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Monday, December 12, 2005
Zappa: I succeded in my first time as GM. Everyone was pleased. Sadly, I got a whole 40 minutes of sleep before work.
Sadako-chan: Why bother sleeping at all.
Zappa: Cuz I'd rather have some than none. Luckily, I got to leave right at 12noon, because my "parents" went to get a part for the car they should have fixed months ago. They couldn't take my "brother" so, I had to come home and assure he didn't splatter oil around the garage or set the house on fire. I hate that he can't control himself.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
Fortunately, he behaved and I got about an hour nap in. I headed back to Mike and Jenny's as soon as my "parents" got home. I ended up passing out once I got there though. I woke up and talked with a few people, went to Wally World with Mike, and had to head home, cuz I work tomorrow morning.
I tried to change the video, but, I don't quite know if it's going to work. Let me know if it doesn't after a few minutes of sitting there.
I hate these posts where I have nothing to say. I seem to be more interesting when I'm pissed, depressed, or actually did something of significance. I could post on the roleplaying, but... I'm lazy and tired.
Because too many sources provide the right answer, whomever answered wins.
How well do you know anime?
What does Rabi-en-Rose dislike being called?

~Zappa | |
Comments (5) |
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Sick Party
Zappa: Okaa-chan's house was fun. I got there before anyone else... well, except for okaa-chan's boyfriend. But I'm not going to start calling him dad or something. I don't know him well enough... and... well... no matter. Fun was had. There was Naruto 3, and poking Naruto jokes at Mint, Phlinx and Levi.
Then there was minor AMV watching, followed by AMV Hell! All 3. I don't count 0, cuz it causes pain.
Sadako-chan: And not just one kind
Zappa: Then, after much hesitation, we tried to watch FF7:AC, which was botched, cuz me eating was more interesting...

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
The girls played Floor Wars, and there was other crazy on-the-floor games. Most of which ended with a "cuddle orgy" I just layed with my head in Sethos's lap, for I was teh tired.
I suddenly hopped up and smacked heads with Tala's boyfriend. It's fun wathcing him freak out over weird Yaoi attempts. Homophobic?? Hopefully not. Then I left to make it to the Rave Ninja meeting, and forgot to say bye to Sethos. GOMEN!!!!
Also, there was gift trading. Okaa-chan and Sethos got thier presents, and opened them. Tori's was left in thier care. Okaa-chan got me earrings v'v And Sethos got me a woot pocket watch thingy v'v I'm still not sure if it's battery op or not.
Well, yes, I was depresed over girl matters last night. I decided, that, I'm going to pretty much give up on one of them. Where we are now, is most likely the best I'm going to get with her. However, the other is very promising. You know who you are *points accusingly at a particular Tifa cosplayer*
Yeah, there seems to be hope there. And when I flirt, she returns the affections. Most pleasing.
Yesterdays weiners: Connery, Tori [MyO], Kris, Li-chan [LJ]
Mind you I didn't listen to the japanese audio, so I was looking for dumpling or meatball head. Odango passes too.
How well do you know anime?
What was the first anime?

~Zappa | |
Comments (7) |
Saturday, December 10, 2005
She seems dressed in all the rings
Of past fatalaties
So fragile yet so devious
She continues to see it
Climatic hands that press
Her temples and my chest
Enter the night that she came home
Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)
She is everytihng and more
The solemn hypnotic
My Dahlia, you're bathed in posession
She is home to me
I get neverous, perversed when I see her to worse
But the stress is astounding
It's now or never she's coming home
Oh (She's the only one that makes me sad)
Hard to say what caught my attention
Vixen crazy, Aphid Attraction
Carve my name in my face, to recognize
Such a pheromone cult to terrorize
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I'm a slave, and I am a master
No restraints and, unchecked collectors
I exist throught my name, to self ablige
She is something in me, the darkness finds
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
(She isn't real, I can't make her real)
(She isn't real, I can't make her real)
Sadako-chan: MAIL SERVICE SUCKS!!!
Zappa: Today today today!!! I get to see Seth, and Sethos, and the Lemony one, and some other people too. One of the missing Rave Ninjas too.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I'm wrapping thier presents right now, then gonna watch AMV Hell 3, then Rah. Another boring night. All the games I haven't finished are on my busted PS2, so, I'm kinda bored. I'm probally going to bed early tonight, so I can get up at a logical time. I hate going to bed early, but I'd rather get a good sleep than sleep in and get to Seth's about 3-4.
Screw anything else right now. I'm too dammed depressed over other things.
Danzikumaru [LJ] wins for yesterday.
How well do you know anime?
Regarding Sailor Moon, what nickname did Mamoru give to Usagi upon meeting her?

