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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Slashy pants v'v
 | T=6:56
No news today. Bored at work, so we're listening to the new live Slpknot album.
Talked to Sethos-onei-chan on the phone for a bit, but nothing eventful otherwise.
Oh, and I have a quote, for my personality.
"Boku wa boku no kato ga shiritai" = "I want to know about myself"
~Maaya Sakamoto: last lyric of Hemisphere
Sethos- Sorry I had to hang up. I had a huge line, and the phone was dyeing. Gomen~
Today's Anji pic.

~Zappa | |
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Monday, November 7, 2005
Due to unforseen complications...
 | T=8:56
Status=Energy through angry music
Zappa will not be posting today. We are doing our best to recitfy the situation...
Well, I've been out to dinner, my parents offered to get me a kitten, I got the new live Slipknot album, pocky, mints, a free rental, and uhm... brithday wishes.
I'd like to thank all the peoples who sent me birthday wishes:
Danzig & Kimba
The Akon board authroities
Kuu [teh Hinata from Onicon]
Mike and Jenny
Lemony Slash
That's everyone so far. I'll update the list after midnight when and if people add to the list.
Speaking of Kuu, she drew me a present:
And with Monday comes Anji pics.

~Zappa... now 21 years in this lonly planet... | |
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
With nothing to gain... here's the clincher.
 | T=6:12p
Status: Depression[?] through boredom.
Location: At work
I'm somewhat dreading tomorrow. If you don't know what it is by now, then too bad for you. Anyway, after tomorrow, if not sooner, I'm expecting my "parents" lazyness to kick into overdrive. I'm sure they're bound to send me off to pick up some sort of alcohol more often than necessary, which in my opinion is once. In addition, I'm sure they'll want more money from me. As far non-"parental" issues go with my upcoming age, I'M sure society will further look down on me for (choosing/not being able) to grow up. Well fuck you society, see if I give half a shit what you think. I am who I am, and the important people in my life accept me for who I am, and untill I become a burden on those people, I will remain this way!
Being 21 also puts another year between Alex and myself...
Moving on to LESSER whininess. I hung out with Mike last night, and we talked about this game he's working on. He's asked me to do all the art and such, and was asking for advice on how to transtion event A to event B. And being that I'm helping with the project, I get to pretty much impliment part of my persona into one of the charaters. It's supposed to be some sort of mecha related RPG/Strategy game, and my "character's" mecha will be music oriented, a raver gundam if you will. And not that this is of any real importance, one of my mech's techniques will pay omage[sp?] to the fastest free-hander I know, Phlinx. And so the technique, "Phlinxus" is born. I just need his permission to do so. :b
Speaking of Alex though, once I get home, I'll be reconstructing her MyO page, but with so much awesome, it exceedes your daily recomended allowance of awesome by 600%!!!
Being at work is going to make posting my daily image a little difficult, but I'll see what I can do. I'm good at figuring out how to work around a touch-screen computer with no right-click capiblibties.
 | |
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
 | T=7:29
{yanked from Danzig-sensei's LJ}
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want- good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or moritified) about what people remember about you.
Alternatively, 3 of my pictures have been approved by the system, along with my wallpaper.
I'm not getting any positive feedback on either...
Wallpaper | |
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Zero system; activated
 | T=7:01p
Shit, it suddenly got cold in my house... Dammed temperature took priority...
First point I wanna make, is; when I talk about "the family" I'm refering to the following people:
This is my family, yo. Deal with it. But most situations I mention will only include Tori, Seth, and Sethos, as they live close to me, and are within calling range, and such...
Anyway, point number 2, is I've recieved 2 more emails from Alex, and she does miss the family, also Yugi... 0'o
...moving on...
I may be moving to the other side of SA within the next few weeks. That will put me closer to Seth et al for visiting and hanging out. Woot! Plus it's going to be cheaper than living at home. Double woot!
Yeah, a few good things as of late. My karma is coming back to me finally v'v
Well, cuz I'm bored, and feel like spreading the greatness of Guilty Gear, I'm going to do something that Psycho Chaos Ninja did, and post one character a week, from Guilty Gear. I'll post the alphabetically, which makes it work out that each character will start thier week on Monday.
Because ABA is currently the "newest" character to the series, there is a lack of offical pictures, so she will finish off this week.
Enjoy yo!

Oh yeah, I'm 21 in 2 days. Yay? | |
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
*blink* fucking *blink*
 | T=12:06a
Status= OS* Bar=100%
Yup, life is pretty boring as usual. I was somewhat in the mood to tell everyone what I've been doing since Onicon. Nothing much really; sleep, food, work, games...
Other than last night, going to my friend's house and scanning some of my drawings, nothing of importance had happened.
But things get interesting!
Last Thrusday at work, I was dwelling on all that has made me sad or upset... < exageration> all three-hundred-and-fourty-six point twenty-two of them... < /exageration>
One of which was the situation with Alex. For a few minutes, I was in instand kill mode, and considered just driving over to her house and confronting her mom... and at least apologizing to Alex.
I decided to use my alternate email to apologize, instead. I figure she's as mischivous as I can be, and send my letter of apology to both her email, from my alternate. I wasn't particularly expecting a reply, but checked occasionally just in case.
So moving on to today, I got bored and found an oppurtunity to check my messages and such... starting with MyO, then LJ, Ushicon boards, hotmail, then my ISP, my alternate email.
Usually I get nothing but junk, so I was just gonna trash it all...
She replied.
Recieved at 11:00pm Nov 1, 2005. it's ok hun ;.; and i do miss you and i will keep missing you for a long time....well i got to it's 11:08pm and i need to get to bed night night.
I'd felt guilty for ruining her life for so long. I worried that she hated me.
Fogiveness and longing.
I don't even have words to comprehend what this means.
I won't bore you anymore. But, do expect to see my drawings uploaded soon.
Sadly, the Millia Rage wp I has submitted under NejiSlave128 won't be approved by the system under this account. Meh, my Zappa wp owns. Rate it yo!
* OS means Oh Shit! | |
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Re-death and Re-brith
 | T=1:40a
And so it was done. NejiSlave128 is no more. ZappaSlave = yes.
Now, a lot of you, probally EVERYONE, has been wondering, "Why the fuck are you doing this." Here's why:
My buddeh SDBigBoss made a point on his Oni-con report, that he doesn't know what to call me anymore, Zappa or Neji. There was a time where my friends in Austin did call me Neji, but it swiftly passed with A-kon. Upon my boredom-caused reflecting, I realized that my MyO account was the ONLY place, aside from my email, that didn't use the screen name Zappa Slave.
Ushicon BBS=Zappa_Slave
Onicon BBS=Zappa_Slave
A-Kon BBS=Zappa_Slave
Cosplay Lab=Zappa Slave
Cosplay.com=Zappa Slave
Final Fantasy 11=Zappa Slave
Hotmail/MSN messenger=Jeebsthethief@hotmail.com
My email is several years old, so there's no point in altering that, as it was my given nick-name at the time. This iswas the only place using a name other than Zappa Slave.
And so, things altered. Once my Wallpapers are re-/approved, my layout will be finished.
As for those of you who WERE in the Kawaii Sadako fanclub... that's being reworked. I'll get to that today or tomorrow. I'll just rework the club from the ground up, and anyone who want's in, is welcome to join.
To Sigizi and CP, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by assuming I'm still in your clubs.
Sigizi, you'll have to make me a new button for your page to link to me. | |
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