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Sunday, January 8, 2006
They say freak,
When you're singled out,
The red, well it filters through.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again.
This change, he won't contain,
Slip away, to clear your mind.
When asked, who made it show,
The truth, he gives in to most.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red....
They say freak...
When you're singled out.
The red, it filters through...
Anger management much?
Zappa-kun: Today was productive. I got my car's crap replaced! I got 4 of 6 buckles for Millia. They only had 4... aww... maybe next week. I've even gotten them sewn on! I had to take a nap today... cuz... I was actually up till 3 last night, and had to be up at 7. *sigh*
Irae-chan: Are you okay, Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: Hmm? Yeah. I'm trying to figure out how Sada-chan got ahold of sake. That... and I don't think I'll be able to learn ParaPara. I just can't keep up with it. I think I'm a little to scatter-brained to actually do it.
Irae-chan: Where is she anyway?
Zappa-kun: Well, she had a LOT of sake, so she's grounded... and spending it sobering up aparently.
Irae-chan: I had nothing to do with it.
Zappa-kun: No one blamed you. Why the guilty conscious?
Irae-chan: I'm sorry... I just... she was
drinking my tea... I felt you thought I was to blame.
Zappa-kun: Nope. Cuz we don't even have any liqour in this house, domestic or foreign. *sigh* Well, I'mma shower up, then prepare for roleplay and work tomorrow. I'm gonna try to take my costume work with me. :P
Irae-chan: Baibai. Is anyone staying
around for tea? Non-alcoholic of course.

Danzig, I want both labels for this one.
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
For my grandfather, for 9-11, for America; pimp my ride!
Zappa-kun: Sorry kids, just another lackluster, boring day. I'm going to bed. Girls, ya'll take over for now.
Sadako-chan: Wait. Us? In controll?
Irae-chan: Is he okay?
Sadako-chan: You saw how bored he was.
He barely kept interest in finishing the rave shorts.
Irae-chan: And he still has the jacket,
and fix the strap on his new swords, right?
Sadako-chan: Yup, but I think he want's to
use them for something.
Irae-chan: I wonder what for...
I wonder when he'll make time
for that Para Para stuff?
Sadako-chan: He NEEDS to make time
for getting new contacts.
An eye exam looks to be
within his financial grasp.
Irae-chan: True, but can he get the contacts
in time?
Sadako-chan: ...
I like you Irae.
Irae-chan: O.o ?
Sadako-chan: You've got pretty hair.
And I like people with pretty hair.
Irae-chan: O.o That's enough tea for you...

Jo likes I-No. :P
~Irae | |
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Oh my god! Are you the Matrix?
Irae-chan: Stress...
Sadako-chan: Relief...
Zappa-kun: GET!
Yeah, my car is, at present, in running mode. Some madness to do with the spark plugs not firing. Need new ones, but that's easy :P I've been tipped A$$1.77 in the span of 4 minutes, so maybe, if this keeps up, I can buy them off tips. And I need an air filter too, but... I've said that before.
I'm glad I got up when I did today, at 12:45, rather than 2:30. I logged onto Yahoo to see if I had any messages, and Anna was on. w00t! Today, so far, is good.
Tomorrow, I can actually get around to that which is necessary, given my car is working. I haven't gone out to try and start it agian.
Irae-chan: Where's Zappa-kun. Since he stopped taking me to work
with him, it worries me.
Sadako-chan: At least he takes you places.
I go nowhere.
Irae-chan: But he dresses as you.
Sadako-chan: Oh yeah ||.^
Zappa-kun: Guess how I got home? My car!
Anywho, to cap up the day, I made another dollar tip. And, I'm planning the writings of my OC. His only publicly known name is 7. I'll be consulting some of you, if I want to include you.

