Thursday, November 3, 2005
*blink* fucking *blink*
 | T=12:06a
Status= OS* Bar=100%
Yup, life is pretty boring as usual. I was somewhat in the mood to tell everyone what I've been doing since Onicon. Nothing much really; sleep, food, work, games...
Other than last night, going to my friend's house and scanning some of my drawings, nothing of importance had happened.
But things get interesting!
Last Thrusday at work, I was dwelling on all that has made me sad or upset... < exageration> all three-hundred-and-fourty-six point twenty-two of them... < /exageration>
One of which was the situation with Alex. For a few minutes, I was in instand kill mode, and considered just driving over to her house and confronting her mom... and at least apologizing to Alex.
I decided to use my alternate email to apologize, instead. I figure she's as mischivous as I can be, and send my letter of apology to both her email, from my alternate. I wasn't particularly expecting a reply, but checked occasionally just in case.
So moving on to today, I got bored and found an oppurtunity to check my messages and such... starting with MyO, then LJ, Ushicon boards, hotmail, then my ISP, my alternate email.
Usually I get nothing but junk, so I was just gonna trash it all...
She replied.
Recieved at 11:00pm Nov 1, 2005. it's ok hun ;.; and i do miss you and i will keep missing you for a long time....well i got to it's 11:08pm and i need to get to bed night night.
I'd felt guilty for ruining her life for so long. I worried that she hated me.
Fogiveness and longing.
I don't even have words to comprehend what this means.
I won't bore you anymore. But, do expect to see my drawings uploaded soon.
Sadly, the Millia Rage wp I has submitted under NejiSlave128 won't be approved by the system under this account. Meh, my Zappa wp owns. Rate it yo!
* OS means Oh Shit! | |
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