~Zappa | |
Comments (6) |
Friday, December 9, 2005
Zappa: So, I'm watching RahXephon, and I hear this familliar voice.
Jiraya's voice actor has a part as one of the semi-important Mulian officials. I know it's no big deal that VA's have multiple roles, but it's significant to me, because I can recognize it!
Once agian, another uneventful, non-Naruto 4 recieving day.
Sethos is sick.
Okaa-chan is sick.
I may come down with something due to yesterday's BS
Sadako-chan: Sick party at SETH'S!!!
Zappa: Pretty much, anyone who isn't sick who goes, will most likely get there. Everyone else is safe, cuz they're already sick. Unless we generate some sort of new super-cold, or a mutated smallpox.
Sadako-chan: Hmmm, sounds familliar...

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
Zappa: I had to activate a MySpace account recently, to get some pictures from Zabuza-kun. I was at work with my laptop, and my co-worker wanted to check his MySpace, and asked if I had one. Technically I did, but it was bare. I'm working on it now, and I probally won't post anything, but I did link over to the Rave Ninjas site.
Several times. Publicity much?
Well, I want to change my AMV soon, so I leave it up to vote. Some of you may or may have not seen these, via me or someone else. LJ people will have to make your way over to MyO to watch it.
The list is follows: (Anime - Song - Band)
Bleach - Eyeless - Slipknot
Bleach - Happy - Mudvayne
Bleach - Point #1 - Chevelle
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children - Blood In My Eyes - Limp Bizkit/Godsmack/Disturbed
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children - Bullshit - Mindless Self Indulgence
Fooly Cooly - Loco - Coal Chamber
Fooly Cooly - (unknown title) - Laughs and Beats (from VibRibbon)
Fooly Cooly/Ikkitousen - Tornado - Mindless Self Indulgence
Full Metal Alchemist - Family System - Chevelle
Full Metal Alchemist/Naruto/Samurai Champloo - Diabolical - Mindless Self Indulgence
GetBackers - So - Static-X
Guilty Gear - Meet Agian - Daisuke Ishiwatari
Guilty Gear - X Gonna Give It To Ya - DMX
Ikkitousen (Battle Vixens) - Tornado - Mindless Self Indulgence
Naruto - Bombs Over Bhagdad - Outkast
Naruto - Bring The Pain - Mindless Self Indulgence
Naruto - Pulse of the Maggots - Slipknot
Naruto - Seizure of Power - Marilyn Manson
Naruto - The Blister Exists - Slipknot
Naruto - Twisted Transistor - KoRn
Naruto - Vitimin R (Leading Us Along) - Chevelle (currently playing)
Naruto - Xecutioner Style - Linkin Park/ Xecutioners
Naruto - Real Ninjas - Michael Zubzycki
Samurai Champloo - We Still Kill The Old Way - LostProphets
Steel Angel Kurumi - Clock - Coal Chamber
Voting lasts untill this Sunday night. Vid will change Monday morning. Leave you "vote" in the comments.
How well do you know anime?
Identify the model number of the first Gundam unit.
Yesterday's answer: "Is it Goku?"
Dammit okaa-chan...

~Zappa | |
Comments (8) |
Thursday, December 8, 2005
D-1 Aria, confirmed
Zappa: MALICE!
My moron of a little brother took one of the dogs out, and like the moron he is, let go of her leash. So guess who had to chase her down around the block with no shoes of jacket.
Sadako-chan: Don't look at me...||.>
Zappa: Yeah, fair. My brother stood there and cried, rather than trying to chase the dog himself. Horray for bullshit!

