Sunday, November 6, 2005
With nothing to gain... here's the clincher.
 | T=6:12p
Status: Depression[?] through boredom.
Location: At work
I'm somewhat dreading tomorrow. If you don't know what it is by now, then too bad for you. Anyway, after tomorrow, if not sooner, I'm expecting my "parents" lazyness to kick into overdrive. I'm sure they're bound to send me off to pick up some sort of alcohol more often than necessary, which in my opinion is once. In addition, I'm sure they'll want more money from me. As far non-"parental" issues go with my upcoming age, I'M sure society will further look down on me for (choosing/not being able) to grow up. Well fuck you society, see if I give half a shit what you think. I am who I am, and the important people in my life accept me for who I am, and untill I become a burden on those people, I will remain this way!
Being 21 also puts another year between Alex and myself...
Moving on to LESSER whininess. I hung out with Mike last night, and we talked about this game he's working on. He's asked me to do all the art and such, and was asking for advice on how to transtion event A to event B. And being that I'm helping with the project, I get to pretty much impliment part of my persona into one of the charaters. It's supposed to be some sort of mecha related RPG/Strategy game, and my "character's" mecha will be music oriented, a raver gundam if you will. And not that this is of any real importance, one of my mech's techniques will pay omage[sp?] to the fastest free-hander I know, Phlinx. And so the technique, "Phlinxus" is born. I just need his permission to do so. :b
Speaking of Alex though, once I get home, I'll be reconstructing her MyO page, but with so much awesome, it exceedes your daily recomended allowance of awesome by 600%!!!
Being at work is going to make posting my daily image a little difficult, but I'll see what I can do. I'm good at figuring out how to work around a touch-screen computer with no right-click capiblibties.
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