keep my word on shit.
First con: Ushicon 3 - 2004.
Cosplay- Zappa (Guilty Gear)
Rating: 1 (of 5)
Summary: It sucked, but by my own causing. My first convention ever, and not knowing what was going on, or what do to I spend my time in the game room and the dealers room. I first crossed paths with Phlinx, Alora, and Tolarin. Heh... my original is but a faded memory in thier minds.
Second con: Ushicon 4 - 2005
Cosplay- Sadako (Ringu)
Rating: 5 (of 5)
Summary: I became who I am now, and on the path I'm on now because of this con. Or, as most people know by now, because of Mint. It was Phlinx and Tol who somehow recognized me. I met the majority of my friends here and afterward, Danzig, Mint and Levi most importantly. It was teh ROXXORZ!
Third con: Project A-Kon 16 - 2005
Cosplay- Zappa (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto)
Rating: 5 (of 5)
Summary: I was closer friends with Seth by this time. And it was through HER that a] my Zappa costume lives on and b] I met Alex. My first serious girlfriend. Because of stupid people thinking Guilty Gear is an anime, and the fact that the top was too tight to begin with, I retired Zappa. Seth "bought" it for a couple boxes of pocky. Right before A-kon, I learned I was a member of the Raving Ninja Clan. I also met Suger Snake and got closer to Danzig afterward.
Fourth con: Onicon (2005)
Cosplay- Millia Rage (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto), Sadako (Ringu)
Rating: 3 (of 5)
Summary: My first convention without one of my local friends. Danzig and Kim were kind enough to pick me up on the way to Houston. Pretty much any con I go to without local friends, I'll be going and rooming with them, if they don't mind. Something like a first date with me and Wuffers. We'd built up a closer relationship the weeks before. The con itself wasn't bad, but the hotel and hotel staff made it come off worse than it actually was. My first crossplay too.
Fifth con: Ushicon 5 (2006)
Cosplay- Millia Rage (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto), Sadako (Ringu), Neji themed Rave Gear
Details: For those of you not keen on japanese, 'go' means 5. This con was given a nickname UshiGO, cuz it's the fifth. Also, this will be my fifth con. I'm going into the convention with a girlfriend this time. Also, this is the least amount of money I've had, and the proper details of crossplaying (makeup and boobage). My friend Deus gets to meet ALL of my other friends, or catch the one's he met in a better mood.
Yeah, I've run my mouth enough now.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Presently at work.
Sadako-chan: What the hell was that?
Zappa-kun: I'd tell you if I knew, but some people are desperate for business. I just had a couple people dressed as "Uncle Sam" and "Lady Liberty" representing thier tax refund service. It's nice that they brought donuts. It left me with that weird tingly feeling in my scalp, but, it's still odd that it happened.
Speaking of, I'd like to discuss that tingly feeling. It only happens when some stranger does something nice for me. Am I the only one who gets that feeling. It's just a plesant little surge of the nerves in the scalp. It's nice v'v I try to keep it as long as I can.
Urg... 8pm. Stupid people angering me and Anna. She's talking with some /b/tard about who should do the voice acting in Advent Children. She suggests Monica Rial for Yuffie. This 'tard says "What did she do?" And upon aparently viewing a list of her works, he's seen NONE of them. What kind of "otaku", if we can even ligitamtely call him that, only knows Final Fantasy 7, Gundam Wing, and InuYasha?
Grrr... makes me so effing STABBY!!!
Irae-chan: *tugs his hair*
Down Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: *sigh* Yes... anywho. Uhm... I'm bored. And it's still 2 days untill Ushicon. Grr... what can I do besides SLEEP. Maybe I'll put out a little more money to entertain myself these next two days.
Well, there's some things I wanna draw... and I think Con and Sita may be interested in my history of conventions. *ponder ponder*
I really need a sewing machine for ShioKaze-con. One new costume for sure, and MAYBE a 2nd, if Danzig and I can convince Anna's parents to let her go.
*sigh* I'm off!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Zappa-kun: Know what I hate about being a lonly otaku?
Sadako-chan: Whas that?
Zappa-kun: Having crushes on fictional characters. My hopeless flame for Sailor V was once re-lit.
Well... stupid Uematsu-sama and Celes's theme... Meh... just my ramblings. Anywho. Today, Tuesday, is the last day of work before my vacation.
As far as what I said I'd do today, I failed. 66% is failure. I got the athletic tape, AND sold my useless crap for 23$ (mostly controllers, no-name games, and spare AV cords). I was lazy and didn't make a mask. But I did read 2 of the 4 manga I just bought, bought 40 pouches of juice, and colored an old drawing.
Irae-chan: Doesn't that count as doing more
Than you planned?
Zappa-kun: Yes, but I didn't finished all my assigned tasks. Oh well, today, for sure, I'll make my mask. Then...
Sadako-chan: Wait?
Did you say fourty?
Zappa-kun: Yeaaaaahhh... 30 didn't last long enough, plus I plan on giving them out to RANDOM people... that I don't know.
Who wouldn't accept juice from a giddy crossplayer...
... I'm sure there's someone...

