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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Zappa-kun: WORK IS CRAP!
*work rant, cuz nothing happened today*
I worked 7:30 to 1pm. My whole shift I was worried I'd either collapse due to my legs being sore from Saturday's madness, or being tired, or being hungry. I had to go back at 5:30p.
I was abruptly awoken from my nap between shifts, to hear that one of the other managers in our franchise fucked up, and my manager is being pulled over to thier store for 2-3 weeks. This leaves me to work day shifts for that time period. Several problems arise with this.
*One of the employees is quitting on Wednesday. He was offered a job of 200$ a day in Dallas, and took it.
*I hate working daytime.
*The 2nd week, is my vacation. I'm the only one other than the manager who can open the store. This means, if the general manager expects me to work, I won't have a job to come back to after Ushi.
Feh... if that's what they do, then they don't deserve my services to begin with.
Sadako-chan: But, you got to talk to Anna
between shifts.
Zappa-kun: Yeah, I was torn between talking to her and napping. She was worried and wanted me in bed, so I'd be healty for Ushi.
I love her so... =v'v=
Irae-chan: Hehe... good kitty. *pets Zappa*
Zappa-kun: *purr*

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Monday, January 16, 2006
Zappa-kun: Sundays are usually so boring. I get to talk to everyone, and most of the time, I get to talk about the previous evening's roleplaying session.
After the chaos of Saturday, I wasn't up for the RP. I talked to Sita for a while Saturday night/Sunday morning. I had to work Sunday morning, and a ridiculus shift Monday, so it's off to bed early.
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun got to take over
Rave Ninja Radio today,
but only Deus and Anna listened
most of the night.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun and Anna-sama talked
about thier future cosplay plans.
They're based of a manga. Zappa-kun finished
reading it today, so I'll read it
when he's at work.

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Sunday, January 15, 2006
For those interested
 | My story is now available for free DL, for those who don't wanna have to sign up for my boards just to read it.
First Motion - Open
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Zappa-kun: BWAHAHAHAA!!! Fun times had. I'm sorry for those who wanted to attend and couldn't.
Sadako-chan: Yup yup. Fun fun.
Even I got to play a little.
Irae-chan: And I as well. But I prefered to keep to the backback.
I didn't want my hair messed up.
Zappa-kun: Yup. Okay, so for those of you who CARE, or didn't get to go, my day went as follows.
(I'm lazy so don't expect a lot of detail)
Group Z - (Me, Wuffers, & Deus)
Group T - (Tala, Rainy, Canuck & Ian)
Group K - (Kimba and Danzig)
Group P - (Phlinx, Mint, Levi, Newbeh, & Suger)
Group S - (Seth, Nick, Sethos, Nathan , and & newbd00d)
Group M - (Maki and ex-bf)
Group Z (minus Wuffers) left about 10 and arrived at 10:30ish, where Group T (minus Canuck) arrived before us. There was lolz and climbing had when Nathan arrived. Group S (minus Sethos/newbd00d) arrived shortly after. There was more climbing and chaos untill Group P arrived, suprisingly with Suger and Newbeh. More climbing, then a shinai duel was to be had with myself and Levi. We were going too untill Phlinx accidentally threw a shinai at Levi, which struck his eye. We tended to his "wound" and spazzed around with a camera and a rock that I balanced on.
When I left to go back to my things, Group K, Group M, Wuffers, Canuck, and quickly after, Sethos and newbd00d arrived. Much hugging and walking and hand holding with Wuffers was had after she finished breakfast. We came back, and there was cuddling and petting of me and Wuffers, while Canuck, Seth, Rainy, and Maki talked about randomness and cosplay. Then the rest of the party, who had been over climbing the wall and other madness came back as I went to "steal" Ian's cat ears and tail, for I am Wuffers's kitty =v'v= ~nya.
After much conversing, and some sadness, Group P took an advance leave to Ingram. Group S and T were talking about what to do with a stray, and since Sethos and Seth were in tow, they could get to Ingram after they took the dog to a proper facility. Group Z, and K left for Ingram. Wuffers and I talked in my car about lots of things. I like talking to her. I don't mind that she's a lil hyper when she's around, cuz she's in a stress-free enviornment with people that care for her, and she cares about. Plus, it's cute v'v.
At Ingram:
Group P was out and about, while Suger and Newbeh were at the ParaPara. Group Z arrived, and due to traffic, and the fact I'm not a good leader, Group K got a little lost, but found thier way after 20 minutes or so. I lost them as I turned into the mall parking lot. It shouldn't have been hard, but I apologize nontheless. I was a little concerend for group T and S, because they were never behind me. I recalled they went to tend to the dog's safety, and arrived about 10 minutes after Group K chewed me out for being a failure of a leader.
After Wuffers burnt herself out on DDR, we went questing for a hiita-aite (serious spelling flaw... I don't know, I can't even remember this term 70% of the time. Please correct politely). Much failure was had by Hot Topic, and Suncoast. We pretty much went back and forth between the two places, stopping once for Deus to buy us lunch. I think he wanted to treat the happy couple of Zappa and Wuffers. Deus left after for work, after we ate, not feeling too well. Her parents were not far off, and she was slightly panic prone. I now realize when they may have seen us acting as a couple, even though they don't know that we are yet.
I was to understand they'll know by Ushicon(?) We went to HT and SC agian, and between the two, Seth and Nick were leaving. We bid them farewell, then Wuffers got, I think it was, a Hiae plushee she finally decided on, and a FMA keychain. She and I returned to the arcade, where there were pictures, then the departing of Groups P and K. Group T (minus Canuck) left soon after.
Wuffers had 3 rounds of DDR with Sethos, then left. I wanted to meet her parents, to be formal and all, but the opportunity was not there.
This left myself, Canuck, Sethos, Nathan, and newbd00d to wander about. Nathan bought me a drink, then we went to Suncoast where I got Grenadier v1 (plus Rushuna figure). Then we went to Waldenbooks, where I got W Juliet v1.
Wuffers made an interesting point about it. The main characters: the male is forced(?) to dress like a girl and has long hair, and the female dresses and looks like a guy. She has short hair. What Wuffers pointed out was that I have long hair and crossplay, and she has short hair and crossplays. We match the characters well. I just hope it's a good read. The first 10 pages were interesting enough for me to buy it.
Anyway, feeling the exaustion of the day setting in, we headed to "The Spot" where Canuck discussed board for the evening with Nathan's mother, and I left soon after.
For those of you who met people at the arcade, I got "Kitty"(wore the yellow Fuits Basket had) and "Clown's"(wore a Psychopathic shirt) contact info, as they asked me for info on SanJapan. Those of you who met them, and/or care, contact me for thier info.
In short:
Chilling was had
Hanging was had
Cuddling was had (this is most important)
DDR, DanceMania and ParaPara action was beheld
I learned, I need to move with the beat. I do, just not with my hands, but I don't expect Danzig to be watching my hips/legs.
I spend my hotel room money -'-, so less munny for Ushi.
Wuffers was looked very beautiful today.
Deus kinda felt like he didn't fit in with everyone. But you know him now.
Mesh/netting does provide for some protection agianst cold.
I'm tired.
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun's tired and is off to sleep,
before Deus and others bug
him for roleplaying stuffs.
Irae-chan: Have a nice evening everyone.

