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Sunday, October 1, 2006
 | We're sorry, the Zappa you are trying to IM is not available. Today is "bear down and make some FUKKIN cosplay progress" Day. Call or text message me if necessary.
I may miss the call due to headphones.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Zappa: H'okay, so as far as the car thing went, it SHOULD (this being 90%) be drivable by Friday.
Monday morning, I sent okaa-chan a text message of "*huggles*" Around noonish, I get my manager calling and okaa-chan replying to my text at the same time. So, as I'm checking my cell, my co-worker says, "It's your mom." Given the situation, I reply... reluctant to refer to my manager as 'mom', "Which one?". It was a gewd laugh for me.
I got my hair dyed, so it's back to total black.
I've resloved to taking my half-brother to San Japan. I guess this makes my first comissioned cosplay too, although I'm not being paid for it. And he's not asking for it. It's a delayed birthday present.
I talked to Setoek... the conversation took a turn for the emotionally unsafe... so I cut it off with the "I have to go to bed."
Which I legitamately do, but talking about that would have ended 2 ways.
1] We're both depressed and on the brink of crying (if not already). Odds: 95%
2] We're back together. Odds: less than 5%
But... then what about that piece between the 95 and the < 5? Who the hell knows... strange shit happens to me.
And Deus and I saw Fearless, Jet Li's last movie. It was good.
I need to get the pictures from conventions past developed. They've sat there since ShioKaze... to bloody hell with my laziness... I gotta fix that soon...
To bed with us. Say goodnight Sada-chan.
Sadako: 'Night.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Boring boring week... just... nothing happened since... posting last. I made cosplay progress, that's pretty much it.
Tomorrow, I go to harass that guy who towed my car. I hope that goes somewhere positive.
Furthermore, shopping for... makeup. Oh...the awkwardness. I hope to remember to get my contact persc. filled too.
A final note... this tree is AWESOME
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
I'm feeling violent.
Bad shit needs to quit happening to good people.
My mom can't go to Onicon cuz of school stuff. On a SATURDAY! Your typical "school is important" rules don't apply when you made VERY VERY important plans several MONTHS in advance.
I made a new pictuar. the worst part was the pain in my hand. No my chest, like so many suspected.
Clicky here, so I don't make your pages mess up.
Also note: My roomates, MarzGurl and Kirby O (MarzGurl Productions) have left for Japan. I wish them safety.
I'll be bored and lonly for a week.
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Zappa: ph34r n07, for I am alive still!
Kay, so my current situation is as follows:
I'm MOSTLY bored 80% of the time I'm home.
I've discontinued my BESM D20 roleplay. I'm inconsistent, too many holes in the information, and I can't string badass idea 2 to badass idea 3, 4, or 5.
Kaylyn's BESM D6 campaign however,rocks beyond the usual awesome. HOWEVER, Deus's uninterest in the thing, or typical state of boredom at conventions, left him distracted, and thus distracting the rest of us with ARGUING with him. ...or maybe it was my one-upping him. He 'bragged', "I have an entrouge of lolis following me." (his character of course). My response, for my character was, "I said 'Hi' and got 2 fangirls, OUT OF COSPLAY!". I predict this campaign will leave me feeling lonly and empty inside in the end.
I'm 6 quests from completing Legend of Mana.
I have everything (I believe) to finish all my costumes. It's all a matter of working on them, which will start soon.
I'm REALLY friggin thirsty.
Phoenix Wright is awesome. Objection Danzig!
There's some stupid complications with the apartment, and it falls on the former roomates. They're stupid... and need to here tomorrow, or there will be greater cleaving.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Last few days of work, proir to Friday were just stupid.
I should never have to work THAT hard under THOSE stressfull conditions.
If I have to do it agian, that's my 2 weeks notice.
Leading us along... I haven't worked on cosplays, AGIAN! I need a ride to get the rest of my stuff for Zappa.
I'm bored and lonly (in the romantic sence).
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
HorrorClix, yo
Sadako: Zappa played a new game called HorrorClix. It's relatively new, so there aren't many options for monsters and stuff... but he spent A LOT on having a variety of pawns.
He likes the Slasher type. They hit for lots of damage, and they get a LOT stronger right before death.
Too bad there's no pawn for me. I'd be a legendary character!
Zappa: Andrew and I were playing with Deus, and cuz of his poor dice rolls, and my superior strategy, he dropped out in anger. Of course, it was 2 turns later that I wiped Andrew off the board with my superior rapeyness of people with knives, scythes, and chainsaws.
Other than that... life is pretty ... slow... boring... it's becoming the same day-to-day boredom that I was getting at the 'parents' '
Andy will play teh HorrorClix game with me tomorrow. More people rapings. ...or Zombies rather.
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Ya see... all thoughout the day, I had something to day... now I don't.
I remember this morning being very musical. I woke up INSTANTLY singing the latest Bleach Intro (Tonight Tonight Tonight by the Beat Crusaders). On the way to work, I saw a guy behind me clapping his hand... probaly to gospel, and some dood rhyming to himself waiting for the bus.
Work yesterday made me want to quit and die.
I guess dieing is quitting. It just sucked miserably.
Today was kind of... meh.... nothing special on either end of the specturm... though my 'dad' is supposed to be confronting the towing company, with my car, showing him the damages.
I'm really fed up with this car scenario. Not a chapter in my life I enjoy. Just plz to give my car back in driving condition.
Listening to Sevendust's Angel's Son... I have another theory just behind the title alone. If Zappa = Angels son, then, Seth = angel.
(the song has depressing origins)
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
Sadako: Sorry, no Zappa today, only Sadako!
This whole car situation is really too much stress on Zappa. He knows he needs to do something, people tell him he needs to do something, but it's in his nature to just take what happens, and adapt to whatever changes in his life it may force or remove.
I would do something, but I'm nothing but a manifistation of his fandom in order to keep him from a] going crazy from lonliness, and b] make him seem more interesting that he feels he is.
He appriceates the people who put up with this, and allow him to be this way... but he worries about the people who think he needs to grow up, or don't get it, or think it's just stupid.
Well... if you think it's stupid, then frankly, fuck you. I'm sure that you (those who find this stupid, if any) have your mannerisms that are half as amusing and twice as truly idiodic.
Now, we don't think that anyone feels this way, but you never know who will come strolling along and read, and say "Who's this kid? And why does he act like that Ring girl is his imaginary friend? What a fucking moron/loser."
But this in itself is unnecessary meta-thinking.
Leading us back to the events of the day. Another day of work at 5:30. Some preperations were made on the D20 campaign Zappa will be GM'ing this Sunday (and subsequent Sundays untill the end or people grow totally bored). He needs to plan the plot and dialouge itself a little more.
He finally made some progress on Millia, while I got some chat time in with Miss Wuffers and the evening AIM session. All the while, he rediscovered the awesomeness that is/was Sevendust.
Let's just see if anything noteworthy happens tomorrow.
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