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I'm currently working on a RahXephon wallpaper. I wish I could produce something more interesting to say. Most of the day my mind was blank, or was spend talking to Wuffers, who suddenly logged off. People around here have been having power issues, so, I assume that's the case.
If you see me on, talk to me, most of the time I'm bored, and forget I could be watching Rah or Bleach.
I'm pretty lonly too, but only a select two could remedy that. Dammed this intermittent single withdrawls.
How well do you know anime?
Name the blond, spikey-haired main character from the fighting anime.

~Zappa | |
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Zappa: I'm home agian. I've ordered all the replacement parts for my PS2, but I'm still upset that I just get paid 320$, and I'm instnatly down to 80$. And I still have necessary expences [i.e. food and gas]
Sadako-chan: Maybe the parts will arrive before you need t oreturn the games ||.^
Zappa: There's a chance.
Well, I'm going to be GM in the next roleplay me and my friends do. I was thinking about the "world map" today, then suddenly thought, after a succession of lesser important thoughts, how do scientitsts know that the center of the earth is molten rock? How would that keep it's form and not just flow out. And it tectonic plate movement is caused by magma slipping into the surface, wouldn't that mean that the Earth is very slowly growing larger? I don't know what brought this about, but... kinda interesting when all you know is what the shcool textbooks provide.
Going to work is so troublesome. It makes my posts and short and boring. I guess I'll get in some RahXephon before work.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
Well, uneventful at work, as usual. As soon as I handle other matters online, like checking the RNC boards, checking everyone's journals, checking the daily webcomics.
I had an awesome idea on the Clan boards, and ONE person, said it was bad, so that means the entire plan is wasted. I hope they have a better idea on how to identify us in public.
There's also a lesser post below this one.

~Zappa | |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Pointless unformulated post caused by boredom at work...
 | Yeah... just some plans I have for MyO.
iPod wallpapers for Millia Rage and RahXephon.
iPod WP's are fun v'v I don't care if they're passe.
New Avatar featuring Quon.
Daily "How well do you know anime" questions.
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Angst - By Calvin Klien
Zappa: I'm so pissed. My PS2 has a broken disc tray ribbon. That's the thing that lets it READ the games. If it's busted, I can't even play domestic games. I have no PS2, which means I can't play Guitar Heros, or either of the 2 games I rented today, Soul Calibur 3 was one.
Sadako-chan: Horray for throwing away 80 dollars.
Zappa: I've no idea how much I'll have to put out for replacement parts, as the fan cable broke was it was being dissembeled. Completely unprovoked. Only upside was, I get AMV hell 1, 2, 3, and 0. Plus Sethos called me.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
4 days till I get to see Seth, Sethos, and Lemony Slash

~Zappa | |
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Abandonment complex
Comments (5) |
Sunday, December 4, 2005
Zappa: For the first to hours of the day, I slept with the light, TV, Gamecube, music, clothes, and headphones still on. I just passed out with them still on. And insomnia has struck me, when I have to work at 8 today.
I'm still up from earlier. I'm too bored to go to sleep, so I'm roaming about the Rave Ninja Clan boards. Why don't you guys check out the site and the boards. Just because it's titled for the Rave Ninja Clan, doesn't mean that you're not welcome there. All are welcome. You can post about the games you play, or hawt yaoi/shonen ai pics, or your manga that you're working on.
Join us v'v <--Link here.
Sadako-chan: I won't kill you if you do join.
Zappa: Great way to attract people. You just threatened to kill them if they don't. Now they won't. Jerk...
Home from work and boredom has set in. I'm about to start working on the repair of my Millia gloves, then badge designs for the Rave Ninjas.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I repaired the gloves. Then took a huge nap, sprawled across my backless chair, and my bed. My "mom" woke me about 6ish, wondering if it was uncomfortable. My alarm went off a 7:15. Which explains why it didn't get me up at 7:15 this morning.
I was late to work, because it didn't go off. I still opened the store on time, but I was late.
I got the obligitory male and female rave ninjas drawn for the badge idea. I probally ought to color them, but... I'll leave that to the voting.
Please people, join the boards. Everyone is welcome, even if you don't comprehend what's going on with the official rave business. There's threads for anime and music, and just plain-ass random shit!

~Zappa | |
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