My page is down, but here's a pic I like. Finally, Jam with her hair down. Sadly, not fully visible =-'v=
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Zappa-kun: Well, it's 8pm (Friday), and I'm bored mindlessly at work. There's a couple final details desired on my jacket, but it's all paintwork, and needs 24 hours of flat drying. With that, I have to wait till I get home tomorrow to put paint on it. Even then, cuz of the required drying time, it's gonna be 4 days of this wait-n-paint game.
Teh sigh...
Irae-chan: But today (Sat.) we get to see everyone.
Zappa-kun: Very true v'v Okaa-chan, onee-chan Sethos, Danziku-nii, Kimba-nee, everyone else.
Sadako-chan: Don't even act like you didn't want to
mention Anna.
Zappa-kun: You took care of it for me v'v Yes. Anywho... some neighborhood kids who come in with thier skateboards, have been "punked" by some of my other regulars. A girl brought one of thier boards back to me, and as it stands, they drove off with the other. I'm sure they'd come back, but if not...
I DON'T CARE! That'll teach the lil punk asses not to bring thier boards around anymore. They never rode them in the store, by the way.
Turns out, it was put into the trash can. And people had dumped thier half-full soda in there too. Stupid kids.
Well, another hour of boredom consumes my life. I'm gonna try to log on and get around to everyone's MyO and LJ, then I might work on my next motion.
It's 11. I have to scramble for work, but all matters and loose ends handled for the day. For those who I get to see, see you tomorrow.
For those who I don't, *huggles to j00*

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Friday, January 13, 2006
Zappa-kun: Holy shit! I changed everyhting agian! It's all blue and happy!
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun, this is creepy...
Irae-chan: It is a little unlike you.
Zappa-kun: What? Do I have to be all dark and brooding all the time? Dammed...
Can't I be happy?
Sadako-chan: Well, yes...
Zappa-kun: Then shush.
Anywho, I went for my eye exam, for those who haven't read yet, and it cost 94$, but came with a 'free' pair of contacts. Bi-weekly disposable, that are to expire right before Ushicon. Depending on how much it costs to get the next pair, I may just push them on through.
Yes, unnecessarily complicated, but a necessity for cosplaying.
As for the rest of teh day, I paid all my bills, and I've 50$ till my check gets deposited in a couple hours.
I gotta work 4-midnight tonight, and then get up about 10ish to head out to Zappa-con Saturday. I can't wait to see everyone, especially Anna!
Irae-chan: And I get to meet Animula-sama.
Zappa-kun: Yup yup! Me thinks Sada-chan may tag along. Depends on how I feel, or remember.
Sadako-chan: If ya don't it's okay.
Someone's gotta guard this place from
hackers and /b/tards.

