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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Comments (6) |
Friday, December 2, 2005
 | Contest!
Requesting text to enter.
Must be iPOD/Neji related.

Current idea is
Game over | |
Comments (6) |
Zappa: I don't know what it is about today, but suddenly I feel really unmotivated to do ANYTHING. I don't wanna play Naruto or Guitar Hero. Don't really fell like chatting either. Today just seems like a huge let down, before it's even started.
Speaking of starting, I REALLY need to get started on the costumes. I end up picking up a controller rather than working on Millia or D.Neji. Maybe things will be better later, after sleep. But I don't feel the least bit tired.
Sadako-chan: Awww... sleep always solves boredom
I've been playing Guitar Hero for a bit, and probally what's distracting me is Ushicon, Mint, and everyone I've met. I suppose if I had been aware of being thankful for something back at Thanksgiving, it would be Mint, for without her, I wouldn't have met all the friends I have now, and I'd probally be an unknown, and bored at this next Ushicon.
On another note, my PS2 is messing up. It has a hard time loading Guitar Hero, and any other non-official Playstation disc. Maybe Mike can fix it.
Sadako-chan: So, watcha gettin me for Christmas
Zappa: How about I not exorcise you? That's just selfish...
Sadako-chan: Kowaii...

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
Zappa: I had a great thought for my Neji this year. Not Dark Neji, but the regular one. Kekeke...
What do you think of the new wallpapers? Also, I will be having a contest for my lastest wallpaper. Once I get the base up, I will announce the rules, and what I'm looking for.
My plans for the evening after work consist of finishing the current tier of Guitar Hero [1 song] then assembling Okaa-chan's and onei-chans' presents. If time remains for the evening, then I'll work on my Millia gloves. One needs repair, then renforce them both.
*edit* Dexterity destryoed. My fingers nearly bled from assembly. And broke 2 fingernails too. YES I CARE ABOUT MY FINGERNAILS!!!
Ze yoink from LJ user Gaara_Shinobi
A- Age you lost your virginity? Does not compute
B-Birthday? 11-07-84
C- Dream Car? Something better than mine
D- Dads name? Don't know, don't care
E- Easiest person to make you laugh? DeusProgrammer
F- Food you eat most? Sammiches
G- Any encounter with ghosts? Not to my knowledge
H- Hungry? No
I- Interesting fact people don't know about you? My biological father tried to kill me before I was a year old. Still question why I hate my family?
J- Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? No
K- Kissing with eyes open or closed? Depends on what kind of kiss
L- Last time you did something "bad"? 2 months ago. Stole an access code for Deus's WOW
M- Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute? First kiss with Alex at Akon
N- Nicknames? Zappa, Jeebs, Neji
O- Whats your most valued possession? The cat necklace and plushe Alex gave me
P- Person you last talked to on the phone? Sethos
Q- Quote that you feel represents you right now? "These bonds I have...won't go away"
R- What are you allergic to? Brand name SPAM
S- Song you last sang out loud? Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
T- Time you woke up? 2:03
U- U like to sing soft or loud? Soft
V- Vegetable you hate most? Olives
W- What are you most afraid of? Being abandoned or forgotten
X- X-rated love life? Doesn't not exist
Y- yellow card or green day? Black Mages... take THAT color/band question.
Z- Zodiac Sign? Scorpio
Bridget is here, cuz he comes alphabetically after Baiken. Chipp is next Monday.

