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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Sadako: Goodness... I think Zappa has a legitamate post today!
Zappa: Don't pick on me... I'm still burnt.
Sadako: So, the sun makes you an EMO-kid now?
Zappa: When it renders my flesh seared... yes.. it does.
Sadako: *touches forehead* Oww... okay... that's bad. So, about today?
Zappa: Yes... t'was Tori's birthday party. Her birthday was a couple weeks back, but tonight was the party.
I ended up telling lies beforehand, like:
A] I couldn't GO, cuz I worked Saturday. (I hadn't heard about it till just then, and hadn't been invited yet)
B] I couldn't get Tori a present. (I checked to find I had 20$ more than I thought)
C] I had nothing Egyptian to wear.
--Now this comes as an obscurity. I made a character on Seth/Tori/Lemony's roleplay boards, and drew him. Realizing I had the leftover fabric from Jounin Neji, and only needed a white tee, I got the majority of the personification together. I dont think paint would have stayed on with the steating in my car... and... no bracelets (as they would be my Zappa bracelets).
Nontheless, it required shaving of the legs.
One cut: the knee. Not bad. So... this attire... is rather revealing... I think I show more wearing it than Millia...
Then agian, I wear pantyhose with Millia.
But know what... I felt like I looked good in it, so THERE!
Keri for SURE has pictures... oh... speaking of which...
Yeah, get me those pics.. for... I wanna show it off.
I'll be making it with a better material on a later date... I MIGHT take it to a con or something... of course, only if family is wearing thier stuff to... I don't wanna be TOO obscure.
On the topic of costumes, Danzig suggested I do a default color Millia for Ikkicon? Well, I hope I can do that AND Tir in the span between Oni and Ikki. And what's better, is I'll do the ORIGINAL design from Missing Link. My internet is being a JACKASS, so I may end up shoving my foot in my mouth, depending.
Another obscure idea for a cosplay... when/if I work out the logic. It's more Guilty Gear... and I'd rather leave it to suprise when/if I ever do it.
And finally, I have an idea for the bracelets for Zappa, but I wanna run it by Danzig/Kim first.
Pipecleaners/craft wire-> duct tape-> gold paint. 3 layers. Pipe cleaner is thicker so a few of those wrapped and attached, then wrap it in duct tape, or another tape that can be painted on, and gold paint. Best I can conjure. Sounds good... I'll try it soon, to see if it's pass or fail.
Well... work in 8 hours, so we're off to bed. Night kiddies.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
Concert = RAWK and WIN.
Really though, I only saw Deadsy, Dir En Grey, Stone Sour, and KoRn.
Spent the whole day with mom v'v
Special thankies to Pocky for lending me his ticket to sit closer to see Stone Sour.
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Start times
 | 2:00 - 2:25 Bullets N Octane
2:35 - 3:00 Deadsy
3:10 - 3:35 Bury Your Dead
3:50 - 4:20 10 Years
4:35 - 5:10 Dir En Grey
5:25 - 6:00 Flyleaf
6:20 - 7:05 Stone Sour
7:30 - 8:20 Deftones
9:05 - 10:35 KORN | |
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Progress report:
*-Dynasty Warriors 5
*-*Shu officers: 12/13
*-1 New wallpaper
Most Popular Wallie
New Sadako wallie
New Millia wallie
Each link SHOULD go straight to 1024x768
Family Values today... it's 3:41 am.
As Con puts it "One more sleep"
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
-Video Games
*-Sucked royal ass
*-New Wallpaper. Should be public around 4pm (central) | |
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Nothing but a progress report...
*-Front strip pinned: 3 hours
*-nothing outside what's on my MySpace pic.
-Valkyrie Profile:
*-Started new file: 2:14:50 (hh:mm:ss)
*-Voice collection
*-*Valkyrie 57%
*-*Freya 53% (won't post agian for a while)
*-*Arngrim 62%
*-*Jelanda 36%
*-*Lawfer 3%
-Dynasty Warriors 5
*-Wu Officers complete: 1/8
*-Wei Officers complete: 1/8
*-Shu Officers complete: 11/13
*-Other officers complete: 0/1
-I hate my manager.
*-Thanks for calling me worthless... makes me feel REAL good about myself when you call me at work about shit at home.
Life is boring/suck.
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
It's 5 am.
I'm bored and have NO cable TV... for now anyway.
Televangelists and Faith Healers are amusing.
It's 5am. Do you know where your ninjas are? | |
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Zappa: I think I would post more... if stuff... would happen. You know...cuz life can only be SO boring before you break. And you can only ramble so much untill you get bored, or people get bored of listening.
I haf my ticked to Family Values, but it seems like I'm the only one going... meaning that I'll be the only one in my entrouge. Though it might be that FV will take a 75% suck factor. My landlord (dad) wants to go. I don't want his alcoholic ass ruining my fun by trying to make me 'have fun' his way. If he doesn't have a ticket, then I don't have to fuck with it... so... all the better for me... seriously. If he goes (and I'd have to be his ride) I'm losing him in a crowd really fucking quick.
I grow further concerned about the butterflies as of late. Found 3 in my car after work Sunday.

I found this image on /e/ and it was so adorable I HAD to make it a wallie. Clicking leads to full version.
Speaking of... I've noticed that I'm forced over to people's LJ to comment on some of them (Keri, Levi, and Tommy for sure). Thiers looks all pretty and stuff.. mine's all... blah... Could someone, make it look all nice and spiffy? With a Sadako theme?
Danzig: didn't you say that Kim could do something to this extent? I'll provide all my cute pics of Sadako for useage, if she, or anyone could.
While it's on my mind... I had this idea this morning... a nifty paragraph about Valkyrie Profile and cannon video game couples.
This revolved around Suo and Shiho... and the fact I really really wanna cosplay Suo.
So I inquire... what be your favorite cannon VG couple. Don't just mismatch two random hotties together. Like, actual couples, or people who could very well have something between them.

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Friday, July 28, 2006
Zappa: Hey kiddies...
Uhm... nothing more than scattered thoughts really.
The ridiculus number of butterflies as of late is somewhat frightening. I got in my car after work, to have 3 of them fly out.
I got tipped... with the tip being inside one of those religous phamplets. I had to take the thing... -'-
I hate that my car's fuel guage doesn't display the right amount of gas. All I know is I get 200 miles on a full tank... gotta wait till Monday to get that number.
I paid for my Family Values tickets on Sunday... I haven't gotten them yet. Supposed to get them in the mail.
Working monrings... double-edged sword... I find I'm friendlier to people, as they're nicer, but... I have getting up early/going to bed early.
Kim: Those Silent Hill dreams you have... Is SH the last thing you do before bed? Cuz I've been having Dynasty Warriors dreams, and that's the last thing I do.
>wants girlfriend; provide please<
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
 | I had a post... then I lost it... it was a great and powerfull rant about a radio comercial where a woman said the opposite of blue is purple, and the anouncer said she was correct.
Comercial or not... it pissed me off. | |
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