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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Zappa-kun: Sorry guys, busy with my D20 stuff, then off to bed for my appointment. I Ioafed around today, playing and clearing 2 NES games, thus getting less work done on my jacket than I intended.
I know, I suck... just bad scheduling on my accord. Go read my story, if you haven't already!

Edits: I went for my eye exam. $94, PLUS they gave me a pair of contacts to wear NOW. They're bi-weekly disposables.
Alas, the clincher, the 2 weeks is up the day before Ushicon, and I don't know how much the next pair will be. Looks like I'll have money for Ushi though, but I may have to push these eyes through the weekend. I'm only supposed to wear these for 14 hours in a row at a time. Heh... on the Saturday of Ushi, I'll probally have my contacts out (from Friday) by 3a, back in at 10a, then back out at 3a (Sunday morning). 14 hours my ASS!
~Zappa | |
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
FIrst Motion done!
Zappa-kun: Well, I kept to my word. I said I'd make boobs and write chapter one. All I did today was write it. Well, I argued that I don't wanna GM anymore, and I really don't. I prefer to be a player, not a leader, but... I've got a couple ideas. I just don't like having to pull EVERYTHING out of my ass on the spot.
Sadako-chan: That sounds more disgusting than you mean it.
Zappa-kun: Hush you v'v. Anywho, I'm tired, and in the process of finding a place to get my story out there. I'm trying FanFiction.net, and hoping I'm not breaking any rules, and I've never done this kinda stuff before.
Irae-chan: Ganbatte, Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: Tomorrow's eitenerrary includes at least half of my rave jacket finished, and raping through the NES classic, A Boy and His Blob. Horray for GameFaqs v'v

You're stuck with going to the Rave Ninja boards for now.
My Story
~Zappa | |
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Zappa-kun: Important events of the day!
Alex posted on her MyO O'O
Anna is still going to Ushicon. Her grandmother just needs to quit power tripping.
Added more metal to my ever-growing playlist.
Well, I plan on making tonight productive. First, I'm gonna go out pretty soon and buy that which I need to make boobs.
Sadako and Irae:
The hell?
Zappa-kun: Shut up. You're definately in NO position to judge me Sadako.
Sadako-chan: *hides behind Irae*
Zappa-kun: (Leading Us Along), I'm going to write the "First Motion" of my character's story. Each chapter will be called a motion, and titled with... a song title, that I find appropriate. Chapter one will be called, "Open".
I'll upload it to the Rave Ninja server, as I have no idea where to go to post it otherwise. I'm not bound to get discouraged by the first chapter being a failure, cuz... it's the first chapter, which is before 7's time of w00tness.
Well, I'm off to Wally World!

~Zappa | |
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Zappa-kun: And so, Kefka laughs at fate. I had to post this, no matter how much you may or may not care. An elder gentleman came to my job today, somehow thinking it was a Kwiznewbs. So, he comes up to order, handing me a coupon from there. I adress him politely, "You realize this is a Quizno's coupon, right?" He told me he thought it was a Kwiznewbs, and proceeded to put the coupon back into his pocket. Not in these exact words, I said, "Hell no, I'll honor that shit!"
Turns out, his wife sent him, and he didn't even want to go to Kwiznewbs in the first place. I got tipped a dollar!
Sadako-chan: Althought it all turned out well,
stupid people should not be left unattended.
Irae-chan: *Nods, tending to her flowers*
Zappa-kun: Okay... I'm at Deus's, and I was checking various LJ's and MyO's, and it comes to be that someone is trying to take away that which makes Zappa happy. Zappa is not one you take happiness away from.
Sadako-chan: Cuz then I get to come out and play. Zappa let's me bypass 7 days into 7 seconds.
Irae-chan: I don't like the look you two have on your face.
Zappa-kun: Good.
When you tamper with my happiness, violence is the only ending equation.
Behold said faggotry. And for LJ users.
Great way to ruin everyone's plans bitch.
Sorry, but this kinda ruined my day.

~Zappa | |
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