Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Re-death and Re-brith
 | T=1:40a
And so it was done. NejiSlave128 is no more. ZappaSlave = yes.
Now, a lot of you, probally EVERYONE, has been wondering, "Why the fuck are you doing this." Here's why:
My buddeh SDBigBoss made a point on his Oni-con report, that he doesn't know what to call me anymore, Zappa or Neji. There was a time where my friends in Austin did call me Neji, but it swiftly passed with A-kon. Upon my boredom-caused reflecting, I realized that my MyO account was the ONLY place, aside from my email, that didn't use the screen name Zappa Slave.
Ushicon BBS=Zappa_Slave
Onicon BBS=Zappa_Slave
A-Kon BBS=Zappa_Slave
Cosplay Lab=Zappa Slave
Cosplay.com=Zappa Slave
Final Fantasy 11=Zappa Slave
Hotmail/MSN messenger=Jeebsthethief@hotmail.com
My email is several years old, so there's no point in altering that, as it was my given nick-name at the time. This iswas the only place using a name other than Zappa Slave.
And so, things altered. Once my Wallpapers are re-/approved, my layout will be finished.
As for those of you who WERE in the Kawaii Sadako fanclub... that's being reworked. I'll get to that today or tomorrow. I'll just rework the club from the ground up, and anyone who want's in, is welcome to join.
To Sigizi and CP, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by assuming I'm still in your clubs.
Sigizi, you'll have to make me a new button for your page to link to me. | |
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