~Zappa | |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, December 1, 2005
 | T=11:15
Zappa: MINT AND LEVI GOT NARUTO 4 BEFORE ME!!!. It's only 8:16, but I've yet to recieve mine, and I pre-ordered if 2 weeks before releases. It was shipped 4 days before they ordered it.
Sadako-chan: HATE
Zappa: 13 ranks of hate. I want mine now. Not at 2pm when the mail comes. Not at 11am when UPS/FedEx would arrive. This very minute at 8:18.
Who likes the new stuff? The vid [compliments of Metal-Inuyasha who had it posted], the quiz result [compliments of ALphonse13, who I saw took it] and my 3 new artwork, [which is compliments of me v'v]
Levi, if you let the video load, Anko-sama is in it. Start drooling...
*counts down*
10:36 - I tried going back to sleep, cuz I have no business being up at 8am. I coudn't. I kept having curious thoughts about Alex, like; What will she look like when I see her agian? Will she be taller than me by then? Will she still wanna be with me in 3 years? Is her mom going to be with her at that point? How will she react when she sees me? How will I react?
Then I started analyzing. I hate being single. I seriously hate it, and I'm sure everyone knows that by now. But the clincher is, I already have the female companionship and support that comes with having a girlfriend. Matter of fact, I get it from several people. The only thing I'm lacking would be the physical contact (i.e. cuddling and kissing) that comes with it. I can't just suddenly turn to Seth or Tori and start being cuddly for no reason. Well, I probally could, but it would still be awkward. As it stands, I hate being single, but, things are okay the way they are now. Having a girlfriend would be nice though v'v

HOLY SHIT!!! Anko-sensei eats your bandwidth!
I was takin a shower, and found myself staring at my brother's shampoo bottle. "No tears" it says. So, if I'm crying, I throw some in my eyes, and I stop? Did getting shampoo in your eye ever really make you start crying anyway?
So, on my day off today, I have to go in for someone sick. When do I call in sick? Have you ever heard of me calling in sick, or even complaining that I'm sick. I'm not critisizing anyone else for doing so, but it's just that I'm not "allowed". Cuz then my "mom"/manager will cry and bitch that she can't ever call in. Behold all that is blatant bullshit. She plays sick, and I have to go in for her. She doesn't do that anymore, because she knows I'll bitch her out for it, and she knows I know she's faking sick to begin with.
I'm off... be back later.
I got home from work at 4:30ish. Sethos called me at work v'v That made things a little better. She called me at 5ish from school, and saved me from watching some boring training video for work. Some gift/reward card thing BS. I sat and watched the Rudolph special with my mom, and my brother didn't shut up for more than 2 minutes at a time. And it wasn't singing along, so it wasn't okay. They're yelling at eachother, so I'm escaping to my room to play more Guitar Hero and brood over not having Fishcake 4 YET. It's only 8, and I'm so tired. I need food.
10:27 and boredom has set in heavily. I think this post is finally through.
By request of Anubis, this image is not resized.
and thank you for posting Kanu-chan

~Zappa | |
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
 | T=11:15
Zappa: *yawn* Another boring day. Woke up at 2, rather than 3.
Sadako-chan: Without an alarm clock.
Zappa: Yeah, Sethos didn't call.
Something about... lunch in the library. She called me at work and talked to me about it.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
Really, I can't even think of something to just waste your time on. Maybe cuz Guitar Hero is consuming my thoughts. There should be a sequel, with more modern, popular stuff. Some KoRn or Slipknot. Definately Iron Maiden! Kris is the only one I know who might have the game. I don't recall if he bought it or not, but I hope to jam with him if he did.
And I'm still waiting for Naruto 4. This is taking too long... 7 - 20 days. We're on day 12.
Anubis and Mint may visit before Christmas. Any of you guys from Austin are welcome to visit me, but give me some notice, so I can clean up and get the time off.
Also... someone teach me REAL ParaPara... I wish to expand my raving repitoir.
Yesterday's Winners for knowing me:
Tori, Sethos, Kayoubi
I can't really think of anything else, so I won't be asking anymore.
Behold my quiz result and 3 new wallpapers!

