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Monday, September 4, 2006

My 'daily' post went on MySpace... I actually posted a blog. It's not public though... It is now... you're welcome to read... if it'll allow it...

Not often do I talk about how I feel...

It's kind of something I do want people to read... but... at the same time... I worry what they say/think/do afterward.

And so, FATE is left to judge...

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Sunday, September 3, 2006

Kay, MyOtaku is working...
At the top of the page, where an ad usually is...

" Otaku Loves You :-) "

What the hell?

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Song= Cage - Dir en Grey

One must atone before being given forgiven.
Thus is my atonement for the span of 9-2 to 9-3:
9-2, 9pm : Car towed
9-3, 7:25am : Car missing
" , 7:45am : Car reported stolen
" , 8:20 : Car update; reported towed
" , 11:10 : Power outage.
" , 2:50 : Car update; cost to redeem- $325
" , 4:10 : Cost talked down to $150
" , 4:15 : Set apointment to retrieve car at 6:15
" , 6:15 : Impounder not arrived
" , 7:25 : Impounder recieves messages finally
" , 7:45 : Impounder arrives. Pay fine and retrieve car
" , 7:50 : Leave impound lot. Car is sliding while driving 'straight'
" , 8:15 : Arrive at parents. Inspect car. Back-left tire bent outward 5-10 degrees. Back right tire bent inward. Report car damaged to impounder. Denies possibliity his company damaged the tires.

Thus I am carless, and penniless (mostly). One must atone before being forgiven.

Worry not, this will not be taken idly. If resolution is not found, they will find themselves in court. This is putting me out of a car, and inconviencing others in order for me to continue working.

I see why I struggle so hard for a significant other... someone to comfort me in these moments of extreme duress...


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Saturday, September 2, 2006

My car got towed... fucking gay... -'-

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Song= no, agian

Have I mentioned I despise getting up at 5am for work?
I have now. Seriously... I mean... I didn't have to count MUCH but the idea of getting up that early... so annoying.

There's an idea running though my head that I'm seriously. Of the 2 people I told about it... they truly feel that I should to a different direction with it. Unfortunately, of the two, neither went specifically in the same direction. Still positive, but in different manners/aspects.

Honestly though... the Rune of Punishment... atonement and forgiveness...
Not correlating to bad luck... though the concept... fails to correlate as well...
The Soul Eater ... feeding on the souls of loved ones... losing loved ones... breaking up... fits, though in a different aspect...


*ponders* What would suit me more... of those two... cuz... at a base level of thinking (which is all I get this late/early) they're the same.
Probally not, if I take the time to analyze the difference, which is not now.
Night yo...


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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Song= no

Zappa: I found a really cool way to make better ramen!

1.Put into bowl of water
2.Let sit 30-60 mins (or untill noodles are HUGE)
3.Pour into pot and boil
4.Let boil untill threatening to overflow
5.Mix flavoring
7.Profit Enjoy

Sadako: Zappa's manager says that he'll be missing home after two weeks.
We find this to be total bullshit.


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Saturday, August 26, 2006


Song= Bloodstained Lineage - Daisuke Ishiwatari

I'm finally out of the landlords' house. Deus and I are totally settled in save for a few forgotten items, and an immideate need for food.
Kaylyn's out till Sunday (we don't know preciesly what time) and Andrew's at work.

Just me and Deus and we're a little bored.

I'm gonna do laundry, cuz it's right outside my door.



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Thursday, August 24, 2006

3 more days (including today)
Most of clothes packed, models, strat guides, and GC.

I seriously need to get moving to see if I need more boxes. I'll pack my mangas now... or my cd/game cases... I need to get moving.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Song= Get This - Slipknot

Long time no real post.

today, 5 days till I move. I've made notable amount of damage to the contents of my room. Mostly getting things in more of one place as well as cleaning. I'm wondering if I'll even sleep Friday night. You know, excitement and all.

Saturday's party was nice. Though, I realized that A] the shirt I have is too short, as was the last once. I know how to fix that. Just need it long enough to be tucked in and b] the pants are ALL wrong... color, fit, and length. Length was my fault... once agian, I cut them too short... but I worked with elastic for the first time... so troublesome.

Mike and Jenny are mostly all packed, and I've got a couple days work ahead of me.

I found my old magezines. Having no need nor interst in them, I gave them over to my 'dad'. Judge me if you will but... I don't care.

I've been wanting to prepare things for my future BESM rp with Mike, Kaylyn, Andrew, et al.

I think I slept weird... my shoulder hurts in certian positions.

I think I'm done here for now.


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Saturday, August 19, 2006

No real post. Another costumed party... and I dunno what to take. I'm doing a half-assed, rush job for Zappa... but I may not even take that... dunno... Akabane and Sadako are choises... but... I'm torn... *shrugs*

(Leading Us Along) I came to realize something obscure...
Aino Minako... I wonder if this was done on purpose when deciding her last name... Ai no... Love and Of if I'm not mistaken... so translated Minako of Love... 'course, it's not spaced like that... but... I noticed... and now I've shared.

PS. Arigatou May onee-chan! *huggles v'v*

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