~Zappa | |
Comments (6) |
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Hey everyone. Pretty uneventful day. My car is still not working... looks like I'll have to pay to get it going agian, if it will...
I've got nothing to say really, so I'm telling a story!
The White Wolf as written by Alvin Schwartz
The timger wolves around French Creek had gotten out of hand. There were so many wolves, the farmers could not stop them from killing thier cattle and sheep. So the state put a bounty on them. It would pay a hunter ten dollars for every wolf pelt he turned in.
A butcher in town named Bill WIlliams thought that was pretty good money. He stopped working as a butcher and started killing wolves. He was good at it. Ever year he killed over five hundred of them. That came to more than five thousand dollars. It was quite a bit of money on those days.
After four of five years, Bill had killed so many wolves, there were hardly any left in that area. So he retired, and he voewd never to harm another wolf because wolves had made him rich.
Then one day a farmer reported that a white wolf had killed two of his sheep. He had shot at it and hit it, but the bullets didn't have any effect. Soon that wolf was seen all over the countryside, killing and running. But nobody could stop it.
One night it came into Bill's yard and killed his pet cow. Bill forgot about his decision never to hard another wolf. He went into town the next morning and bought a young lamb for bait. He took it out into the hills and tied it to a tree. Then he backed off about fifty yards and sat down under another tree. With his gun in his lap, he waited.
When Bill didn't come back, his friends started looking for him. Finally they found the lamg. It was still tied to the tree. It was hungry, but it was alive. Then they found Bill. He was still sitting agianst the other tree, but he waas dead. His throat had been torn open.
But there was no sign of a struggle. his gun hadn't been fired. And there were no tracks in the soil around him. As for the white wolf, it was never seen agian.
Sadako-chan: That wasn't that scary Zappa-kun.
Irae-chan: I didn't really care for it. A white puppy tricked me once.
Well, tea anyone?

~Zappa | |
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Stress relief: GET!
Zappa-kun: So... things gradually return to a state of normality.
As for my contacts, they weren't thrown away by Deus's mother-in-law, which is what upset me most. I'll try tearing apart my room and bathroom tomorrow. I should get new ones, and new glasses, but this may be the event to instigate it, cuz I refuse to cosplay with glasses, and would hate to do so blind.
My car... well... hopefully, it's only the dammed fuel filter, which I can change tomorrow, if I can snag my dad's car while he's sleeping... although I hate that car. I'll be trying to save money to buy Danzig's old car... so Ushicon m could very well be my only con this year.
Either way, nothing is stopping me from going to Ushicon, even if I have NO money. I ought to look into how much an eye exam is... [whine]but I'm lazy... but I have to... [/whine]
As for me and Anna... some of you know what I did, and I told her. And all remains as well as it ever was.
Stress relief: GET!
I kinda feel this was the point we got even closer... cuz... well, I did something drastically unfaithful (which I pirde myself on) and she forgives me, cuz I wasn't sober. Still, allow me to quote myself from the Rave Ninja boards "While I don't regret what I did, I feel extremely bad... but isn't Levi's tounge in my mouth enough punishment?"
Uhm.... (Leading Us Along)... Oh yeah, I caught Danzig using it... it's catching slowly. If you don't get it, I say that in place of "moving along". Spread it. It can invoke confusion.
I find it easy to rave with my leash in my way, but not with my headphone cord in the way. I ph34r for breaking it when I get purposely tangled.
I still have to spend money to buy buckles for Millia, and I just put out 40+ for Anna's LAD, Umbrae. It'll take a while to get May her's, but I pride myself on keeping promises.
Irae-chan: You're giving two others homes?
Zappa-kun: There you two are. I was wondering if I had scared you off.
Sadako-chan: Scare? Me? That's funny Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: Good point. At least you two are still here. I guess I just wasn't me lately.
Sadako-chan: Ish okies ||.^ *glomps Zappa*
Zappa-kun: Heh. You girls are great.
Anna: Check the song title. I do wish you were here.

~Zappa | |
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
 | Car - Deat at work
Contacts - Aparently thrown away
Girlfriend - Don't fucking know
Life = Shit
Kill me or give me a shit load of money to fix everything.
I can't get a good car cuz I can't get to a better paying job, which would pay for the car.
What's this... a connundrum? | |
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Monday, January 2, 2006
 | Okay, aparently, Im too fucked up to use HTML. I'm clearlY buzzed at this point. I may be drunk. I'm not sure. I've never been drunk before. My parents coudln't even get me drunk. My spelling and grammer is fuccked beccause a] , o, BUZEEDD an d b] I'm blind. My glasses broke in an unfortunate buzzed incedent/. I've gien up on corredcint myelf. I left Sadako and Irae back in SA. I swar to got I'm going to lauc hwhen I read this. I'm usually so prpoer and pol;ilte when I type. I think I'm posting properlyt, but I blind so I don't know. I't's only8:45 and I' ssweatr thact I'mz FUCKED. evertone has justg walked around. We're currently duscussint Naruto. We're talkng about Naruto 3 on PS2, and Naurot is on CN and Suger and I are in aggremnt that Newben , siger and ia re not to get naked.... I swerar I'm going to lauch when I read thisshit later. I'm til ltrying to forcigly correcting myt posdts... this is hilarous.
Naurto runs on. Mint is outside on the trapoine. Suger is fuced in makrls gaming chair. Mint6 wants su t otell her when Hakui dies. I'm a little concenret that I mayt end up making out with tala at 12. id dpends. I've been scrathcin her nexk here and there, and she seems to enjoy it. i think were going goplay drunken Naruto when the haramotho nisverios iver.
As funny as that is, I'm too tired to intrepret the rest of the evening, but it consisted of drinking, Naruto, raving, more drinking, throwing up, and people in thier drunken stupors kissing other people. I kissed Levi. Tounge and all. I don't care.
We even tried identifying the 'ghost' behind Phlinx's house. I gave up first and crashed on the floor next to Tala. I woke up several times feeling nautious. Hangover? Who knows, some water settled my stomach and I passed back out.
This morning, Sunday, everyone went on a field trip to fude. Then we came back to watch AMV Hell 1-3 (it's viewing base grows), then Naruto 4 on GC. Eventually, everyone got bored and I spend the rest of the day with Kim and Danzig, watching Smackdown vs. Raw '06 and SC3. We went out to eat and spend a bit more chill time together, before I headed home at 9. I got home at 10:30 to hear about Deus calling me a jerk and apologizing for it, cuz I didn't tell him I was going to Austin, and he had bought a lot of food for a BBQ, and expected me to be there.
We settled that, and now I'm off to bed.
Night kids. I hope Irae and Sadako were good girls.