~Zappa | |
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
 | T=
Zappa: I'm bored at work once more. This job is only troublesome in that I have to deal with stupid and rude people for several hours, five days a week. I don't mind cleaning the store... but... I wish there was more do to between customers... or at least more, polite costumers.
I talked to Connery for about 4 hours last night, and left for home half an hour later. She's cool... wait no... I need points... she's uber-cool! My friends dragged me away from our conversation to watch The Boondocks. It's friggin awesome. Mike found it unnecessary for Zatoichi to stab the ninja in the eye. I had to explain, "He's blind. Consider the skill it takes to pinpoint that small a target when you're blind." Then he found it to be awesome and unnecessary.
I also made a Sadako sticker for my lappy!
Sadako-chan: Haha, your lappy has SadakoWare!
Zappa: Yeah... now it takes 7 days to download ANYTHING! It's a cute sticker though. Maybe, if I'm not feeling lazy, I'll take a pic of it once I cut it out.
Sometime after I got to work today, I suddenly started signing to myself Black Hole Sun. I'm suprised I knew all the lyrics in order. Usually I slip on the order of things, unless I listen to the song several times daily.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
And Sethos called me at work, from her cell phone. She got it back!!! My alarm clock is back!!!
And I was thinkin about con stuff, like how I can't find any dammed buckles for my Millia shirt. I can work on the gloves though. I probally should.
I also realized, every con I've been to, I had a new costume.
Ushicon3- Zappa
Ushicon4- Sadako
Akon16- Neji
Onicon2- Millia
Ushicon5- Dark Neji. I call it dark, cuz it's gonna be all black. I can't call it Rave Neji, cuz then it would be regular colors with glowies and such on it.
ShioKaze- Time jump Neji... hopefully.
And I decided on my new costume for Akon, if I can save up to AFFORD it. The Akabane Project will commence. Hopefully I can get Mark to make my scapels...but I think spray painting some plastic knives would be more efficient, and less troublesome on other people.
If anyone's interested, the only things I could possibly want for Christmas, at this point and time, are a new set of earrings [studs or hoops, don't care which, whatever you feel suits me], and a Sadako plushee. You'd have to hand make that...
Really, I don't care what I get from my friends, because they know what I like, I'll be happy with what they get me.
I said some really nice things to my okaa-chan the other day, and it made her cry. So yesterday, she kicked my ass with good news regarding Alex.
Hey girls, now that we have a time span, I need a date to take off from work.
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
What was my first cosplay? C'mon... guess...
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Yesterday's answer - Mint
Sunday's answer - Pink
-Winners - Yojimbo Sakura, Kawaii Seth
I pity Bridget... he takes a lot of abuse on 4chan...

~Zappa | |
Comments (9) |
Monday, November 28, 2005
 | T=11:15
Zappa: I'm chillin at the Mike and Jenny's. I didn't pre-calcluate my post this time, cuz... well... I was distracted. I like Sundays. I don't have to be home, and I have some sence of freedom.
Sadako-chan: Speaking of freedom, why did you tie glowsticks to your leash?
Zappa: Cuz no one takes me around on it, so it's only good for raving. Alex was the last one...
Zappa and Sadako*nostalgic sigh*
Zappa: Moving on. Once agian, I went somewhere to do one particular thing, and ended up doing something completely different. Today I went to Hollywood Video/Game Crazy to rent Soul Calibur 3, and I ended up buying Guitar Hero, which is hella fun and very addictive

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I spent most of the daylight playing that. Afterward, I got chattin with people. Danzikumaru showed me some new AMVs and a new song. And now I'm trying to watch some game footage of Fishcake4. I'm hoping it comes today [Monday]. Anyway, Fire-fucks said it was going to consume 97% of my computer's active process... and went into Uber-Lag mode. Feh... teach you to lag on me.
And I'm working on a sticker for my laptop. It's Sadako's kawaii face, with some japanese around her, and in a word bubble, I have saying [after modification] " C:\>run Sadako.exe " ||.^
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
Who gave me the name "ZappaSlave"?
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Well, nothing left for the evening but to consume time, space, food, drink, and wait for the replay of The Boondocks, with a cameo of Zato Ichi.
Not the GG character, for those of you who know.
Poor kid...