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Monday, January 23, 2006
Zappa-kun: What the hell am I doing. I go to gather up some gaming crap so I can sell it at Game Stop or somewhere that will give me cash for it, and I found myself re-organizing my games. I'm clearing out all my useless crap, except the 15th anneversary Ryu controller and the 4 way adaptor. I'll make it worth Ty's money.
As for as events for the day went, I procured the newest Naruto, and learned that there's a proper term for a ninja who works with food.
I am now a Ryounin. God dammed my otaku tendancies. Ah well, simpler than Sammich Ninja, and more appropriate, as I'm versed in many other foods.
Also, I got around to watching Grenadier. Actually, it's not as fanservicey as it comes off. In 4 episodes, there were only 3 scenes of boob-reloading (2x in ep1 and 1x in ep3) and only twice did anyone get pressed into Rushuna's breasts. One was to protect and the other was to comfort.
My conclusion, awesome, pretty, and NOT FANSERVICE!
Sadako-chan: Horray!
Now we need to tell that to
the keepers of MyOtaku!
Zappa-kun: Yup. I noticed how they don't have a section for Grenadier. Nor any sort of submission related to it. Looks like I have to break ground!
Also, I did something that Anna may strike me for.
Irae-chan: I doubt she will,
but what was it.
Zappa-kun: I spend a good amount of money on manga I could have gotten at Ushicon, for maybe a couple dollars cheaper.
Sadako-chan: Aww... I don't think she'll hit you.
But, they DID have up to volume 8
of W Juliet.
Zappa-kun: That did tick me off. They had 3-8, but not 2, which I need. Anywho I got: DeathNote v2, RahXephon v2, Ray v3, and Sword of the Dark Ones v3.
Tomorrow, my plans are, after working, sell my crap, get more athletic tape, and make a mask for my raving gear. Hopefully, I have a crappy shirt here I can destroy. I'd rather make one for free, than buy a breathable fabric.
With that... since I'll miss the weekend, I'll be posting the l33test of May cosplay. Since it's alphabetically May's week.

I say pass.
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Zappa-kun: MyO is pissing me off. It's having serious problems with loading for EVERYONE. I wonder how many time I'll end up re-posting this on MyO before it tells me that I successfully posted it.
I've finished all my costumes finally. Alls left, con wise, is getting everything together. I know I need more tape for Neji. I need to get a LOT of juice boxes. I think I'll pack things NOW, just to make sure. Don't comment just yet, I may update this more.
I've been playing this game called Phantom Dust. Pretty addicting, especially for perfectionists.
With that... I've nothing else to post.

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Saturday, January 21, 2006
Zappa-kun: Sleepy sleepy sleepy day today. Friday was sleepy sleepy.
I'm going back to sleep. I woke up specifically to post. Please feel special. And read my story. FEEDBACK!
Sadako-chan: *Cuddles Zappa-kun.*
Irae-chan: *Cuddles Zappa-kun,
with confetti still in her hair.*
Zappa-kun: Now that I'm wide the hell awake, I think I need to explain some things. First, I left a comment on Usagi-nee's MyO.
Way back, when the year started, and my car crapped out and my contacts were poof, and I might have lost my gf, I went on and on whinig about it. Turns out, around the same time, one of my regular customers had gotten her finger cut off by a chair at her job.
So, anytime you think your life sucks, remember, someone is losing a body part at that very moment.
As for the juice girl comment the other day, at Ushicon, Millia will be giving out random glomps and juice boxes!
Well, off to fend off boredom.

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Friday, January 20, 2006
Zappa-kun: Well kiddies, after long bouts of distraction, mental blocks, and napping, I've finished the second motion of teh story
Word of advise, right click and "save link as". It doesn't display right if you just click on it.
Sadako-chan: Throws confetti around!
Zappa-kun: Yup yup, read on children!
As for the rest of the day, I was up at 6:30 for work. Not at all plesant, but, I had my lappy, and it was a slow day. I hope today will be just as easy.
I spend some time messing with the settings on my computer, so now all the text settings conform, and everything takes up less space, leaving more room for displaying and wallpapers v'v
Also, I'd like to state that Death Note is the most wordy manga I've ever read. I'm so used to reading manga filled with pretty pictures or action scenes, that it felt like I had read so much more of the book than I actually did.
Irae-chan: I'd also like to state that
Sadako is a clutz with confetti.
Sadako-chan: Huh?
Irae-chan: You threw it directly
into my hair!
Sadako-chan: No...
Irae-chan: Then learn.
*dumps confetti in Sadako's hair*
Sadako-chan: AAAAHHHH!!!!
Zappa-kun: Oh hell... I guess I better help these girls out.

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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Zappa-kun: Sorry. I don't have anything to post regarding yesterday. I spend the day either at work, or working on my story. Thanks to my ADD, it's not going as quickly as the first chapter. Maybe today.
God I hate working mornings.
I hope to have it finished by tonight.
Sadako-chan: 8 days untill
convention chaos!
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun... what's this about
a juice girl?

The thumbnail looks like he's holding a giant cross. Stupid trenchcoat
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Zappa-kun: Remember how I complained about working 10 days in a row?
I failed.
Wed: 12p-4:30p
Thu: 7:30a-4:30p
Fri: 7:30a-4:30p
Sat: nope
Sun: nope
Mon: 7:30a-4:30p
Tue: 7:30a-4:30p
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun no longer
has to bust his ass so hard.
Irae-chan: His manager says this
will give her "ammo" to get him
as official assistant manager.
Zappa-kun: Yup yup. But at the same time, it makes moving to Austin harder and easier.
Ah well. I spend last night (after posting :b) getting feedback from Sita on my drawing. It's come out nicely, and I'm presently coloring it.
I had her eyes open, looking straight ahead (to the right of the page), and oddly enough, I made it ten times sexier (for lack of a better word) by closing her eyes. It's most excellent. I just wish I could submit it earlier than Sunday.
Well guys, not only am I off to work on the 2nd Motion, but I have to go to bed as well.

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