Faust GGI ending

I-no GGXX portrait.
Sorry for not resizing.
~Zappa | |
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Zappa-kun: Hey all! Today's it. I head up to Austin for New Years. Sad thing is, I don't get to spend it with the person I really want to spend it with. Spending it with my friends is most excellent, but there's a certian someone who I'd love to spend it with.
I bought another manga today, DeathNote v1. And I bought an actuall BOOK too. It's a compilation of 3 books of scary stories that I used to read back in elementary. Now that I'm not such a panzy coward like I once was back in the day, I can read it freely v'v
...but I still won't get on a PACKED elevator...
Maybe I'll start posting some stories. There's one in particular I want to post first, for Tala, but not tonight. The girls have gone to bed early, as will I be soon. I have to work at 7, and plan on leaving for Austin ASAP.
Keep it real kids, and Happy New Year.
Naruto marathon: GO!

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Friday, December 30, 2005
Irae-chan: Sadako-san, where is Zappa-kun going? He's packing things.
Sadako-chan: He's going to roleplay with his friends.
Irae-chan: What's that?
Sadako-chan: I don't know...
Zappa-kun: Silly girls. Go play with Loathe for a bit, then it's time for bed.
Sadako & Irae: Okay.
Zappa-kun: Yup, I'm headed out pretty soon. But, really, only plus to today was that I got my birthday/Christmas money from the grandparents in the Bahamas. 100 dollars on top of being paid at 4am this mornin.
I really need to get moving on my costumes, but now I can buy the buckles I need for Millia. The shaving resumes soon... lets count how many times I gash my legs v'v
Well, cuz I wanna get some things done before Saturday comes about, I won't get a lot of sleep today... or I don't intend to as it stands.
Irae-chan: You really ought to sleep though.
It's not healthy otherwise.
Sadako-chan: That's normal for him. You should see him on his regular roleplaying days.

~Zappa | |
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Another home
 | T=10:37
Irae-chan: Who was that girl that came by earlier?
Sadako-chan: That was Anna. Whenever she's around, we kinda get ignored.
Zappa-kun: *glares*
Irae-chan: So, you don't like her then?
Sadako-chan: Well, she's like you. She keeps Zappa-kun away from me.
Irae-chan: I believe you're wrong. You seem to shell...
Sadako-chan: What do you know!
Irae-chan: Why do you have such a negative outlook on things?
Zappa-kun: Psst... I got to talk to Wuffers today. Another lost soul will be finding a home. She wants Umbrae...
Sadako-chan: Because people always turn thier backs on others when things don't go thier way!
Irae-chan: That may be so, but that's not at all relevant to what's at hand.
Zappa-kun: And I got to use my Borders gift card. I picked up RahXephon v1 and Rebirth v5...
Sadako-chan: What would you know about it? You and Anna just try to take him from me! He's the only one who accepted me how I am!
Irae-chan: Once agian, wrong. She's accepted you, has she not? And I believe many others...
Zappa-kun: And Wuffers even sent me a shoutout over Rave Ninja Radio, even though she can't listen herself...
Irae-chan: Even I accept you. I simply dislike your argumenative nature.
Sadako-chan: Hrmph...
Irae-chan: *puts a flower in Sada-chan hair and smiles*
Sadako-chan: ...
*smiles back*

~Zappa | |
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