~Zappa | |
Comments (7) |
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Holy Zen!
 | Hey everyone... check your comments... I think the comment server is broken since about 2am [US Cen/ST time zone] | |
Comments (1) |
 | T=11:18
Zappa: I've decided I'm going to try and Notepad the events of the day, or the significant thoughts of the day, so it's so much easier to actually have content on my posts. You guy take the time to visit, so why not give you something significant to read, besides looking foreward to what pic I'm posting for the day.
By the way, Bridget starts Monday... ph34r...
Sadako-chan: I wanna see mommy...
Zappa: You shut up! My mom lives on the other side of town, so you sit there and deal.
Sadako-chan: Okaa-chan...
Zappa: *glare* Nee-chan...
Anyway, I worked this morning, and since it was raining nicely [ridiculus downpour], I decided to sit outside and listen to one song. That song happened to be Vitimin R (Leading Us Along) by Chevelle, randomly picked from my lappy. I sat out there, and my mind wandered over this idea, random images of the girls in my life [Alex, Seth, Tori, and Sethos], and ze X-mas. Ironically, when I went back inside, what happened to be playing on the radio?
Vitamin R.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I finished Texhnolyze. Made no dammed sence. I got it... but it made no sence. It was well done and all, but it made no sence.
So we move on to the cryptic mecha anime, with l33t acoustic death v'v
The Black Mages version of J-E-N-O-V-A is very ravable.
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
What's my favorite color, that doens't seem like me?
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Yeah, you'll notice an interesting format here... like talking to Sadako and her eating of your bandwitdh. I'm gonna try to make that regular, cuz it's fun and silly. Like me, ne? I kinda... uhm... used my Simulacrum no jutsu on metal-inuyasha only, he talks with Scar.
Some remixes are much better than the original. Like the Black Mages and AC version of J-E-N-O-V-A, and the AC version of One Winged Angel. Screw you, guitars make everything better. Ever seen a ninja wail on a guitar? Nuff said.
I went to Hobby Lobby to find/get regular belt buckles. I ended up leaving with my Christmas presents for Seth, Tori, and Sethos.
Speaking of Christmas, Seth, I need a confirmation on Alex's address...
Seth... you really think she and I...
I hope so.
Alot of you seem to think I don't have the capacity to kill. Everyone does, it's just some peoples' are harder to trip than others. Mine are easy, but the conditions are extremely rare. I have a voilent nature, that I've yet to have to unleash, so... the world, and myself, are lucky.
Other than some interent drama, and my dammed Fishcake4 game not showing up, I think the days events were over at 8pm.
Oh... and my Wallpapers are approved. Judge them now!
Baiken finale

~Zappa | |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, November 26, 2005
*snore* Mindless posting
 | T=11:06
God dammit, everyones' parents are making me stabby.
Horray for the ever-growing otaku populus!
Because we have to put up with horrible parenting and bad treatment, we can make it a point to not treat our children this way, and further embrace the way of the otaku, and our future children.
I'm working on the last episodes of Texhnolyze. Pretty confusing... but I think I get it as it progresses.
Really, this is all I'm posting today, to see what, if any, comments I get.
Yoinked from alphonse13
I committed suicide:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I liked someone you didnt:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
Who are you?
Are we friends?
When and how did we meet?
What do you think of me?
What's the fondest memory you
have of me?
How long do you think we will be
friends or enemies?
Do you love me?
Have I ever hurt you?
Would you hug me?
Would you kiss me?
Are we close?
On a scale of 1-10, how
attractive am I?
Give me a nickname and explain
why you picked it.
How long have you known me?
Describe me in one word.
What was your first impression?
Do you still think that way about me now?
What do you think my weakness is?
Do you think I'll get married (if yes to who)?
What reminds you of me?
What's something you would change about me?
How well do you know me?
Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
If so tell me now?
Do you think I would kill someone?
Are you going to put this on your otaku sitez and see what I say about you??
And I submitted about 6 wallpapers... keep an eye out.

~Zappa | |
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